Students, What's Your Best Story Of The Worst Teacher You've Had ?

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Students, What's Your Best Story Of The Worst Teacher You've Had ?
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I had a teacher in 9th grade that I called "Ms. Groundhog". She called me out one day, telling me "You'll never amount to anything." I responded, "we all make mistakes... Your parents are a prime example of that the day you were born." I was sent to the principles office, told him what happened and he sent me back to class. I had a HUGE smile on my face after that.


My daughter, who has ADHD, had the worst third grade teacher I've ever met. I know my daughter caused teachers to work a bit extra hard, because of how distracted she could get. However, when parent-teacher conference came up, she told me about how she was worried about my daughter lying. I was confused. She then went on to tell me that every time they had a different subject, my daughter would talk about how she had been there and done that. Obviously, she was making up stories to get attention. I'll never forget the smirk on her face. I then had to inform her that she did not lie. We had been to Mount Saint Helens, we had been to Mexico to see the pyramids, we had been to Baja where the mother gray whales have their babies, and head touch them from the boats. We swam with manatees in Florida, and we had gone up to San Juan Island to watch the orcas by the lighthouse. We toured the southwest and seen many cliff dwellings and Native American petroglyphs and pictographs. This b**** didn't like my daughter because she was a little bit of a handful, and just assumed that she couldn't have possibly done all these things by the time she was 8 years old. I wiped that smirk right off her face when I informed her that yes, she had actually done all of these things.


When I was in 5th grade I was.. going through a lot.
My parents divorce was starting, and the lack of knowing what was going on, issues with friends, my mom moving out, and my whole world turning upside down my grades obviously slipped.

My English teacher, who hated me for some reason, gave me the hardest time. At the beginning of the year my grades were great, then my dementor and grades started slipping. A normal teacher would have noticed something was wrong, but not her.

I wanted to be a writer as a child, and we shared that one day in class. After the class was over she pulled me aside and brought up my grades, and told me, an 11 year old, that my writings would never make it because of my “laziness and issues to seeing things the whole way through.”

That was the nail in the coffin for 11 year old me, and I felt crushed.

Now that I’m much older and wiser, I realized that moment caused a lot of trauma for me. And because of that, I hope she steps on a different Lego once every day.


My second elementary school class teacher. She just wrote off my neurodivergence (undiagnosed at the time) as me being a lost cause. Because I was the outsider kid and got bullied, she put the most rambunctious boy in the class next to me in hopes he wouldn't talk to the "weird kid" and be quiet. I am very thankful to this boy for instead befriending me.

In Germany, high schools are usually separated into three levels: Hochschule, which offers a simplified graduation after year eight or a slightly better one after year ten and is intended for those going into uneducated work. Realschule, which has a graduation after year ten and is intended for those who want to go into trades. And Gymnasium, which has the Abitur graduation after year 12 and is typically required to go into academics. By the end of elementary school, students got a recommendation for which high school type they were best suited for.

Mind you, I was blatantly not suited for trades or physical labour in general. In fact, PE terrified me.

Anyways, this teacher gave me a recommendation for Realschule, along with the oh so kind advice "Actually, your grades and abilities are more Hochschule level, but I gave you Realschule [to be nice]".

My first class teacher at the Gymnasium immediately realized something was off, talked to my Mom about it, which got me a diagnosis and treatment, and I graduated with Abitur.

Loved rubbing that in her face when I ran into her later.


I had a kindergarten teacher who was racist towards the whole class basically. She was an African American woman who hated all the 'whiteness' in the class (except for 1 kid who was African American). She would purposely tell the class to shut up, punish us for the most obscure of reasons, gave the 1 kid possibly all the love in the class (to the point that he didn't like it), & talked sh*t about us to OUR PARENTS NO LESS. Whenever a child got injured (cause we were 5 and we would cry cause we were dumb), she'd tell the assistant teacher to deal with us, not giving a damn unless it was that 1 kid, then he'd get a beeline to the nurse as if he was dying. Luckily, none of us hated the kid cause he was chill & was fun to be around, but we ALL hated the teacher, at least to the amount a 5 yr old could. The assistant was honestly super sweet & caring (the saving grace of the class), & she even hated the main teacher as well! I guess a good from this was that our school was a fairly small one, so news would fly around faster than a hummingbird looking for flowers.

The worst thing that happened, and was a tipping point of getting her teaching license removed, was because of my twin brother. What happened was that he had attempted to do a trick on the monkey bars in the playground. It was the one where you would snake your legs over & under the bar & hook your feet at the end for support. He forgot to do the feet segment and went face first into the mulch/sand. He SCREAMED his head off to where the other students were trying to help get the dirt off him as tears, snot, & blood was coming out of his face. The head teacher, in ALL of this said (paraphrasing), "Oh they're fine, just toss some bandages on him will you Mrs. Assistant? I have to keep eye on the others. Don't send him to the nurse." The assistant took my brother inside, took the bigger sticky bandages, which she knew was not going to cover him at all, and did her best to clean the injury and calm my brother down, which did work for the time being.

