Take the 30-Day Vocal Challenge - Daily Singing Lessons [DAY 24]

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Today we're on Day 24 of our 30 Day Superior Singing Method Vocal Challenge where Emily and I are going to bring you a vocal lesson each morning at 9am PST.

Day 24 is all about tongue trills and this is a fantastic exercise to incorporate to wake up that tongue and all your vocal muscles.

If you have difficulty doing tongue trills, don't worry you're not alone! A lot of singers have trouble with this one. Instead, try doing lip rolls which will essentially have the same effect.

Also, don’t forget to watch some other lessons and add those onto your daily vocal routine as well.

I usually do between 7-10 vocal exercises each day to warm my voice up completely so if you’re feeling ambitious, watch some other videos and do those exercises as well.

Give this one a watch and leave a COMMENT and let us know how you’re doing! Are you enjoying the 30-day vocal challenge?

I’m hoping you’re committed to getting through this so you can really see some amazing breakthroughs in your voice. You’ve this this!

Also, if you're new to the channel be sure to SUBSCRIBE with NOTIFICATIONS turned on so you’re notified each day when the next video drops so you can stay up to date on new vocal content.

And if you haven’t yet, be sure to take our free #1 Singing Killer Quiz below. Join over 1.5 Million people that took my Singing Killer Quiz to find and correct their #1 Singing Killer and unlock their singing potential!

Click the link to take my FREE SINGING KILLER QUIZ here:

If you’re interested in going further and faster in your singing career, I’d highly recommend grabbing my full 8-week Superior Singing Method course that over 75,000 students worldwide have taken.

It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, you can just log in and have access to all the high-quality singing lessons along with audio exercises you can take with you on the go!

#30dayvocalchallenge #singingfor30days #singingchallenge #vocalchallenge #30daysofsinging #30daysofvocallessons #30daysofsinginglessons #singfor30days #tonguetrills
Рекомендации по теме

¡el día número veinticuatro es completo! 💪❤️ ¡VAMOS!


In this exercise,  I lose my voice in some parts. I feel the pressure on the middle part of my larynx. why would be the case


Aaron, I had an online subscription with you but my computer crashed, if I give you my email, can you help me regain access please. Thanks Samuel NZ
