Aragorn vs Sauron unreleased scene (better quality) - edited

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Viggo is such a fantastic Aragorn.
The casting for the trilogy was truly superb.


Well, that explains why that final troll was such a fierce opponent of Aragorn. It was originally supposed to be Sauron.


This is my favorite scene. Last time Aragon saw frodo was at the end of the fellowship of the ring, saying to him' i would of followed you to the gates of mordor'...and here he is, keeping his promise


It has been 20 years since the film debuted and Aragorn's speech still gives me chills. What a trilogy!


I've always loved how the Hobbits were the ones who had the most courage to charge first after Aragorn in this scene. There's something so brave and epic about that.


I can’t unsee Sauron on set acting like a normal dude. The Dark Lord did a great job playing an actor


I still love how you could see Saurons fair form for just a moment. The form he used to decieve many of a people into trusting him.


"I bid you stand men of the West!"

No battle cry, no hurra, just silence, and the sound of swords coming out. It just magnificent. They are all dead and they can feel it, but they are going to stand with their King.


Imagine the herculean RESTRAINT it took for Jackson and the editors to decide against putting this scene into the movie. Every movie has to have that final showdown with the bad guy, it's such an important part of our modern storytelling framework. But they didn't because they understood what was really important and what Sauron's physical form would take away from it. That restraint, that integrity to say 'no' might be the very quality that makes these movies stand apart from all the rest as a true masterpiece.


Achilles : “Imagine a king who fights his own battles. Wouldn't that be a sight?”
Aragorn: “For Frodo!”


As an eighteen year old, I watched all three in the theater as they were each released… thank God for that. Never again will there be a movie franchise that excites us that way. It’s all over.


Jackson was the right person to do these films. He loved books and lore of Tolkiens world. There was no way he would have put that scene into the films it wasn’t in the books. He was always going to stay true to that instead of having the Hollywood ending of the last bad guy fight. He knew it would also detract from Sam and Frodo’s part in winning. Scenes like “ my friends you bow for no one “ wouldn’t have the same impact .( thank goodness he saw the project through at 100 %.
ROTR is the timeless epic film of all time in no small part because of so many things especially Jackson’s vision and dedication and the cast to name a few .


When Aragorn turns and says "for Frodo" the first ones running toward the battle are Merry and Pippin. I just love that. Two little hobbits who would likely have never left the Shire, are willing to put their lives on the line because they love their friend.


This scene was removed for 3 reasons:
The scene itself strayed too far from Tolkien's text.
Showing Sauron in physical form contradicted what was established in the movies, where it was mentioned that he could not take physical form unless he obtained the One Ring again.
Sauron and Aragorn's fight played down Frodo's mission, since according to what was filmed, during the fight, Aragorn managed to stab Sauron with Elendil's sword at the same time that the ring melted in the lava, which implied that both Aragorn and Frodo defeated Sauron.

P.D: I already know that in the books Sauron has a physical body, but he remains locked in his Tower because he is weak for not having the ring. But in the movies, Saruman makes it clear that he has no physical form and Gandalf implies that he needs the One Ring to restore his physical form along with all his power. That's why I say that this scene would not have been consistent with the continuity of the movies.


I’m glad that Sauron wasn’t in the battle scene but also eternally grateful that we have this shot seeing the 2 legends fight each other, the sheer tower that is Sauron and how terrifying he looks!


Sam's speech at the end of the two towers is amazing. When Frodo wakes after Gandalf saves him and Sam he may have thought he was dead because he thought Gandalf died in Moria when Sam walks in after the rest of the fellowship hits real deep every time. However when Frodo sails off to the undying lands and leaves Sam it kills me every time


It’s incredible that I’m both sad and glad this was cut, while it’s awesome, it makes Sauron feel a bit too much like a cliche fantasy villain rather than a terrifying legendary ghoulish presence.


I am still speechless when I think about the fact that this is 20 years old. It still looks great.


The fact that these films exist is a miracle


I'm glad this was cut. Sauron is more menacing as a flaming eye.
