What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter (2022 Interpretations)

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Joseph, love the video. Im a dad of two sons 10 and 12. I make short videos from my phone. I call it "Momentus Moments." I record my entrepreneurial journey and growth of self. The very small.minute changes and mostly overcoming challenges and growing through them. Then my boys will have recordings of their dad's hero journey and where I was mentally. I hope it is a gift they will treasure. I wish my dad had this technology. Thanks for all u do. I take u on walks and runs when I need ur perspective. Much love.


You are really stepping in to your God power. Its a pleasure to be in this time in space with you my brother. Greatness ONLY!


I started your channel with the original version of this video about a year ago.... I have attempted to watch every one of your videos since then and could not have imagined the gift it would be to happily fail at that task...

Your channel has become a means of communication between me and the whole because now i consume more slowly but i am still getting INCREASING benefits and blessing from your thoughtful breakdowns of the material.

I have improved in so many ways so to see this and be reminded where it all started... Gave me reason to pause and simply, sincerely give you my thanks 🙏🏾💯

I know this will bless my day


You already have what you think you need to become. You were born with it and as a child you knew that and then you forgot it.


What to say when you talk to yourself
0:17 Quote
When I was quite young I had a soaring imagination long before I learned what we can not do I dreamed of doing what I knew we could I could reach out and touch the stars I can imagine any dream and see it come true.

0:48 Metanoia of mind
Going back to how we truly are

1:48 We learn to believe

2:53 The only suggester is yourself

4:44 5 different methods for self talk

1. This goes on all the time but were not aware of it
we want what is true but most of selftalk is unconscious. Self condemnation won’t let us reveal our true authentic self

2. Anything you say out loud to yourself, or to someone else about yourself, or about anything else, is part of your self-talk. Sometimes in our imagination we conjure up people from our past and converse in these moments our subconscious is revealing about ourselves, realize you’re the cause of your own world and you won’t have to spend so much time in the subconscious

3. Self- Conversation
Self conversation is talking to yourself out loud and holding down both ends of the conversation all by yourself. Having a healthy relationship with ourselfs in our imagination allows us to uncover and understand our selfs

Self write is the kind of self talk that you write out, word for word, for yourself!
The enemy within the thinking patterns in relation to people, what I was conjuring up in my own imagination enemy attributes projected outward
On this 5 sensory experience was reconciled and it appeared as harmonious relation masterminds conversation and business deals became more harmonious.

Who else better to talk to ourself and know intuitively within ourself who we truly want to be.

The influence is inside what we say when we talk to ourselves in relation to that information.
5 important aspect’s
1. Behavior
What we do or not do what we want is behavior in harmony with the vision . This is how you know you’re being authentic the heart the mind the will their aligned their one l. We’ll notice the behavior of congruence how we communicate how we express ourself. If we see an If an incongruence in our behavior no need to condemn ourself we bring to the surface our thinking patterns. If a person feels fear energy tense energy that fear can be transmuted over to creative energy (Alchemy transmutation)
2. Feeling
Every action we take is first filtered through our feeling how we feel about something will always determine what we do or how we do it. Feeling is the secret
3. Attitude
Your attitudes are the perspectives in which you view life. The inner conversation self talk reveal our attitude and by simply choosing a conversation with yourself where you listen to yourself transcend past the overthink., you get better at it with practice. Applying this information will come with understanding in higher degree’s.
4. Belief’s
Our beliefs also determine and reveal attitudes in mind all of this information is designed to reveal your true authentic beliefs in how you really are.
5. Programming
We believe what we are programmed to believe. With practice you’ll be able to discern. Maintain the position self-suggestion.
The five levels of self talk
Level 1.
Living in outer aspects in love harmony that true self talk found within Ascend past programming mental chatter belief system ideology’s that is not true. You know it! Ultimately we find what it true within ourselves.
Level 2.
I need to, I I ought to or I should. Person is stepping away from fear and realizing something must be done. Your no longer identifying with certain thinking patterns in regards to fears or misgivings about yourself.
Level 3.
The first level of self talk that works with you
instead of against you. We determine what’s for us. The change has already taken place because there’s apart of you in level 2 that’s said I’m not interested the way I was living before. I ought to change so things needs to change. You have already made the decision.
Level 4.
I am organized and in control of my life.
Now you start to communicate this way although you might not say I am, you might say I am or I find myself, you communicate in a way that says you are that person now.
Level 5.
Self talk oneness with spirit.
Further integration/important aspects of self talk
1. Most of our self talk is unconscious.
Simply suggesting “I am more aware” you’ll start to notice it more
2. At times our self talk comes in feeling that might not be able to put into words that’s fine sit with it have a conversation within yourself and discovers what’s going on within. Bringing awareness to what you’re feeling, Until you do this process they’ll seem to play out again and again as the same emotional reactivity. Upon making peace with them you’ll be able to change self talk and choose a harmonious self talk that was once unconscious.
3. The subconscious mind expresses self talk that we identifying with, We’re looking for the self talk that expresses itself unconscious and consciously. Revealed in our behavior, ourself’s, others. Dedicate time that lights hearted to hear your true inner voice.

