Vocal Lessons - Day 1 - Singing Lessons For Beginners | 30 Day Singer

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First up, we’ll take a short vocal history: what singing experience do you have? Have you had lessons in the past, and if so, what did you learn? What did you like and dislike about those lessons? Do you play any instruments? Most importantly, do you have any health issues or vocal health concerns? Although it doesn’t happen often, I will recommend you first get checked out by a laryngologist if you have symptoms that indicate vocal injury. I am not a doctor or a speech therapist, and if that’s the care you need at this time, that comes first!

Lastly, I want to know if you have any specific concerns or goals. And while it’s okay to have the general goal of overall improvement, it’s really helpful to share what your specific goals are. That could be: strengthening your voice, eliminating strain when you sing higher, auditioning for a school musical, learning to harmonize. I want your lessons, even if we only have one lesson together, to support your goals for yourself.

MY number one goal as a teacher is your vocal health and longevity. I want to equip you to sing the songs you love, and to continue your vocal development on your own! Most of us cannot afford consistent lessons with a private teacher, so it’s very important to me that you understand what we’re working on and know how to apply what you learn in your individual practice.

Next up, we’ll do a short assessment. At this point, I assure you that it’s normal to crack at some point! Cracking is not a failure. Where and why you crack gives me valuable information to help you, so please don’t apologize if your voice does something funny. Please sing along as you’re able!

Based on that assessment, we’ll continue with some exercises to address whatever your biggest issue is. I’ll list some of the most common ones, with exercises that work for most people!

1. Issues matching pitch
If you’re struggling to match the pitch of the piano or of my voice, I’ll meet you where you’re at and play that pitch on the piano. I’ll then teach you how to use a virtual keyboard and chromatic tuner to practice pitch matching on your own!

2. Weak chest voice
We’ll do exercises that include speaking on pitch.

3. Shouting for high notes
If you’re yelling as you sing higher like this [demonstrate], we’ll find your head voice function to give you another way to approach high notes. Then we might try exercises that take you from low to high on a slightly dopey sound to override that tendency to shout. Depending on how that’s going, we may add a little intensity back into the mix on a syllable like ONE.

4. Flipping into head voice
If you flip or crack, we’ll usually use bratty or pouty exercises. Nasal exercises can also be very helpful in finding strength without getting shouty.

Last, we’ll work on a section of a song together! Typically that process involves going back and forth between the melody and exercises, removing the lyrics to sing on a warmup syllable, and learning vowel modifications to sing with more power and ease on tricky lyrics.

0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Vocal History
1:53 - Assessment
5:21 - Common Issues
8:07 - Outro

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Рекомендации по теме

I just want to be able to sing without everyone around me looking disappointed.


My older brother always said i couldnt song. I just believed him. But now i eant to be able to be confident when i sing!


my issue in singing is i feel like i dont have talent i have only average singing skills but i have a huge goal in front of me...but ur videos really helpss...txs a lot


Like any skill, singing requires consistent practice to improve. Set aside time each day to practice singing exercises, vocal warm ups, and songs. Start with basic vocal exercises to strengthen your voice, work on breath control, and develop your range. As you progress, challenge yourself with more complex songs and techniques. Consistency is key to building muscle memory and honing your skills.


I'm getting into theatre and now a few plays I'm going have songs on it, and honestly I'm really scared because i never sung before and now i have to hahaha but i'll not give up, please root for me!!


I’ll share here cause I haven’t told my friends and family much but I really want to become a singer/songwriter! I have a book full of songs I’ve written and I want to sing them better


I've decided to learn singing for therapeutic reasons. Vibration during singing helps to tone vagus nerve and instead of doing vagus nerve toning exercises I want to learn singing.


"Just because you cracked doesn't mean you're not still in it" she says, immediately after I crack haha. This was really informative as a long time musician who never got any formal vocal training. I don't think I can afford a lesson atm, but at least now I have hope that I'm not completely a lost cause 💜 No issue matching pitch, pretty decent untrained range (better than I realized at least)


Thank you!! I just tried this. It's been about twenty-five years since I sang—I developed anxiety and panic disorder and couldn't be onstage, let alone even open my mouth, and over the years, I've just developed a fear of hearing myself and judging it, some sort of deep embarrassment or something. I'm working with a therapist now and had the idea to try working my way back to it online. This lesson helped because it was easy, compassionate (it's okay if this happens), and helpful—it actually made me see that I have more range than I thought, I was on pitch, and didn't waver until the final two or three scales. So I feel like it will be easier for me to open my mouth and let sound out for the next lesson and I have a bit of confidence that I'm not terrible! The intense feeling of vulnerability, even while I'm alone, is...wow. I have a lot of work ahead of me.


I found your vocal lesson for beginners and I am interested to learn from you. I sing by myself whenever I like a song because I have my microphone karaoke. It helps me a lot to reach a higher note. However, I am still not confident to sing in a big crowd. By following your voice lesson I believe can help me reach my goal. I can't afford a private tutor so I just rely on free vocal lesson .


i want to be a k-pop idol and sing well so i'm using your 30 day singer vocal coach so i can master my voice :)


Been singing and songwriting since I was a teen no lessons ever except for guitar. I want to improve and be able to hold notes and not crack at higher pitches.


I want to sing worship at my church. I want to be able to audition without feeling shy/scared.


I wanna to be singer. But i dont know sing. But now i wanna learn it. I'm 14 years old. My dad and mum never allow it. But i think i can learn sing online . Plz help me


So glad I found your chanel!

I always enjoyed singing, but I always thought I simply don't sound right, and that is okay. I just sing while doing chores and while I play with my toddler, anyway. So just for fun.

Having always thought my voice doesn't sound right, and then one day my husband telling me that he enjoys hearing me sing was a surprise! He made it clear to me that if I sing along I can definitely sing, buy when I sing without "a guide to follow" I can't find the right notes.

He encourages me to sing more, and that makes my heart so happy! Now we sing and dance while we cook together.


i have a low voice, and i see your video for the first time, i think i can learn more about singing so i will pursue to watch more your video ❤


My goals are to be able to sing with no tension, sing higher and louder, and sing smoothly without cracking/flipping in between chest voice into head voice. Also pitch 😅


Just want to sing like used to when i was 12 because that is where i stopped and my prime was. Now I am more a fraction of what i could sing back then with me singing after 6 years now


I would love to start singing and producing my very own music (eventually <3)


First video I found of this channel when searching for YouTube vocal lessons (just as a place to start since I can't afford a private tutor at the moment).

I took a choir class for about a year in middle school, we did classic choir music along with our own medleys of fun Disney songs with dance numbers, it was a blast (despite the choir teacher getting super impatient & mad at us for not getting it perfect).

I was assessed by her & told I was a mid alto, at the time I was 15 years old & never smoked a day in my life. Not even a year later I sadly got into a bad crowd & started smoking due to peer pressure, this ruined my voice (I was never addicted to smoking, only did it socially due to pressure from others). I was devastated at how my voice sounded from the damage it caused.

Then in college I took public speaking + acting classes to help with my stage fright + confidence in front of people. We didn't do musicals, but this lit the fire in me & inspired me to want to try.

Now I'm almost 30 years old & wanna start singing again, I'm super off pitch naturally but I feel like I can match others as we sing but as soon as I'm the only one left my pitch + tone go out the window & I sound like I've been run over by a dumpster truck lol

Anyways, thanks for this video! Will be binging more as I try to get my voice back again. Thanks for reading to anyone who read my long comment.. 🙏🏼