Once we got home, oh boy did our mom get concerned and PISSED (she's a hit first, ask later sort of woman) and told dad, and he followed up on the anger. They contacted the school nurse and explained the situation. SHE GOT PISSED TOO AND FILED A REPORT ON THE TEACHER! It also helped that the nurse knew our family very well and would be like a third parent to us during school hours. What was found out was that my brother had broken his nose and his eyes and jaw got badly bruised, it looked like he was in a boxing ring and lost sort of injuries. The nurse and my parents told the principle and her higher ups about what happened and that racist teacher lost her license while the assistant got the leading role for the remaining year. My brother recovered very well after the incident and terror was no more!

TL:DR: Had a racist teacher towards white kids, didn't send my brother to the nurse after a broken nose, and karma bit her ass.


Had a pre-kindergarten teacher in the 90s that absolutely hated the fact that my first language was Tagalog, and did everything she could to shame me that I couldn't speak English properly. My self-esteem plummeted to where I didn't even want to speak Tagalog at all, even at home. Fast forward to 1st grade, and this teacher I had absolutely hated the boys in her class, and gave special treatment to the girls. She made it her mission to humiliate the boys in her class for even the slightest mistake, or ask questions that she considered 'stupid' ... It was a repeated thing for me, along with many others boys ending the school day crying. The school didn't care to do anything about it, and my parents finally pulled me out after they realizing it wasn't getting any better at that school.


This one teacher back in the 5th grade was the worst I've had. Firstly, know that I have Sickle Cell Anemia, and have been on top of my medications always on time to take them. So it's in the morning and I end up having sharp throbbing pain in my back, a pain that was very new to me, that was persisting throughout that time. It becomes impossible to ignore eventually and I let my teacher know that my back was hurting. "You'll be fine" she says without even looking my direction and proceeds to continue teaching. A few minutes later, I tell her again that my back hurts as the pain continued to persist. No response, maybe she didn't hear me. A few minutes after and I tell her again, that my back was hurting. This time, irritated, she says, "So what do you want me to do about it?" I tell her I need to go to the office to which she says "No" and goes back to teaching.

I ended up having to wait for the first recess to go to the office and tell the lady who worked there about my pain. She lets me call my mom and I was able to be picked up after school which was early for me because normally I'd have to stay behind at an after school program as my mom couldn't leave work early with a ride. Lucky for me, I had a doctor's appointment that day and I told my mom about what happened on the way there. She was rightfully pissed and told me to let my doctor know (after I was given some ibuprofen) and the doctor was also furious. She had even suggested mom sue the school.

However, my mom decided to talk with the principal first, who had said that whenever he saw my teacher, she was always doing fine with the class to which mom says, "Whenever my boss is around, I'm on my best behavior." He was left nearly speechless and said he'd talk to the teacher. Nothing happened to her anyway and I despised having her as a teacher for the rest of the year. Thankfully, that year was the last year the school could remain open since it was basically broke and had to close down after it. But aside from that, my whenever my mom hears mention of my 5th grade teacher, she would always refer to her as "That bald-headed b*tch" since she looked like she basically wore a wig.

TL;DR: I had my first Sickle cell pain crisis in the 5th grade one morning and was denied to call my mom about the pain by my teacher who is now nicknamed "That bald-headed b*tch, " bestowed upon said teacher from my mother.


When I was in preschool I went to a school for kids with mental disabilites, meaning the teachers were specially trained to deal with kids who had anxiety, autism, all the like. So, therefore, the teachers all knew I had anxiety. One time we were going to the gym and I remembered I'd forgotten my stuffed rat in the classroom. Stuffed animals were allowed in the gym, by the way. When i went to this one teacher about it, she refused to walk the short distance to the classroom with me even though I begged. I eventually broke down in tears and she straight up growled at me, gritted teeth and all, "STOP CRYING!" Luckily another teacher brought me to go get my rat, but my mom pulled me out of that school pretty fast after learning about what had happened.


There was 1 teacher in my school for 7th grade English that everyone loathed with a passion. Average grade in that class was like a d and she always gave hw In the least convenient times


I was probably the only one to see her like this. My 9th grade science teacher usually seemed to hate me. I usually draw to help me focus and she would usually get mad at me for it tho half of the class constantly broke the rules and did nothing. Didn't help I had her in the morning and I usually was really freaked out by nightmares from the night before. During the middle months of school my mom broke her leg so we were gone the whole time. When I was able to come back, she seemed mad that I was drawing cause I was still anxious that mom would get worse and wanted to try and calm down. She then acted surprised when I was breaking down because her class was stressful and got mad at me for snapping a bit at her when she wouldn't stop with the unnecessary questions. My principal had to come to calm me down since he is more of a second father to me. I'm very glad I dont have to deal with her anymore as I don't live around there plus being cyber


My 10th grade math teacher said "My goal is to make you miserable" while he was explaining how his class would be taught on the first day of school. He seemed to try pretty hard to live up to that promise and my parents eventually had me transferred to a different class.

