'Stuttering & Anxiety Self Cures' - BOOK REVIEW - Lee Lovett

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Lee Lovett's primary theme in this book is the insistence that the most important factor in overcoming a stutter is two-fold... 1. Give your brain as many fluent memories as possible, and 2. Give your brain as few disfluency memories, or stutter memories as possible.

The way that Lovett approaches this goal of especially "minimizing" the number of stutter memories is primarily through a technique he calls "crutches."

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I used to stutter a lot, but i have cured my stuttering upto like 85% . And my conclusion on how to improve speaking is.
- self confidence
- try to be extrovert ( even though you hate it)
- read alot, expand your vocabulary ( will give you self confidence)
- try to be extremely good at other things, other than speaking ( will create a good perception of you in other people's mind and that will give you self confidence).
- last one is . Face the world, go out, be independent.


I’m going to read this book. I have both stuttering and anxiety, and it creates an endless negative feedback loop. The anxiety causes me to stutter, and then stuttering enhances the anxiety. When I’m at home, just talking to my cat, I speak mostly fine. It’s when I go out into public that I get anxious about my speaking.


You speak so fluently! I never would’ve known you once stuttered. The book is helping me so much already. And I agree with you- as much as stuttering sucks, it IS a blessing! We didn’t choose to struggle with this and honestly it sucks, BUT it is all part of a greater plan! Reading out loud and recording myself doing so has been a game changer. I teach exercise classes and have noticed a difference in my confidence level already. I’m excited to continue working towards the life I deserve 🎉


I found that book earlier this year and joined his WSSA program and I kid you not, I improved my speech in 2-3 months after diligently immersing myself in his methods. That’s more than I can say for nearly a year of speech therapy. Practice, patience and persistence will lead to results.


I'll start doing the Stop Stuttering Workshop again and afterwards do the 30-Day Sprint Program. Thanks for another great video Marcus!


I have stuttered all of my life. I am now 71. In the first part of my life, my stuttering was especially severe. During childhood, I received speech therapy from therapists that were associated with the public school I attended. The therapy did not have any effect. Later, while at college, the college I attended had a hearing and speech dept, that had a clinic that offered speech therapy. I received therapy there for approximately eight months. It improved my speech, but that improvement was only temporary.

By my early 30’s my stuttering was creating problems at work so severe that it endangered my economic survival. To make a long story short, I was suffering from PTSD that had been caused by the stuttering-related experiences I had endured over the years. (I could recount some bullying experiences at school that would make your hair stand on end). Medication HELPED MY STUTTERING A GREAT DEAL. Some of this was a direct effect on my stuttering, and some of this effect was indirect, that is, decreasing my PTSD decreased the severity of my stuttering. I will also say that PTSD must be adequately treated before speech therapy can be effective on stuttering. Given my experience and reading, I suggest first trying Paxil for PTSD. If that does not work, consider Xanax. Do NOT take Clorazepate long-term.

This is advice from someone who “has been there”, and for a long time. No bs.


I downloaded the book early this day and i will read it
Thanks man you doing great work here


Tips to improve stuttering according to the book: 'Stuttering anxiety self-cures: what 100+ pws taught me':
don't hide stuttering. Become comfortable and unashamed to talk about your problem
don't let stuttering prevent you from talking
gain fluency experiences and constantly remind yourself of them to replace the stutter experience
speak immediately to bypass overthinking (i.e. evaluation of a stutter)
reject negative stutter thoughts, i.e. obsessive doubt
use positive affirmations as auto-suggestions both consciously and subconsciously, and silently and in a whispering voice, in every part of the day (placebo effect), i.e. “If I can say ONE word anywhere, anytime, I can say ANY word anywhere, anytime”
constantly visualize yourself performing great
create an anchor that triggers calmness over stress: if you experience a feared letter/situation, then learn the automatic response: 'Calmly breathe, calmly move your mouth'
Think-Visualize-Verbalize-Do: 1. think positive 2. then visualize it 3. then whisper it 4. then do it
both non-stutterers as PWS stutter sometimes. View stuttering as insignificant instead of perceiving it as a problem/disorder (page 234)
learn to hypnotize (and mind-control) yourself (page 244)
skip letters if you are about to repeat a stuttered word (page 309)
don't give up on calmly breathing or moving your mouth no matter for what reason (i.e. fear) (page 317)

Aspects that I don't agree with in this book, are:

"Techniques: Substitute words, Use Pauses, Voice Modulation (be expressive), Talk slower, Talk faster, Talk less" - I disagree, because in my opinion these techniques reinforce the stutter cycle. I advocate for not changing how you speak, no matter what you evaluate or perceive, i.e. anticipatory fear. Techniques immerse you in the evaluation to convince you to stop: breathing or moving tongue, resulting in a speech block. A sidenote, evaluation VS speaking too fast. I don't recommend to speak slower because of anticipation. However, speaking slower because of speaking too fast, is helpful in my opinion.

"You need to eliminate fear to speak fluently." - I disagree, stutterers are already waiting out 'fear' until they feel ready to speak. I advocate for speaking with fear and not letting fear change your decision to apply stutter symptoms, i.e. stop breathing or stop moving one's tongue. I suggest to not set a condition to yourself that you 'first need to feel ready to speak without symptoms'

"Only focus on the message to distract oneself" - I disagree, PWS are already constantly trying to distract themselves while speaking. The negative effect is that PWS don't learn from it if they 'distract' themselves from perception, i.e. anticipatory fear. Don't make 'anticipatory fear' an excuse to not breathe calmly or not move your mouth. Don't set a condition to yourself that you first need to 'distract' yourself from anticipatory fear to choose for calmly breathing or moving one's mouth


Thank u soo much for the free access of ur workshop 💓


I am stutterer and I am a med student. Is there any chance of getting this book's pdf for free? Please help if anyone knows it.🙏


Just bought this book a few days ago and it’s huge, I’m pretty intimidated 😂😅 there’s sooo many different methods to choose from. Which ones have worked for y’all and which ones haven’t?


I don't understand the crutch which is dropping the first letter of a feared word.
Could anyone explain me again?


But I feel very ashamed to talk with stuttering
