20 Things You Need to Stop Doing Right Now

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20 Things You Need to Stop Doing Right Now

Many of us have a hard time getting the life we want because of insecurities. Here are a few things you need to stop doing in order to achieve what you want in life.
1. Stop spending time with the wrong people
Don’t spend time with people who don’t care for you and who don’t think you are worth their time. Find people who are supportive and can help you improve yourself.
2. Stop avoiding your problems
A quote from the movie “Batman Begins” states, “Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.” Face your problems head-on and try to find the best solution. The ability to overcome problems or hardship is a great strength.
3. Stop ignoring your needs
Helping others is great and altruistic, but you need to attend to your needs too. It isn’t selfish to focus on yourself and provide some self-support.
4. Stop trying to become someone else
Never be afraid to be yourself. You waste time trying to change your personality for other people. Be who you are, and if people don’t like it, well, FUCK THEM.
5. Stop reliving the past
What happened in the past is in the past. If you dwell on it you are allowing it to weigh you down and keep you stuck. The future is a blank slate. Look forward.
6. Stop trying to be perfect
Attaining perfection is impossible and trying only causes stress. Be productive instead.
7. Stop feeling competitive
You don’t have to dominate everyone. Let other people do their work so they can succeed or fail on their own.
8. Stop punishing yourself for old mistakes
You are still living in the past if you feel like something you did before is not redeemable. Accept what you did and move on with your life.
9. Stop being afraid to confront
Sitting around and over-thinking a decision just complicates your life. Make a decision and take action.
10. Stop choosing relationships for the wrong reasons
Don’t pursue a relationship because you’re lonely. Start a relationship with someone when you are ready.
11. Stop the self-pity
Feeling sorry for yourself — that prevents growth. Everything happens for a reason, so take what happens and turn it into a positive.
12. Stop holding grudges
Holding a grudge against someone for years is damaging. You don’t have to forgive everyone, but put the event in your past and move on.
13. Stop working without breaks
Constantly working might help you get things done faster, but eventually you will need rest. Take breaks and work on doing quality work, not work in quantity.
14. Stop overlooking the little things
Take the time to enjoy the small moments in life. Life is often beautiful in tiny doses.
15. Stop pretending everything is fine if it’s not true
Keeping a strong demeanour is admirable, but you need to allow an emotional release sometimes. A good cry is not a sign of weakness. It can purge you of harmful emotions.
16. Stop blaming others for your problems
The world is not out to get you. Having an attitude that it is will cause depression and idleness. Take responsibility for what you’ve done. Hold yourself to account.
17. Stop worrying as much
Worrying is highly stressful and destructive. Take a breath and think positively.
18. Stop being ungrateful
Be thankful about where you are in life. Many people have it much worse.
19. Stop focusing on the undesired result
Think about what you want to happen, not what you don’t want to happen. Focusing on the negatives will give you an equally negative mindset.
20. Stop trying to be everything for all people
You won’t please everyone. Be yourself and narrow your focus in your work and life.
Keep a positive attitude and feel confident in yourself. You are a successful person, and you deserve to be happy. Cutting out these self-destructive habits will improve your life drastically.
This is just one of the areas I work on with my clients, along with identifying your ideal client, developing kick-ass offers, setting your prices and selling your offer using online marketing and a shit hot automated sales funnel.
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