Top 7 Vitamins To Boost Legs and Foot Circulation Instantly!

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Are you struggling with poor circulation in your legs and feet? Discover the power of specific vitamins to enhance blood flow and keep those legs moving! In this video, we dive deep into the 7 essential vitamins that can instantly boost your circulation.

Whether you're an athlete, a desk worker, or just someone on the go, these tips can significantly benefit your overall leg and foot health.

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This content is solely intended for educational and informational purposes and should not be considered as a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any medical concerns, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional. Please do not delay seeking medical advice or disregard such advice due to the information presented in this video. While we make every effort to provide accurate information, errors may occur and medical practices, protocols, and treatments may evolve over time.
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K2, potassium, choline, quercetin, magnesium, vitamin C, alpha-lipoid ( ala)


I had PAD in my legs couldn't walk far maybe 40 " and my calves and legs would be in great pain I had sores that wouldn't heal, and my feet were very cold and no hair on my legs, all due to no circulation, any way a month ago I started taking 2 pills on a empty stomach every morning with water before coffee, I can now walk a long distance, and my feet are warm, my hair is growing back, pain is gone yippee. I took 2 pills of K2 MK7, Serrapeptase, Nattokinase every morning, I cancelled my vascular surgeon appt . that's good news, oh I forgot to tell you I am 71 years old had this problem for 5 years no thanks to doctors who said your getting up in age, up yours's Doctor !. they don't know zero about vitamins and minerals same doctor that phoned me to make an appointment for the covid shots, I wont, eight mice died, its not happening .


Let food be your medicine...God bless whoever is reading this. He is the greatest physician


Make a Daily Walking practice a Ritual, You'll remain Adequately Healthy until your last breath


1. Vitamin K 2
2. Potassium
3. Choline
4. Quercetin
5. Magnesium
6. Vitamin C
7. Alpha-Lipoic Acid
You might have noticed, that not all of these are vitamins…


You forgot the most important one, vitamin B12.


I’m type 2 diabetic and at 66 years old.. I’m doing Pretty Good because I walk a lot with my dog 🐕 and.. THANK GOD ❤🫶🙏


Yarrow tea is the herb my herbologist recommend for leg circulation. Thank you for the inf


cayenne pepper is good for circulation and the herb...manjista...but do your research on which kind to get


Thank you so much for this great information what shall we do to improve blood circulations in our leg and feet it's a great help to me am now having leg knee pain..I will give a try with this healthy ways you shared with me..God bless you wonderfully amazing Grace to all of us.more brain power for wellness.


Make sure if your taking ALA supplements that it is only type R with no type S. Type S is the synthetic form and actually blocks type R from working. It is often mixed in because it is cheaper to produce. Make sure the one you get says it has no type S. It took me years to find this out.


Grape seed extract is very good for circulation. 👍


Fresh fruits, and vegetables for 1 month, with distilled water for the 1st week, and spring water for the rest. Watch your body heal. I have been doing this for almost year.


Thank you so much for this informative video. It's clear and to the point. I m a type 2 Diabetic had recently a angiogram and all arteries was clear. Im 65yrs old, retired nurse from a very busy city hospital. I do my excercises, doppler on my feet and legs was good. I drink my herbal teas, take vit B1, 6 and 12..But i will still try your vitamins and distribute information to my family, friends. Take Care💐love from Cape Town, South Africa ❤❤❤❤❤❤


1. Vitamin K 2
2. Potassium
3. Choline
4. Quercetin
5. Magnesium
6. Vitamin C
7. Alpha-Lipoic Acid
You might have noticed, that not all of these are vitamins…


May I ask what ever happened to recommending taking vitamin E supplements that contain all the different versions like alpha, beta, gamma etc.
In the 1970s taking vitamin E was recommended by every doctor and nutritionist and physical therapist for circulation improvement???
Does anyone else remember this?


#6 Vitamin C can be found in Kiwi fuit. In fact a single small green kiwi has twice the vitamin C content as an Orange and with only small fraction of sugar.


Noticed you completely ignored the fact the red meat is high in some of these you named. very high in Magnesium and Vitamin K


The greatest problem WHY so many people are having foot and leg problems is: Most all your shoes are made in China, and they make their shoes with wafer insoles, meaning, your shoe's under pad from the pad you see before you slide your foot into the shoe would look like a wafer, or waffle. So as this wafer breaks down, it break down differently by how your foot walks in the shoe, which-then, now those wafers will jab into your foot at different points creating alot of pain and discomfort. In the old time shoes were all made with flat insoles, but the wafer was found to not only be cheaper to make, with cheaper material but they would break-down faster, which then will make you purchase a new pare of shoes.


Thank you, I begin healing after 33 months In pain, pre surgery, so am so grateful I can do something. I look forward to rest. I am also looking for lower area.
