Suggestions for the Advanced Reader

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Suggestions for the Advanced Reader

I recently got an inquiry asking for guidance on how to clear a reading you’ve given to another out of your mind. How to prevent ideas and thoughts from flooding long after the reading.

This got me thinking about the more experienced readers who visit the channel.

My experiences, practices and suggestions.

I always get slightly nervous before each reading!

Stopping a reading from coming back again and again requires some mental discipline and practice. I consciously work to forget readings, let them come into my brain and then release them as I move on with my day. The more I engaged in this, the easier it became. Some readings do stay with you. I remember some certain cards in certain positions from YEARS ago.

One thing to try is, in order to unplug from the “story” and imagery you have experienced, is to dive into another story. Read a book, engage with a compelling friend, listen to a podcast, watch a movie. Get your mind busy so it knows to move forward.

If you do something more meditative like walk, run, exercise, drive, anything where your mind can wander, the reading will keep flooding back.

I always tell people a reading is private and I don’t share the feedback with anyone. That seems to help with the relationship of reader and client. Occasionally I will refer to an aspect of a reading I’ve given in these videos but I make sure not to share any identifying information, and those are usually from years ago.
I’ve found that sometimes people just need to talk, to be heard. They need a safe place to be vulnerable.
I also invite people to take a photo of the reading at the end of the session. Tarot is such a visual process to have the to refer to later is a wonderful “take away.”

Sometimes you will give a bad reading. It won’t “land” or it just doesn’t come together. This is not a science. Forgive yourself.

Sometimes, as you know, someone will challenge a reading. Insist you are wrong or try to twist your words into what they want to hear. This is always tough! I resort to then just reading the card. I step back from contextualizing it with their demand and just express what I see. If it gets really bad and you are accepting payment, you can always decline payment. It will balance out. The truth will be revealed if/when they are ready to see it.

One very resistant person I read for at an event insisted her life was perfect and she had nothing to see, she understood everything. She got hanged man reversed.

Don’t give medical advice. It’s not our role.

Working a party or larger group event is exhausting! Invigorating but exhausting. I have a sign-up list and once a reading is done, I send that person to find the next person on the list. That keeps the party moving, people talking to each other, and seems to diminish people waiting in line.

Find other experienced readers from the community. To occasionally give and receive readings from those you don’t need to explain the entire process to is wonderful. Allows for a deeper dive into the cards and you will benefit from their perspectives and different takes on cards. Perhaps in this era, create a private FB group or regular Zoom meeting

The fire and passion will ebb and flow. Sometimes the card and the insights are juicy and flowing. You’ll be all Star and High Priestess and Empress. It’ll be fabulous. Sometimes it will be more knight of pentacles, just plugging along.

Keep a separate record of your tarot reading income. I have a designated separate checkbook with income from readings and this channel. It’s just the right thing to do and will make your practice just feel better. More straighforward.
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4:17 Yup, sometimes people just wanna be validated. They already know the answers, but need simple reassurance.


I love your advice. For me personally, as a Reiki and meditation teacher and tarot reader, I hold space for others regularly and feel what they feel. It is an intimate experience and some energies do rock you. There are many techniques you can use before and after a session whether in Reiki or Tarot that can help shield and protect you from lower energies. However, remembering that we are all connected, some people will trigger my own learning. Noticing and then looking deeply within myself to break it down to understand and process. Taking a breath for sure but grounding and centering are key 😊


The kindness in your eyes and your wise look! Your videos are my absolute favorites :) Thank you so much!


Wonderful, sage advice from our High Priestess of the Tarot. We love you over here in rainy old England, Madelyn.


This made so much sense. For me after a reading and I think about it more and more I think of other points I should have made but didn’t come to me at the time. Like an AH HA moment where it suddenly dawns on me what’s going on with them. Especially when I’m channeling and doing a reading involving the deceased.


THANK YOU So much. You, truly are phenomenal. I feel so blessed by Universe that I stumbled on to your channel, a year or so ago. You are truly inspiring. The comfortability, I experience when watching your videos/playlists, is absolutely second to none. I immediately connected with your cerebral energy. Your voice, and overall demeanor, even the volume and tone of your voice. This truly- for me as an intermediate reader, benefits and aids my learning processes and retention. I cannot thank you enough Madelyn. You are my number one go-to, when I have any questions, when it comes to the fundamentals. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Your gifts are exceptionally uplifting and amazing.


Great advice! Enjoyed this!

