18 ABSOLUTE BEST Things to do in Trieste, Italy 🇮🇹

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17 Best Things to do in Trieste, Italy

1. Take a tour of Miramare Castle
2. Trieste Roman Theatre (Teatro Romano di Trieste)
3. Climb the Victory Lighthouse (Faro della Vittoria)
5. Arco di Riccardo
6. Experience Trieste’s coffee culture at a historic café
8. Wander along Trieste’s Grand Canal
9. See Saint Spyridon Church
10. Discover Piazza della Borsa
11. Marvel at the sheer beauty of Piazza dell’Unità d’Italia
12. Explore San Giusto Castle
13. Visit the Cathedral of San Giusto
14. Giant’s Stairway (Scala dei Giganti)
15. Revoltella Civic Museum
16. Risiera di San Sabba

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1st time such amazing video about Trieste! Saved for my next trip!


Born and raised there until the age of 14, Trieste is my eternal love. A part of my soul. The peace that envelops me when I am by the sea, the sadness that fills me again and again as soon as I drive away and the sea disappears from my sight... adesso sono piena di melancolia😅


Absolutely amazing video! I am going there in 2 weeks and you made me fall in love with Trieste, thank you so much! ❤


Well, well, well. As "Triestin" I would award this as the best video about the city I was born in, and where I spent a big part of my life. There is more to say about Trieste, but what said in this video is correct and complete. Only additions are needed, not amendments 😉. I'd like to make an addition about the reason why the large coffee shops in this town. You can connect this to the presence of a variety of churches of different religions, so different cultures. Maria Theresa, who was a wise queen, conceded the freedom of religion wisdom. So everyone had his own church, but how to socialize all together despite cultural differences? The coffee was the drink accepted by rules of every religion. So, let's give the people big coffee shops where they can gather and make business. Smart, isn't it? After all Trieste was the harbour of the empire. Among the "caffé" still in business the Tommaseo is the oldest (unfortunately not mentioned in the video, but taken in a few pics passing by) and the San Marco is the most decorated. Both deserve a visit.


Great video Michele, Trieste is where my parents were from before they immigrated to Australia. It is the most un-Italian city in Italy and is very much a melting pot of cultures and cuisines which makes it very cosmopolitan. Your video provides a good introduction into the highlights of Trieste, there is so much more to see in the city and its surrounds. The coastline, the surrounding forested hills and the food scene is certainly worth exploring. It's great that you are promoting the city as it really is a hidden of it's charm as it is not over-run by hoards of


When you arrive to Trieste you can notice these two panels on the road: città del caffee (city of coffee) and città della barcolana (the biggest sailing race in the world with almost 3000 sailing boats participating in the race). Speaking of coffee, my favorite spots to taste coffee in Trieste are: Caffè degli Specchi, Caffè San Marco, Illy Corner at Eataly directly on the sea. The variety of cold and hot coffees and creativity you can drink at Illy’s is second to none. There is another coffee in Trieste called Triestina Artigianale, not far away from Piazza Unità. The place is called Torrefazione La Triestina di Ariella Doz. Here you can only buy coffee.

The best ice cream ever you can find in Gelateria Zampolli at Via Ghega 10. Just go for one of the five Senza nome tastes, memory for life guaranteed.


Excellent video on Trieste, Italy🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹. I enjoy coastal castles with breathtaking sea views that are near caves.😊😊💕💕💕


Mother Tereza, wasn’t serbian, and wasn’t orthodox, she was catholic, and Albanian origin.


At 5:12 "until 1980 the Habsburg monarchy was one of the great powers of Europe"


Little older Croats love Italian Trieste so much, Trieste been our open door to west in hard time. I can only in this internet time ask, does Trieste now have Levis USA original jeans or American country boots shoping centar, if have I will run on pizza and coffie in Trieste what I did in past like tradition. In last time in Trieste we had original Italian, UK, France, Germany and USA things to buy, now global economy to much mix and lost original things and put everything on intrnet selling, what blocking alive comunication what Legendary beautiful Trieste had.


Thanks for this video!
I’m not from Trieste, but I live very close and I’ve studied there for many years and I often go there.
Although it’s a crazy city when it comes to find a spot to park your car, I’m always amazed at how beautiful this city and its surroundings are.
It’s one of the least Italian cities one could think of but it definitely has its charm.
It is really rich, culturally speaking, and people from Trieste can be a lot of fun!
One of the rather absurd peculiarities of Trieste is the way its citizens order coffee… Ordering coffee as a local at a bar in Trieste requires the knowledge of a lingo which is not understood in any other Italian town.
I’m planning to make a lesson about it on my new channel (not this one with the pizza, which is dedicated only to songs).
Grazie per il video!!!


Excellent video on Trieste, most visitors that make videos on Trieste just walk around the city centre. You've at least included some of the more interesting places to see such as the Grotto Gigante, Duino Castle and especially the Risiera di San Sabba (which I don't think I've seen anyone include in their Trieste guides before)


My favourite place in Italy. My families home town


I was in Trieste shortly before my birthday. Truly is my favourite city in Italy. Wonderful blend of cultures and history!


the best thing what to do in Trieste is visit Ljubljana :D :D ok....


Hello, i'm from Trieste! great video!
Tho i think youtube messed up with the sections names, are almost all wrong XD


Bravissimo 👏👏👏, definitely a great informative video, love it!


Can you do a step by step on disembarkation in trieste storing luggage and train or bus to airport


Nice and educational video but at the history part you forgot to mention a huge part of this area. Fascist violence against the native Slovenian population, which is lasting for more than 100 years. The height of the Italian terror was in the period between the two great wars. At the beginning of the 20th century, Trieste was the largest Slovenian city. During this time, approximately 50, 000 inhabitants of Trieste declared as Slovenes.


mia bella cita... I have lived in Trieste for 5 years... Best time of my life... Such a beautiful city and people and lifestyle... Will comeback one day for sure... It is in my dreams... Thanks for the video.
