AAA Roadside Assistance

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October 3 2022 - called AAA at 8am still waiting it's 138pm


On your way after 4 hours of waiting for u!!


i'm on the fast lane and i feel my car it stop working so i pull it over on break down lane ( fast lane side ) i been waiting one hours and half and they still not come and they send another tow partner to come and that guy said because AAA can not tow on a fast lane side and he ask me do i need to tow it or not ? he can do it but it will not cover by AAA so i have to pay him all the cost.


Seriously don't waist your money, 45 minutes on hold for a human to try to get service. They couldn't find my account under my name and address but they found my wife who was a secondary to my primary account, had premium service, then was told it would cost twice what a local tow truck company quoted me to tow my Jeep.. I cancelled my service with them.. Worthless as it was...




Don't relay on them just do it yourself. I had a friend who had a flat tire it took the man 1 hour to come. And after yhat the man shamed my friend for not being able to change his flat tire. That why you pay for the service. Because of this I rather do it my self.


Aaa roadside is garbage & waste of money. Waited on hold for 30mins. Waited for a tow over 3 hrs for a truck that never came .
🖕🖕to aaa


I’d like to bring to your attention an issue that occurred while using my AAA Roadside membership on 10/9/2017.
I called the AAA Roadside customer service number at approximately 10 AM. In my conversation with the agent, I explained that I needed to tow a vehicle Subaru Outback from my home address of 1491 Navarro Dr Sunnyvale, CA 94087 to an address in Santa Cruz, California at 3 PM the same day. When making the call I was informed by the agent that I should call about 15 minutes before I needed the tow to take place. I then called again around 2:00 PM for the tow to take place to make sure that I could have the tow arrive in time.
After setting up the tow, I received a call back telling me that the tow was going to be significantly later than the time that I required the pick-up. I was on a very tight schedule and needed the car in Santa Cruz by 5 PM that day and I was aware that there was a significant amount of traffic headed in that direction.
The agent informed me, after I explained that the time was not going to be acceptable, that I had another option to try to get a tow truck to my home address. I was told by the customer service agent that I could call another company who might be more local and had less of a queue to perform the tow and that I would be reimbursed, in full, for the cost. I asked the agent what I needed to do to get the reimbursement and the agent told me that “all I needed to do is provide the receipt to membership claims and I would be reimbursed.” I was never given instruction as to how the format of the receipt should be and considered this direction as a reimbursable expense based on the agent’s instruction. Additionally, I paid for the tow with my personal credit card. I actually had called back a second time and spoke with a different agent, explained the situation again and he told me the exact same thing. He reiterated that I could call an outside tow and that AAA would reimburse me. He said what I needed the tow for did indeed fall in line with the rules and that I should have no problems. So I trusted these agents and proceeded.
My husband found a tow company, Family Tow, that said that they would be able to pick up the vehicle in the time that we originally requested by AAA. The total cost of the tow was determined to be $432. My husband provided my credit card number to the tow agent by phone and once approved, the driver was dispatched.
At about 3:15 PM the driver from Family Tow, Henry, arrived to tow the vehicle. Before the tow driver began the process of strapping the vehicle to the tow truck the AAA dispatched tow driver arrived. It was immediately clear that the two tow truck drivers knew each other personally. After some discussion between the two drivers I was asked to come to them both to speak about the situation. I was told, by the AAA driver, that all I had to do is provide the receipt and I would be reimbursed. I asked again to make sure that it wasn’t going to cause any issue if I were to use a 3rd party towing company to perform the transport. I was told that there would be no issue and that it was “completely up to me” and that they do “this type of thing all of the time.” In the interest of time, I decided to accept the direction from the AAA tow driver. Since the 3rd party driver arrived first I decided to use them thinking there would be no issue with the reimbursement. The AAA dispatched truck then left my home and we proceeded with the tow to the Santa Cruz area.
Once the tow was completed the driver asked for me by name and asked me to complete the paperwork. In the stress and confusion of the situation I entered my husband’s name and our address on the top of the receipt and proceeded to sign the receipt since it was my card that was being charged for the tow.
I sent the receipt for the tow on November 6th, as per instruction so that I can receive, what I expected to be, a reimbursement in full for the $432 tow that I personally paid for. I received notification of determination by mail on December 29, 2017. In the letter, it explained that “we are unable to reimburse you for the tow” and that “due to the circumstance” of the tow that “we (AAA) are unable to reimburse you as this is not deemed an Emergency Road Service request.” No other explanation was provided.
Since it was the holidays, I waited about a week to contact the AAA membership office in hopes to reach someone from AAA to explain the reason for denying the claim. I reached an agent by the name of Simone from Reimbursements on January 5th, 2018 who explained to me that the tow was not in compliance because of the “lemon law”. I was not understanding this explanation because again I called and spoke to two different agents and explained the whole situation to them and they both said I should have no problem towing the vehicle and as well get reimbursed for the tow if I had to use an outside tow company. I asked could she please investigate further and check the call logs to prove that this was the case. She then went on to say that the tow driver mentioned that I was never present during the towing of the vehicle. That statement was not correct! I have documented proof that not only did I make the call but that as well, I signed for payment of the tow the same day. Simone explained that she would call me back once she had reviewed the case again, I awaited her call.
Since I never received a phone call from Simone I decided to call to follow up on January 31st, 2018. I reached an agent named Destiny in membership services. She proceeded to tell me it was denied because of something to do with my request was not in compliance. I explained again that this was not acceptable. I reiterated that when I called AAA on the day of the tow I explained what my situation and issue was, spoke with two different agents and they both said I would not have any problems. Destiny then said that she would send a message about the issue to reimbursements and explained that they may do a “goodwill gesture” since I have been a customer for so long.
I received a call back from Simone from reimbursements on February 5th. She proceeded to tell me after her checking further the reason for the denial was because my husband's name was on the tow receipt. I explained to her that it was a mistake I made in the heat of the moment that day. It was a very stressful situation and when the tow driver asked me to fill out the receipt I accidentally wrote his name up top but signed my name below and paid with my credit card and that there had to be a way to fix this. It was an honest mistake. Simone said she would look into it and get back to me.
I waited a week to hear back with no response, so I decided to call Destiny in member relations back on February 12th. When I reached Destiny, her attitude had changed to a very combative approach as she explained that AAA would not reimburse and that I was in effect “wasting my time” because the name on the receipt didn’t match. Again, I explained that out of habit, I wrote my husband’s name, which is clearly in my handwriting, and also signed the document which is in every other situation what binds any agreement. Destiny refused to hear my reasoning and suggested that I try to reach Family Tow to get a receipt redone with my entered name to submit for consideration. She again told me that I was still “wasting my time” as she was the “end of the line” when I asked to speak to someone higher up the management chain than herself. She said if I send in a new corrected receipt that Reimbursements will likely not approve since its past the deadline for submission. I feel that consideration should be made due to all the above circumstances (delays, call back etc).
