Understanding Coeliac Disease

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This video contains an explanation of coeliac disease, aimed at helping students of medicine and healthcare professionals prepare for exams.

Written notes and diagrams about coeliac disease are available on the website at:

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im 15 and got diagnosed yesterday, ive been sick my whole life it’s such a relief to finally have hope of living normally.


My husband got diagnosed yesterday, at 43, because I begged him to get tested, I suspected he had CD because he had dermatitis herpetiformis, beau lines, mental fog and fatigue. Also he was anemic and had a vitamin d deficiency. His doctor didn't want to order the test because that cluster of symptoms wasnt enough for her. So he had to go to a private consultation.


I was 4 when I was diagnosed and as an adult I was extremely surprised to realize most people were not diagnosed at my age
Though I was diagnosed at such an early age, I still struggle with mental health and hope the best for anyone reading this! Though you can’t eat everything you can live life which is an eternal blessing


comment section feels like home lmao, been diagnosed since the age of 5, I came to this video because I have relapsed very badly at the age of 20. Mostly because of work and having to eat out more, cross contamination is a real thing… i never knew exactly what was going on until this video. Good video, thanks!


I'm pretty sure I've had CD my entire life but was not diagnosed until I was 50. Now I have bones of a 90 yr old and many other diseases. It was not until I was nearly on my death bed did a doctor test me for CD. At a young age, I had chronic low iron, learning disabilities, low attention span, like I was lazy and didn't care, I slept in class and had trouble exercising. As I got older, it manifested itself as depression and anxiety.

I did have to laugh when you said it is "easy to treat, just stay off gluten". It's not that simple and dr's really need to educate themselves more so they can help the patient better. Gluten is in everything. It's in cutting boards, knife blocks, it sticks to anything scratched or permeable, like plastic and cast-iron pans. Getting gluten out of your life is a lot of work and very expensive. It is also the most common autoimmune disease in the US and UK and everyone should be tested at early age.


I have being sick the last 3 years, bloated like crazy and not stop belching. Went all the doctors in my country and even went India for it. Finally I found celiac disease on the internet and did the blood test . It just came out positive and I’ve never being happy about a disease. It’s really good to have answers


Something he left out, some people get weight gain and not weight loss. And some develop IBS from the damage to bowls making it harder to diagnose. That was case with me, I was reverse diagnosed. First I got told i had IBS, which lead to divertictulist, which lead to more issues, then after a CT scan showed fat and swelling in my ileum was I diagnose with celiac but my blood test are always negative. Its not straight shot diagnoses, requires doctor to work with patient and get to bottom of the puzzle instead of taking the first answer that comes up.


i have celiac disease and i don’t pay attention my diet like i should. it hurts so bad and i’m trying to change my eating habits and take it more seriously before something bad happens, i’m in so much pain right now ☹️


I've been diagnosed since early 2021 and even though I knew the basics of eating gluten = hurting my small intestine I didn't know why it actually occurred or what it was an autoimmune issue.

This video really helped me understand that! Thank you!

Side note: another issue that can be triggered by CD is Chronic Fatigue or fibromyalgia. I've been diagnosed with CFS and two people I know have Fibro thanks to CD 🙃


I thought I knew a lot but I have learned more so thanks my son was born with celiac and I developed it.


I love how this channel tells you the most high yield info


Simple explanation with depths of information. Thank you for the education


Very helpful video! But I would just like to add that most celiacs don't feel fully better even after a gf diet. It is not a "simple" treatment. It is almost impossible to avoid cross-contamination forever. I think it is important that doctors do not underestimate the difficulty of this diet and leave their patient in the dark. When I was diagnosed, my doctor diagnosed me and left it at that. Said it was as simple as cutting out gluten. It flipped my entire life upside, a struggle no one will ever fully understand until they have lived it. He did not have much to say, and I will always feel like he has no idea what it is actually like, just going by the book.


my bf is celiac and i wanted to learn more, this video was very helpful!


Hey I had been using the podcast but thinking to myself I'm a visual learner, perhaps I should see what's on YouTube. And this is here! Excellent


Your explanation far better than some specialists doctor


I’m starting the process of getting tested. I thought it was a food intolerance to dairy I cut that out but still had problems I then started writing down what I ate and how I felt after etc and found a common problem Gluten. When I looked at symptoms I noticed I had a lot of them some things I wouldn’t have thought would be due to gluten. Thanks for this informative video


i have this symptoms since 16 (i’m 23 now) and went back and forth to the hospitals but they never gave me a clear answer. I think I should get tested now


Really great summary of the disease, thank you!!


I was diagnosed 15 years ago and have been eating gf ever since. I’m happy I found this video to explain in grown-up terms how my disease works when people ask 😂 instead of just saying “oh it’s an allergy”
