5 Shocking Things To Do When A Man Pulls Away Or Needs Space + Say THIS When He Comes Back!

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Discover five shocking things to do when a man pulls away PLUS what to say when he comes back in this video with Adrienne Everheart.

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Boy 👋🏼 bye. I don’t chase after anyone anymore. If a man wants you, he’ll pursue you, and move mountains to be with you. My life is rich with family and friends and plenty of things I can focus on. The right man won’t have to be chased, but will do the chasing.


The good thing about all this is that even if it doesn't work out, it keeps the woman positive and moving in a good direction. Stand! Proactive.


Men who act like this are immature little boys and should stay away from relationships. If a man treated me like this I wouldn't have him back. Women need to avoid emotionally unavailable men.


You can not enforce anyone to love you or be in a relationship with you.You are not a beggar, you are a Goddess!


If you fell pulled away.. Just love yourself and spend time with different guys which treat you the way you deserve it!


We were apart for 3 months and he came back in fill throttle and wants marriage. In the interim, I became a new person and worked on me. It works!


In the last 2 weeks my man and me have not been in communication due to me telling him I didn’t feel appreciated so he said I was dramatic and lost. I decided to stop communication as I am always the one messaging and apologies even when it’s nothin I’ve done wrong: I have decided to take back my power and learning to appreciate just going it alone for now. I won’t be treated like shit anymore.


I've learned to be intuitive to my man's cycles when he needs space. When that time comes, I up my self love and do things that may be neglected while we are spending lots of time together. Men have their reasons for why they take space, and we women should be solid and secure inside, not reliant on anyone else to make us happy. It works!


I have always accepted arrows from homeless men. They are most genuine and they deserve to be thanked.


Lovely topic,
Well my guy pushed himself away from me without a word, and its been 3 months now but he still watches everything i do on IG but i dont watch his ( hes on mute), but one thing i can say is that im learning from this experience that you can only experience people and not be possessive of them. He may or may not come back but i will be fine with or without him.


I absolutely love this! Like Adrienne, my guy and I have had a bit of a back and forth relationship ourselves. I just decided, I cannot do this push pull thing anymore, it was both of us and our fears. I took a step back and decided to pull my energy off of him, do my own thing, focus on me and my own self and inner peace and self worth. When we spend time together, I just enjoyed every moment with him, lots of laughs and such ease. His energy has completely come toward me, making dates ahead of time, making me a priority and we just love our time together. We’ve known one another for almost 2 yrs now and one break was 6 mos no contact whatsoever. We are now having the relationship I always wanted and it just feels like we are just starting to genuinely build on it. This really really works! it’s so freeing and rewarding! Thank you so very much ladies! your the best! ❤️


I had to come back on here to let you ladies know I've taken your advice by allowing my man a lil time. He went away to care for his son who had surgery and he reached out to me while gone all on his own saying he misses me and giving me the update of his son surgery. You ladies were so right. A lil space works EVERYTIME. 💫💫


Just say nothing, let him go. When he comes back, Say, " THANKYOU, for this friendship." Do not complain or ask any questions. He will appoligize, he will explain himself. He won't like just being called a friend & will boost this Friendship to more. Lol. Be happy anyway. Be busy doing all your favorite things anyway, be with other groups of people & friendly to all men & women.


Men ALWAYS come back. All of my exes came back. I didn't take them back because at that point I didn't want them anymore. It's really annoying. "They need space". 🙄🙄 So he gets to walk in and out like this is a revolving door? Well, he shouldn't be surprised if there is another guy on the other side of that door when he tries to walk back in. And if I do let him back in, he should come baring gifts.


It's different when your married n living w someone when they need space, you know where they are and your commited!


Gosh, Helena, this video is just what I needed to hear! My husband suddenly pulled away, at first I panicked but I let him go and told him I also needed some space. Like Adrienne mentioned my focus was only on him and I forgot myself along the way, I have found my energy back and have been enjoying doing more activities, sports and I love the way I look, I am confident and I actually do look at men while before I wasn't and that is a great feeling!


You guys have helped me so much. My life have been full of abuse and trauma and it’s made me clueless about men.
I want to be mindful and not continue to make the same mistakes, you’ve totally grounded me today, I feel so much less freaked out and a lot calmer ❤️ much love ladies!


Also, I took a month with going back into the relationship. When I did, I told him he disrespected me and if he ever did this again don't contact me, because I'll never come back. What a changed man, he calls me his princess.


24:00 would you ladies say this is a relationship material? I get terribly turned off by men who are inconsistent. Is it now normal that they don't think before making such important decisions and can't stick to their decisions? Because I think I will never come to terms with that. I can't respect a man who is so wobbly and when I lose respect for a guy I can't possibly have sex with him anymore.


Well done, everything here is spot on.
Yes they do come back, especially if the exit is not met with resistance.
Focus on yourself, what your needs and desires are. Great time for personal growth and doing/ trying something new.
Decide if you want him or you want what you think was a potential. Understand the push pull of dynamics. If he is pulling away, loosen and create slack.

When he comes back, breathe and listen to your gut. You may be shocked, you may have grown to an extent that he is no longer what you want. You have moved to a different level and seeing him again would be regressing.
