What Is The BEST Way To Plant In Stardew Valley?

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Farm King:
Crop Master: Alexandra Milan, Owen, Devon L., Drake37, Bingston, Sophie Rose
Farmer: GalaxyGhostYT, Deep Andersson, TheLoneBit, Katherine, spiritboardvalentine, llemon, Hideko Xiong, Aaron Mohl, hannah M
Planter: Mr. Penguinpanda, Ghost_Crafting Animations, ?, Sap Is Life, Alli Sin, Def.Not.Chopsie, Jail3n
Tiller: Wubdubles, Waligug, OneWithTheSlugs, SH Moose, All Over The Place Productions, Mathilde M, DelightfullyIdle, Megan McGeough, berosols, human, meg, lukeya01, SoullessKaj, Aldin_14 Spahic, machine dude, Declan Matthews, monke, Mgean Magette, damon bradbury, Carmen S, Night Owl, Definitely Not meH, A S H T O N, Yamaleev, CursedCheeto, Finnyssey •, Disguised Dog, Karen Leonidas, Carter Wytinck, Cassie, Jace, Nina, HopeForEscape, Warven165, Yorel, Marie Anete Nisumaa, Pearl Chan, Skye, ZergRush 222, Daphne Abernathy, tortlepanda, Brendan Vanoffern, Rowan Francois, Andy T, DwightTheIslander, Kristin Burgess, Not Lanayaru, MrKnife002, Adam Holthouse, Pixel Lucas, michael schiedemann, Alex 28712, Luna Raydue, Deresters, Seishiin
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Plant ancient fruit and sleep, best planting method.


Last method is actually wild. You gotta be working with the craziest in game time restraints to even imagine doing that.


me using time stop at 12 a.m mod. :

"What? you guys speedruning planting?'


i usually step in the middle of 3x3 tiles to harvest quickly and count how many seeds i need, then go to pierre to buy the required amount of seed. and hope it was not wednesday

i plant using the snake method


Man, I don't know who would actually use the pause method


It depends on where I'm at in the game. I tend to plant for watering efficiency, so until I have either sprinklers or an updated watering can, it doesn't really matter that much, so I usually go with sets of four 3x3 blocks with a scarecrow in the middle and one width gaps between them, so 8 can sit in the middle tile and water all 9 tiles. My earliest quality sprinklers go for trellis crops in the same arrangement, but with the sprinkler in the middle. Once I've gotten the first watering can upgrade, my patterns expand a bit, I'll go for a couple 3x5s, since they both work at that point and are future proofed for the next watering can upgrade (and I think the iridium one waters in that pattern too, though I've never gotten one). I tend to mostly limit my use of sprinklers to my greenhouse since it's a restricted apace and it's more real time efficient to not have to see it every day, whereas I'm going to be walking past my outdoor crop fields every day no matter what.


I use the "grab 3 horizintal rows at once and then run around like a maniac-seed splasher" tactic.


I use a tractor which is very efficient.


If you move your cursor away from your character and hold the button while walking left or right, you will harvest three rows of crops at once. It seems faster going right than it does going left for some reason though.


Harvesting: I can get 3 crops in one “harvesting action”, when standing in front of the center plant. And snake my way left and right or up and down.

Planting: Just hold the button while snaking.

I used to stand in the middle of a 3 by 3, plant 9 seeds, and repeat, but that’s pretty slow.

Might try the harvest and plant at the same time method.


My method is going center of 9 crops and collect them and do the other crop groups.


I do it diagonally, but it depends on the crops like grapes or grean beans


My most efficient way to do that is by well I have a xbox controller connected to my computer using receiver and stuff, anyway I hold down the left or right button depending on where I'm going usually when I'm going left it's more effective and I hold down the button used for harvesting which is normally A.

Usually when I'm going right it's not very effective but it's good enough usually and I really enjoy doing the farming part no matter how much time it usually takes!

plus I got junimos....

My island farm on the other hand... I usually do it at the end of the day I'll get the 2 AM warning sometime but as long as I got my return scepter and the ability to get back into my house then I won't lose anything I earn a $100, 000 in 1 night because of the island farm alone than the original farm... the process takes a lot longer but I can earn millions from it...! or at least a 1/2 millions.


Chaotic evil me: I use a controller 😈 and hold the button down.

It’s like the second method but it gets the plants above and below you too.


I don't use any special method, just hold down click and walk


I started playing my 1.6 game with a Beach Farm. It’s been fun, and I’m not panicked about early morning or nighttime ocean fish. That being said, you can only put sprinklers in a specific area of dirt (not sand) that’s kinda far from the house.

The Meadowlands Farm coming with a coop and two chicks sounds wonderful. The River Farm now gives you a Fish Smoker on day 1. I have wanted to play the “more challenging” beach one for a while tho. And loot crates randomly wash up on my land. Apparently they will have better quality stuff with each house upgrade.


Pause buffering for Stardew Valley is absolutely insane. Other than a genuine speedrun attempt, who would actually do that for this game?


I just water with the iridium can and then just spam the shit out of the placing button.


I play on a phone so for me the most efficient is to stand at the center of a 3x3 square of crops and do all 9 of them from that one position before moving on to the next.


I didn’t even realize you could plant seeds while harvesting..