When I was in 4th grade, my class drew pictures for an art project. I drew a self-portrait of myself that I really liked. I used black ink to draw the outlines. The teacher insisted that I include color in my drawing and repeatedly told me "black is the absence of color" and that "black is not a color" when telling me that the black outlines were not acceptable. I ended up coloring the lips red but leaving everything else the way it was, which the teacher grudgingly accepted. This was probably a few days before MLK day because I recall that same teacher teaching my class the history of the civil rights movement as a means of explaining MLK day and referring to black people as "colored people" as part of that lesson since that was the historical term used in the civil rights era. My classmates remembered what she had told me during the art class and repeatedly brought up the apparent contradiction since our teacher had just finished telling us "black is the absence of color."


In 8th grade, the principal pinned me against the wall by the throat. I hardly even did anything. To say that my parents were mad would be an understatement. They were FURIOUS. So furious that they almost filed a lawsuit against the school.


My new choir teacher is an absolute nightmare. I had one the previous year, but she left to become a musical therapist. The new teacher that came in basically bullies us. She has no patience, picks on the altos in particular ( me included; I’m an alto ), she lectures us almost every day, to the point that my self-hatred has gotten worse and at some point we weren’t able to practice music because of how much she lectured us. Our winter concert is coming up and I’m terrified because we might not be prepared because we barely practice music on a good day. There’s other things, but I don’t wanna get into it rn.

Edit: I ended up getting COVID, and tomorrow is the day of my concert. One of my friends let me know that my teacher said if I didn’t show up to the concert, I had to do the entire thing by myself in front of her. Me, one single person, who got sick, is expected to do a concert for a woman that is an absolute frog-faced blob of camel spit. All the songs that my class is singing has at least two parts; one song has three. It’s not going to sound the same if I do only my part all by myself. I want to scream that it’s so infuriating.


Buckle in, this is a long one.
So way back in the 90s we had a dreaded 1st grade teacher that everyone knew was a super stern person and just instilled fear in everyone. Thankfully she wasn't my home room teacher but wow was she mean to people. Didn't cut anyone a break. I remember once I got a detention for throwing rocks when I was under the playscape away from everyone (didn't have any friends) poinking pebbles at a low wall because I like the sound they made (I am extremely sound oriented and have Autism). She found me alone and yanked me by the arm and made me spend a full recess writing on the board "I will not throw rocks" like Bart Simpson. Man I didn't like grade school.

About 25 years later, I found myself driving back through my old home town and stopped by the store to get noodles. There in the store was this former 1st grade teacher now long retired and looking vastly different. How different? She looked so much happier and actually spry for being in her older age. She flagged me down and we talked and I found out how miserable she was when she was teaching and since she left teaching she felt free and could do what she wanted to do. I was very happy for her and glad she was able to find the happiness she was missing in her life.


My third grade teacher was an absolute b*tch and if anything i’m glad that my younger siblings don’t have to deal with her. I’m autistic, and most of the adults at my elementary school knew that so that they would know how to help me if I needed it. I’m fidgety, awkward, sensitive to loud noises, and I get stressed when i’m on a set time limit. I had several tools too help me deal with my stress, like squishies, a wiggly stool, and little bands that were put on my desk to keep me from accidentally kicking the person who sat across from me at my table. This teacher not only took away the bands from my desk, but she also tried to have me suspended because I was using my stress tools in class. Another time, I heard another kid say what I thought was a bad word and I knew that that probably wasn’t okay. So 9-year old me goes to tell the teacher what the kid said but I spelled it out because I didn’t want to get in trouble with her for saying it too tell her what happened. Instead of thanking me for telling her or even correcting me by telling me that it wasn’t a bad word, I got in trouble because, according to her, “Spelling it out was just as bad as saying it outright, ” and she sent me to sit outside while it was raining! And the worst part is that I was the only one to get in trouble! The kid who said it originally didn’t even get talked to! A few years later, the teacher either got fired or left the school because I never saw her again.