46:20 Joseph’s Childhoods story

47:20 true inner voice, intuition, six sense
There is times when you express and say the right thing (outotalic)

49:05 what’s creating separation? Beliefs attitudes of mind and emotional reactivity and programming

51:00 self talk checklist
1. Is your self-talk stated in the presence tense? Self talk that implies you are that person right now
2. Is it specific? Self confidence a person that says this is what they’re going to do and go do it. Don’t look around to see what others are doing but rather look with them self’s and see what is true with the vision and then act accordingly.
3. Does it get the job done without creating any unwanted side effects.
4. Is it easy to use? This allows to transcend certain thinking patterns (overthinking) getting into the subconscious
5. Is it practical? What does it mean to you? Is this self talk in harmony and contribution with my definite chief aim.
6. Is it personal and is it honest? We want to communicate thinking feelingly to ourself in a way that is distinct individualized resonant with how we are and how we see reality and how we want to be.
7. Does your self talk ask enough of you.

56:30 auto-suggestion
So what I find when I connect with others with who have different perspectives different views of reality and really seek to understand as stephen r covey said in the 7 habits “seek first to be understand then to be understood.” I actually understand myself better I feel understood inside because then what I find I’m able to work with some attribute that was was shared or some information in a way that relates to my own goals definite chief aim. I find that others inspire me and I inspire others.
58:30 stimulating auto-suggestion to encourage self talk that reveal’s how you truly are and want to be.

I realize everyday the importance of communicating to myself from the perspective of love I realize that from the essence love is who I am and from this understanding and perspective I’m able to reveal the self talk which I encourage allowing me to be how I truly am I express accordingly to inspire others to do the same upon reflection I realize that this is increasing everyday upon deeper realization I realize that I am the suggester and from the internal suggestion of perpetual love and truth further self talk is revealed to help me understand thinking perspectives ideas in relation to people environment circumstance and information to further encourage the thinking patterns in relation to those relationships from the perspectives of love as I continue to do this I bring forth unique distinct and individualized ways of communicating to myself to further encourage how I truly am.


All of your videos are so rich with help and information that actually can be applied. YOU are like an app now that I think about it. This one on self talk and how programs are often dictating inner dialogue is excellent. The best part of your work is that you have such experience and genuinely love to share it!!!


I know this is going to be a powerful discussion. Your previous discussion on this topic helped me greatly. Never realised how negative i was. Now i am at a point where i can catch the thought before i start to dwell on it. Cant wait to listen to this


*5 Ways To Raise Your Vibration:*

1. When emotions are high, intelligence is low. Make decisions with balanced emotions.

2. Before raising your vibrations, practice techniques like self love, gratitude and dance.

3. Place your hands on your heart and remember all the things you're grateful for.

4. Play some amazing music and get your body moving and when you feel the joy but your mind is a chaos.

5. To calm your mind, take a deep breath keep on practicing and then set your intentions or wishes with the highest vibration.

~Much Love from a Law of Attraction YouTuber💜


I was binge watching your videos, then BOOM💥... you upload!!!


I just got through listening to your previous video on this book and purchased it this morning.


I'm so grateful to have found you. A great teacher and catalyst for my own metanoia for a couple, possibly a few yrs now. Three cheers for you Joseph!!!


I gad never questioned where my self talk came from and so like the rest of my life all believed it came from without.Thank you Joseph for this awarness teaching


Yes yes yes🤍 your last discussion on this book was phenomenal!!!! Can't wait to watch this! SO MUCH LOVE JOSEPH.


I am grateful that you have your information on both youtube and spotify as this episode on spotify was cut off but i am able to finish it here. Thank you again for all the help and sharing of knowledge. 💜


Great summary as always. Inspiring my own channel and videos here on growing biz and transforming your life. Have a great day everyone 🎉


Fantasic video on self talk. Thank you!


I own this book I need to check this out. I also have the power of the subconscious.


Truly appreciate this channel! And your voice is quite soothing, thank you!


Love your channel! You taught me so much ❤️


I’m lucky i found your channel. Thank you for everything
