Beauty Must-Haves & Hacks - Outer Piece #1

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This is the first "Outer Piece" where I share simple tips, products, and advice that have appealed to my senses and had a lasting impact. Today’s video focusses on a beauty hack for longer eyelashes, how to have long healthy hair, a tip for anxiety, a favourite food and a favourite smell. I hope you guys enjoy this series!

✿ Missing Hito ✿ - Doo La
✿ Missing Hito ✿ - Knew You
✿ Missing Hito ✿ - Missing Love

Empty Bottle of Covergirl Natural Lash Clear Mascara
The Palma Christi Castor Oil
Lafes Brunette Dry Shampoo
Honest Shampoo & Body Wash

“We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus!
That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are
terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.”
- Charles Bukowski

The Best Fried Rice Recipe (that’s cheap, vegan and is best with day-old rice that has become firmer)

1 cup (dry uncooked) worth of day old rice. I'll usually make 2 cups the night before and only eat one for dinner.
10 Cloves of garlic, sliced. You heard me biotch. I said 10. If you don’t like garlic, I think you’re insane.
2 King Oyster Mushrooms julienned so they’re like noodles once cooked.
10 Sliced Button Mushrooms, these add some bulk and extra mushroom flavour to the dish
2 Spring onion stalks, sliced
2 Tomatoes, sliced
3 Tbsps Olive Oil
White pepper
Sri Racha
Soy sauce

1. Pour the olive oil in a pan and slowly warm the garlic with the oil. Bring it to medium heat until there’s a nice bubble and it’s fragrant. Do not burn the garlic.
2. Add the mushrooms and give it a stir until the mushrooms are cooked through, shiny and wiggly.
Then add the rice and slowly cook it until it fully incorporates. The rice might be chunky at first. Gently push it around, don’t mash it, it’ll come apart as it warms up.
4. Then add sri racha, salt, soy sauce and white pepper to taste. Don’t overdo the white pepper, a little is delicious, a lot is too strong.
5. Then add the spring onions and tomatoes, stir it until the rice gets coated with the flavours of both.
6. Serve immediately.

Side Note: I usually do all of this by eye. I like the rice to be a bit shiny, and the flavours to be subtle so they meld together. Adjust it to your preferences!

It’s so good. Seriously.
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OMG, i miss you so
Please come back, make more videos for this channel. This is my favourite channel on youtube and all the videos inspired me so much (almost crying). Well, anyway, whatever. (just kidding, i f* love you).


That's one of the best quotes from Bukowski. Even though he tends to be a bitter, drunk bastard, he's still one of my fave poets of all time haha. On that note, I also really love, "“Why didn't I learn to treat everything like it was the last time? My greatest regret was how much I believed in the future.” by JSF. When my head is spinning, I like to remind myself of the simple facts. Where I'm sitting, what I'm doing, what's ACTUALLY happening in the moment to me and to just take a breath into my own ability to be fully present. I found myself hysterical earlier today with the release of the Laquan McDonald tape --my head spiraling with the disbelief and frustration and panic and tendency to go to all ends of catastrophe. Eventually, I just had to check myself and be like, "Hey. I'm sitting in my room, ten feet from my cat, the calming buzz of the outside traffic is all I hear and there's soft light coming through the window ('s sunny in Vancouver?!) and I'm breathing and I'm alive in this moment." Keeping perspective is so vital to surviving anxiety, or anything really. I can only change anything in this world positively if I allow it to shape my moments positively. It's the little things, you know? Anyway, I really love this series, and I can't wait to see more of them.


I love that Charles Bukowski quote, its really similar to a recent epiphany I had, a bit dark, but I too just realised that we only have a certain number of days, we won't live forever, we will die, so why not just be happy? Make the most of every day, every situation, because someday you will look back and regret all the time you spent worrying over trivial matters. You are so lucky to be living right now, that everything else is just a bonus! We already have it so good just by being, and no amount of anger, embarrassment or pain - my own or someone else's directed at me - can take away the amazingness that is bring alive, here, now, getting to experience all the good things too!


Mm those mushrooms are awesome :DD They are so spongey and yummy XD


Kass, I just adore you so much. You've really changed my life. I bought that Neem facial cleanser from your last video and it's already done wonders for my skin. I also bought the Juice Beauty cleanser when you were using that, and the Living Libations shampoo and conditioner, and so many other products Joyce recommended, and I've only ever loved them. We have the exact same skin and hair type, so everything you use works for me! You're the only beauty guru on YouTube that I trust. I'm not kidding, the only one. I want you to know that you're so important, and please don't ever feel sad or depressed. So many people love you and appreciate you... I wish you all the happiness and love in the world. Can't wait to try your fried rice recipe!!!


Oh, I will be on a strict budget soon for grad school so waddup mushrooms. Totally love this format. I like that you focused on a few specific items and explained them well. I tend to listen to monthly favorites videos while I get ready for work because it has become a white noise of consumerism for me.


I love when you share quotes, or books with us because it is such a nice break from the typical topics of lifestyle youtubers!


Usually not a fan of "favourites" videos but I loved this! definitely looking forward to the next one!


Love this series idea, keep them coming! The bukowski quote was pretty powerful as well. I've been finding myself developing anxiety and I'm not sure why and when you're in an episode and you're spiralling, perspective is what you need


I woke up, found your video and sat to watch it with my breakfast. You always help my mornings start with such a positive vibe because of your positive energy. It helps my morning start on the right foot and i love you for that and all your tips and your quotes and i am someone who loves quotes so i'd absolutely love to hear more of your favorites!


I've been with you since 50K subs and I'm so happy how much you've grown as a person. I always look forward to watching your videos, Kassie ❤ sending lots of love xo


Yes, keep doing this series!!! And also, you made me feel not so alone in the hair world because I just went 7 days without washing my hair and felt like a weirdo but I want me some rapunzel hair!


I've been watching your videos from the start and I'm so weirdly happy and proud that the quality of your videos stay consistent and amazing!! Thank you for uploading can't wait til next episode!!!


Your channel is actually so so helpful and real. I've been using some of your beauty/health tricks and they're really helping me getting even healthier/happier. :)


I can already tell I'm gonna love this new series! I've been using just a regular little spoolie or my finger to put castor oil on my lashes, but I'm gonna have to try this one day. Thanks for sharing, as always! ♡


All these little facts are so amazing, I honestly think you are one of my favourite you tubers. You are just really 'real' and that is beautiful, no artificial crap!


Your videos always calm me down when I'm having really bad anxiety. That was such a good quote :) Thanks for sharing as always. <3


I love this new series!! I love honest products especially their shampoo and their bathroom cleaner is da bomb.


Such a creative concept! I love how this series has structure, but also gives you the freedom to incorporate so many different products and experiences. Definitely continue with it!
Also, I second the mushroom as a substitute for meat thing. Mushrooms got me through any meat cravings when I was transitioning to vegetarianism. I liked portobello in pasta.


Love this new series! Very different to all the other favourites out there :) ALSO I'm so glad someone else doesn't wash their hair all the time. I wash mine every 3-4 days and because of that my hair grows really quickly and, surprisingly, is hardly ever greasy. People are none the wiser ;) Loved the quote as well!
