Students Who 'DID IT' With A Teacher, What Happened?

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3:47 Poor woman was going through alot but a man in the same situation would be a monster💀


Goodness. The whole teacher marrying the guy when they been together since he was 15 put me off lol


One thing I find funny is how they say “I never told anyone” while their story are getting read out loud to 40 people


the god damn 🐬 sound got me laughing hard bro XD


I went into college late because of the Army. I signed up in 2000 for the college money (whoopsie). When I got to university, I met a woman at the local coffee shop and we hit it off. She was just a little older than me (4 years difference) and we had some of the same taste in music and movies. She introduced me to a good gym nearby the college and we started hanging out on the weekends. She knew I was a student and I knew she worked at the university, but both of us were surprised when she walked into one of my classes. She didn't know I was an undergrad.

To be fair, she didn't pull back from out friendship but also didn't move forward any while I was in her class (it was a required and the only one I needed in that discipline). The day after the end of the semester, she called me and asked me to come over to her house. I did as we had hung out there a lot watching really campy 80's movies. When I showed up, she asked me where I wanted to go with the relationship. I told her that I wanted to see where it led and respected her decision to keep things where they were while I was her student.

She asked me what my major was and I told her (archaeology). She nodded and then practically threw herself on my lap. We had both had a fairly long dry spell that ended that day... well, that weekend... who am I kidding, that entire week between classes. We kept things to ourselves after, because we were both actual adults and knew how to be discreet, and continued the relationship. We even talked about moving things further. Well, she knew I'd need to go to a different university for my PhD and was totally nor surprised when I popped the question. She told me that if I hadn't, she was going to. She ended up getting a job doing Master's classes (rather than undergrad math) at that university while I was going through my doctoral program.

I graduated three years ago and we tied the knot two years ago.


I’m going to say, 99% of teacher student relationships are just creepy. At least a lot of these stories have people in college, so at least they’re not underage. Still messed up tho


We need President Macron to tell his story


Story two: He would have ruined his own life. Thats on him.


As a senior in high school, I was in art class with a woman teacher who had children old enough to be in HS with me but a few grades down. We had a large table to work on projects with stools. One day the teacher looked over my shoulder at my work when she rubbed her boobs back and forth on my back. It made me really uncomfortable, and I watched to see if she did that to others. She didn't. It happened three times until I got more alert and if she was near me, I stood up. She was married with children I knew. Eww


That dolphin noise is a bit too jarring sometimes, perhaps have another noise?


At 16 yo, I had a Geography teacher who was really attractive, she was in her first year of teaching. At the end of the year she was packing stuff in her car, I gave her some help, I asked if she would like me to come and help her unload the stuff. It was innocent, I had assumed she was a Lesbian for some reason. I helped her unload the car, I saw she had an enormous music collection, she and I started talking about music. I said bye and she asked for my number, I gave her my number and she gave me hers. The next year my folks broke up and ended up getting divorced. Through it all we kept taking and calling each other. The year after I joined the Army. I did 2 tours overseas on active service. I came back after my second tour to visit my Dad and I bumped into her on the Main Street. It was almost as if we had never stopped, we had coffee and she was updating me on her music, she invited me to listen to her new system. We just fell into the relationship. It turned out she had been in a lesbian relationship for a couple of years, but sort of second guessing and had broken up with her girlfriend a few months before. She said when she saw me in the street, she knew why she had broken up. I completed my enlistment and did a GED then went to College to do Electronic Engineering with specialisation in sound. We got married when I graduated and she was already pregnant at the time. Neither of my folks came to the wedding, but heaps of ex-students came and ALL her relatives.


I was 15 I had a fling with my English teacher, Started over a game of Tennis after school and she came out of the toilets after getting changed still wearing pink Stockings 'n' suspenders under her whites.


Dude I remember when I was in 7th grade. The 7th grade math teacher had a sexual relationship with an 8th grader. He was ordered to stay away from the school for a year until she graduated. He came back my 8th grade year


Someone once said, age doesn’t matter so long as the youngest person is 25. Why? Because that’s when most human brains are developed. The fact she went after a 15 year old is gross.


2:23 not like they’re telling all of reddit


Lol, the anime the thumbnail is from is perfect 👍


1:55 "We both wanted to have- 🐬🐬🐬"


People freaking out about story number 3. "Been together since he was 15". But what does that really mean? You all assume something sexual right from the start. That may not have been the case.
It certainly wasn't for me. I met the woman who would ultimately become my wife when I was 16. She was 30. And no, it was sexual for a long time. She was my medical training mentor, not a high-school teacher.
We eventually became EMT/Paramedic partners working on the ambulance together for many years. In fact, we worked the vast majority of our EMS careers together (decades). We were a great team on and off duty.
Her husband cheated on her. I was working with her at the time. I was in my early 20s at the time. So they separated and eventually got divorced. So we decided to be a couple.
I knew Penny for 43 great years. We lived together for 30 years, married 15 of them.
Unfortunately, she passed away suddenly in 2020. I can tell you they don't women like Penny anymore.
But life goes on.


Ain’t no way people actually believe Reddit stories


one of my teachers got fired for doing that with a student
