14 Essential Tips - How To Make Any Girl Fall In Love With You (The Psychology Of Relationships!)

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Learn how to make a women fall in love with you! When it comes to dating and relationship tips, this is the channel to head to! And if you want a girl to fall completely in love with you then you need to know about these essential tips!

Today's video is all about the psychology of relationships, more specifically it's about tips of how to get a girl to fall in love with you. Now obviously do not go using these tips and manipulating every lady that you come across. But use these with a pinch of salt to really help ramp up that loving emotion.

And it makes sense, why go to a guy for tips of how to love a woman, when you can just go straight to the source and go "hey how do I love women, what do I need to do, how do I make them fall in love with me". Well, this is your video and this is the girl for you.

#Joyanima #Dating #Love

0:00 Intro
0:52 Respect her love language
1:31 Listen to her with intent
2:03 Spend time with each others VIPs
2:31 Think ahead when you plan
3:17 Keep up with the regular romance
3:49 Drop off the other potential dates
4:10 Try to understand her
5:08 Be willing to grow
5:31 Remember romance isn't dead
5:48 Give her your full support
6:32 Let the chase begin
7:05 Having meaningful conversations
7:55 Try and make her laugh
8:10 Care and value her interests

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Рекомендации по теме

Did all this with my wife on the first day we started going out the same day got married later i dont fuck around in terms of loving someone 🥰 i even listened to her straight up complain over nonsense for 3 hours straight 😎


Hey I love your outfit and you've got nice nails too, thanks as always for making such good content.
Be safe
Have a wonderful day.


joyanima i like you your videos and the way you present them a job well done


Joyanima can you please upload a video on how to build an emotional connection.. I am dating a guy for four months and emotionally we are not there yet.


Done all that except the Vip part, Bought her a dozen red roses and had them delivered, i make her laugh apologize for my mistakes ( message message message ). I'm there for her she needed a rant last weekend i let her, she has a family funeral coming up said i would be here for her, done everything but the VIP part....now she has told me no contact, till she is ready


What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.


If they feel unheard or unseen, they need to communicate that directly.


Anna, you are addictive.learning a lot from this channel.thankyou.


Ana I like ur accent 👌Are u from London ?


I AGREE, with everything you're saying, but....

How do you do this, when, most of your time and "energy" is spent on taming your "toxic" parents and family members?

Then and Now! 🤨


Another great collection of tips. Thank you for trying to help those of us who desperately need it.


The grandma shirt again!? Lol don't worry you still look good!! 😍❤️


There is also a correlation between intelligence and dark humor. I purposely drop my lighter dark jokes on women just to see if they laugh. Workshopped more dark jokes in cold approaches than I've actually workshop workshopped.


Grade of A, the description is strong.


I like your personality You're very beautiful kind hearted that you take your job and your compassion to the next level where I really like a woman that takes her job seriously kind of like me


I have tried most of these, but nothing happened, we distanced from each other yesterday. I am heartbroken


Hi, I enjoy watching your videos But.
I don't tell jokes I'm quite serious person in life. What should I do to get a lady in my life. It Sucks being single for many moons now 😕.


I'm afraid right now😬 cuz she always reply me back immediately and laughing a lot even on my simple jokes but when I gave her a Bday gift (2 T-shirts) she appreciate it but suddenly became unresponsive and didn't seen my next messages😔 she is like color White then suddenly she became color Black instantly, what kind of sign is this?😬


Hi ma'am
I am an undergraduate student of Psychology
And have just started studying psychology
I need assistance to acquire comand on practical psychology, for that I want online courses or some thing else to study.
So would you please guide me?
(Sohail Abbas from Pakistan)


I don't need need any help and I don't Anna The only thing I'm searching for is you you're very beautiful and you're the kind of lady I'm looking for so think about what I'm saying if you're not talking I'm here for you
