Ram Dass on The Blueprint for Liberation – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 243

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In this essential talk, Ram Dass leans on the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching, Ramana Maharshi, and Groucho Marx to explore identity, change, and how incarnation is the blueprint for liberation.

This episode of Here and Now is taken from a workshop in Los Angeles in May of 1991.

Ram Dass dives into the concept of identity and how we’ve lost the balance between our identity as individuals and our identity as part of the unity of all things. We begin by being too attached to the somebody-ness that’s drilled into us from birth and then, as we awaken spiritually, we go in the other direction and cling too tightly to the unity. The ultimate goal is to be in the world, but not of the world.

Offering the wisdom of Groucho Marx, Ram Dass talks about learning to play with reality and how part of what we’re awakening to is that there are many planes of reality. He references Ramana Maharshi and describes how the spiritual journey is ultimately about extricating yourself from your definitions of yourself.

Part of the predicament of being so attached to these definitions of self is that all things change, including our bodies. Ram Dass addresses the very nature of change and reads from the Tao Te Ching to offer us a clue to the Way. Ultimately, as we awaken, we can begin to see how our unique incarnations are actually the blueprint for our liberation. There are no errors in this game.

“The balance that got off was that we started out with this undifferentiated self and we so well learned our separateness that our separateness veiled over the connection we had to the unity of all things.” – Ram Dass


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About 7:00 minutes in I realized how happy I was to be hearing Raghu Markus. His voice reminds me of the 100+ episodes of this podcast I’ve enjoyed for years.


This is an amazing perspective! Ram Das was a good speaker About as far as words can take you. Also his way of being is so warm and passionate.


Whoa! Quite a deep comprehensive summary of knowing about the unknowable, the something human experience says is there. Thank you, Ram Dass.


Thank you all for this! And such a clean sounding/loud recording🙏🏼🌷🌹🙏🏿
Jai Shri Ram


All this takes a lifetime but I can't think of anything else to do 😮


There's a big difference creating a space to share a great teaching or competing for validation However who's to know that my responding to the past or the present before the One presenting these you're very valuable Thank you


Wonderfully Sublimely Divinely Brilliant ❤
Thank you Ragu Marcus
Thank you Ram Dass ❤
Thoroughly Enjoyable
Sending Much, Love, Light and Blessings to You and All One Consciousness
Namaste 🙏 ❤


Namaste 🙏❤️ Peace, Love and Blessings 🙌


Jnana Yoga!!! Now I have a name for my practise!😊🙏


Does anyone else hear an echo previous to him speaking ?


What does he mean "Did Bush really know?" Wasn't this 10 years before 911?
