6 Best Home Remedies for Dog Skin Allergies (All-natural)

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Skin allergies are fairly common in dogs. They are not typically something to get too concerned about. With proper care and treatment, they shouldn't cause much of a problem. However, if left untreated they could lead to more severe health problems. You should consult with your veterinarian before using these dog skin allergies home remedies.

If your pet's symptoms are not severe, it may be possible to treat them with dog skin allergies home remedies. If you try a home remedy and the condition seems to get worse, seek veterinary care immediately.

"This is a common remedy for sunburns, but can also be effective at treating dog skin allergies. Only use aloe vera gel on your pet, as the rind contains saponins, a natural laxative that can make your dog sick."

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Sea water could help too✨Just take your dog to the sea or ocean... let their skin submerge in seawater( more specific to the infected area) let the seawater do their job.. do this daily for the fungi will not live in your dog's skin. Hope this will help😊


Baking Soda 8 ounces water with 2 Tbsp shake well. Oatmeal 2 cups in bath water; aloe Vera gel, clear. Coconut oil. Apple Cider Vinegar.


Apple cider vinegar works great! My dog had a ring worm on her hear, I used the vinegar for 3 days & it was gone! Completely killed the fungus way better & faster than proscribed medicine. You clean the area with a wet cloth, then use a cotton pad or rag, wet it with some of the vinegar and pat it on the area. Give it a good wet not damp feel & thats it. I did it 3 times a day & it works like magic!


Really grateful for this information. Thank you. I was starting to worry about my dog's increasing itching. I'm a natural medicine practitioner, but didn't want to take chances with his skin. I was ready to (reluctantly) pay hundreds of dollars for allergy testing, seeing what my own patients went through with their functional medicine doctors did not give me great hope for this process, but I wanted to do the right thing for my dog.
Thank you for saving me trips to the vet and so much money. Thank you.
I have everything you listed in the house right now and will get some colostrum powder today.


This was great and I'll be using some of your tips on my poor Westie who has been SO itchy! For those who have already commented and are confused by the tips given in the video, I highly recommend reading the complete guide-it would be really helpful to you. It was to me! Thanks for this info!


Cool! Thank you so much. I've tried a couple of these already, very helpful.


I just recommended this video to a friend of mine who’s dog is having skin irritation on its belly side. We’ll see how this goes ☺️


Sorry, but didn't you miss how to apply the Apple Cider Vinegar ? ? It's pretty strong stuff and if it should be diluted, we should know that. Normally, I'd just apply it full strength, but seeing how hot spots can also be open sores, I'd hate like hell to put my dog through the added burn. Dig ?


It's always good to learn something from people if they know what they are talking about My dog Maya has a rash or could have been bitten by critters while out on her walk Anyway I'm prepared to give anything a try Thanks maybe catch up with you next time God bless and stay warm ❤❤❤


My dog is breaking out a lot in the last few days. I haven't figured out why. It looks like dry skin, some almost like a whart, others like a bug bite. He isn't itching though...
I'm nowhere near a vet for the time being.
I'm going to try the coconut oil today.
Thanks for your video!


Thank you so very much. You are so awesome to share your tips. I'm so greatful to you. It all makes perfect sense.


It would be helpful if when you recommended let's say Apple cider vinegar for a rinse for your dog . You would say straight Apple cider vinegar or half water or tell us the exact recipe


I am using iodine mixed with distilled water for skin irritations and for paws that are red. The mixture should look like dark tea. For paws I have a pail and put in enough water to set the paw in for 5 minutes. I do all paws one at a time. I check all paws to make sure there is no infection between the pads. This has cured red spots and skin irritations for my lab. hope it helps some dog lovers. Also looking into a natural paths for eczema for skin on my dog it is common on labs but i feel there can be a remedy for this as well.


Great video. I enjoyed it very much keep up posting such interesting videos. Will be back to watch more in the future


Thank you for sharing all that important information. Has been a great help.


Thank you so much for the information!!


I've tried so many natural remedies. No one procedure worked. After months, I had to finally get anti fungal meds.


My puppy loosing her hair because of bacterial infection what is remedy and in how many days she will get cured?


Can you still use apple cider vinegar if your dog has cut himself by itching? Just wouldn't want to apply anything that would hurt him, thankyou so much for this video💞


Thank you for posting the video, I hope it works 👍🏿