As the intro to my readings, I explain to my querants that the cards may be describing something that is incoming (in their energy field) that they don’t recognize yet. I ask them to take a mental note. The present is always moving, after all!

But yep I have had the cards clunk! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have been told by another reader that sometimes the querant has another connection that is stronger than you & your cards (like another regular esoteric consultant) OR the cards are right, the querant is right, but you are not interpreting the message right. I have experienced both situations 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I survived! I don’t charge friends either but I do not accept payment if the cards clunk. Bad karma if cash for clunkers lol!


Fabulous video! Thank you for your candor, clarity.., your compassion! Truly Grateful for the Treasure of your Wisdom! Namaste..!


Such good advice. I agree with you; I love working parties, always schedule a break. Many of my best lifelong clients have come from a ten minute reading at a party. And, yes, it's important to get readings. In NLP the practice of switching gears after a reading/s is aptly called a pattern interrupt. And how lucky are we that much of our business was already virtual! It lends itself to this format. This is great; thank you.


One problem I've run into is the client that keeps buying readings, but they are always about the same thing. It's usually a person obsessed with a past love interest they want to get back, or something like that. Since I'm taking money (which is much needed) for readings, I don't want to alienate any repeat clients! But the cards for this type of client tend to go stale pretty quickly. Their question has already been answered several times over. I see myself as helping people with their problems (not telling the future), so I do want to help - but at the same time, I think they are starting to waste their money because the cards stop making perfect sense. Is that my own failing in card reading? Should I continue to take their business if it's the same question over and over? This happened when I was selling on a particular platform online, and didn't stop till I removed my selling page because I went to university full time and wanted to concentrate on that. Well, I graduated in March and we all know what happened. Since I'm vulnerable I'm just staying at home, and I started selling online again a couple months ago, on a different platform. I already have repeat customers who want the same info over again. What is the best way to move the clients forward? Can I suggest they ask questions about moving on in life, or will that upset them? Hard to know what to do.


Awesome video. I've been reading for over 40 years and this is probably the best advice I've heard. This is a tough time for readers. I only read face to face, but my clients are very understanding. I feel that I'm going to be very busy once this is over and I am so looking forward to it with a new understanding of the importance of being able to sit down across from someone in person. I wish you well and again, thanks for a great video.


I had a client once who tried to test my abilities, and lied to me, wanting to know if she was pregnant...of course, not knowing that if you ask the tarot the wrong kind of question, you're not going to get an accurate answer. I was obviously completely confused with what the cards were telling me, all the while getting a weird vibe about her...she then gave up the goat, and told me she was already pregnant, which made so much sense....I didn't appreciate her behaviour that day, not a fun experience. Needless to say, I won't be reading for her again.


I was SO meant to see this video! Subscribed and liked! You are awesome!


Agree best to be a bit nervous, shows you want it to be a good reading and that want the client to feel it helps them☺️You have a lovely warm energy.


My friends and I have been watching your videos forever, we love and appreciate you so much!! <3


I have been feeling called back to giving Tarot readings recently and happened to stumble upon your channel. I primarily do readings with Lenormand. I find a difficult reading will stick with me for a while, but I have made peace with all of the noise because it shows me where I can improve. I think for me, there come points where I do not feel as connected to the cards as I feel like I should. Therefore, I can't give those readings I know others deserve. Any tips on how to stay present or connected to the cards/spirit/universe would be really helpful!


Thank you Madelyn for your priceless advice. Your Tarot lessons are super informative and very inspirational. I would like to ask you a question regarding the reading I had it done for me by an allegedly professional reader. I had never felt so weak, exhausted and drained after the reading that I had almost fell asleep . I had to replenish my energy by eating carbs, which I normally don’t do. Also I have had many reading done by a friend of mine and they are not always positive, but I take the information on the chin and learn from it. I never feel like eating 10 chocolate bars. So my question is, what do you do if you feel the reader’s energy was toxic and the reading was invasive? Thank you in advance.


Great advice, thank you! One thing I still struggle with is a closing statement to let the client know the interpretation is over now. I use phrases like "Ok to sum up this reading I hope you were able to get some insight today." But sometimes clients want to talk and talk and talk and I have a hard time setting the boundary of "I'm done talking about this now. Have a great day". Any tips for phrases to end a reading and let the client know "you're done now" ?


So, how much can we charge? I guess it varies, huh? I started posting my personal readings and people are asking me to do theirs.


Are your clients always comfortable in providing their full name and DoB?