My 4th grade teacher was the absolute worst. People always say that teachers want what's best for their students, but I theorize that that wasn't the case for her. For instance, one time I had trouble with math in her class, partly due to the fact that I'm a little slow learning-wise, so she had me stay after school. She had me count the ruler on the top of the desk and shouted at me when I got it wrong. It got to the point that I began to cry and she had to call my parents. When I got picked up that day, my parents were furious. I didn't understand why, I didn't do anything morally wrong or malicious. They told me that my teacher told them that I had misbehaved and wouldn't listen to her. Keep in mind that I was a relatively good kid, where the worst thing I would do is zone out on accident or doodle on my assignments. I tried to explain to them what actually happened but they wouldn't listen. I don't remember what my punishment was but I know that I probably had something taken away.
Another story I have of this teacher was when a family friend's pet passed away. My family was and still is really close with this other family. We're so close that we sometimes celebrate holidays together, and me and the other kids in that family have known each other our whole lives. They even consider me their cousin, that's how close we are. Their pet, a female Boxer breed dog, was getting sick and old. She and I had a special relationship, as she loved to sit on me and give me lots of slobbery kisses, much like the dog I have now. Midway through my 4th grade year, she had crossed the rainbow Bridge and I was heartbroken. I mourned for weeks on end for a dog that wasn't even mine. It was the first time I ever dealt with death and, as any nine year old kid would, I didn't know what to do with myself. How my teacher plays into this was when it came time to me having to turn in homework that I hadn't completed. I tried to explain to her why I hadn't gotten it done but she didn't want to listen. She said, very coldly, that the death of a pet wasn't a good excuse for me to not get my homework done and that I shouldn't have anything get in the way of my learning. I was flabbergasted at her lack of sympathy for a little kid in mourning. It racked my thoughts for weeks, maybe months on end. I know the lengths some students will go through to not do their homework but what kind of kid would lie about the death of someone to get out of it? I wasn't one of those kids, and I never became one of those kids, so it was incredibly insulting that she even considered that I would be one of them. At that point, I already hated her but that really was the last straw.
I have a million more stories but those two are the ones I remember the best. Moral of the story is, if a teacher acts like an ass to you, it is a-okay to call them a bitch when recalling them.


Ms.Cooper. Made us write down the number of our worksheet in the little corner. We had to keep them in order. This was worth 50% of our grade. If anything was missing or out of place then she’d fail you.

Well, it doesn’t sound too bad, right?

It was pretty bad for me. I was disorganized and scatterbrained all throughout middle school. But it got really bad when my mother was in the hospital for her heart issues. I was failing English and Science, skipping homework to go to the hospital and visit my mom after school. She had heart issues all throughout my life (up to this point at least, it’s been about four years since her last time in the hospital and she’s doing great now ❤) so I was used to it. But the doctors needed to do a couple surgeries that would be rather difficult and dangerous.

Anyway, my teacher told me to visit her during study period. Last class of the day. She sat me down and basically berated me for doing poorly. After about a 10 minute long lecture from her, she asked why I was failing. I remember feeling my eyes begin to water. She asked again, a bit more upset. I broke down crying. It was too much.

I remember crying there for a little. I remember seeing her regret as I explained between sobs that my mother might not make it out of surgery. She didn’t say much to me after that, just left me to sob while other kids watched.

I told my parents about this a few years later. They were pissed to put it lightly. I wish I had told them sooner, because I never felt comfortable around my teachers ever again. I didn’t want to show them this vulnerable side of me. After all, the last teacher I showed it to just left me to sob. It’s not as bad as some teachers are, obviously. But it really hurt me when I was already in an awful place.


I went to a high school with a prominent arts influence. I love theatre so I took the theatre class all four years along with musical theatre. My teacher was known to play favorites even though he said he’d never do that and talk to the popular theatre kids like they were his best buddies but treat the others like crap. We were doing a stage combat class and learning about safe distance before learning how to take “hits”. I was doing what I was supposed to do, checking distance when his voice booms and I don’t understand and I turn around to see everyone looking at me and him with a pissed off face for no reason. He told me I did it wrong and just yelled at me which he never did before because I was always a good student. Of course, it made me cry and then the dick took me aside in front of everyone and said “You know I love you like I love my luggage.” Wtf does that even mean?! For the rest of the four years he’d criticize and shut down everything I did but praise the popular kids for doing the same things. He would also not so secretly cast the popular kids in the lead roles and then act like auditions were going to change that, but it never did. I’d spend hours memorizing monologues and scenes and dissecting the characters down to the blinking only for it to go down the drain every time. He decided to act all nice at graduation but I wasn’t buying it. F you Mr. Warkentein. F You.


One of the high school science teachers literally never taught a class, except for maybe once in junior high. He’d have us to self-led presentation after self-led presentation, sometimes vocabulary, seldom a movie. I chose not to do his assignments out of protest, failed, then took the class next year with the other teacher and actually learned shit. The funniest thing is that the final exam was a state exam, and he literally said “I know we didn’t go over a lot of the stuff in the exam [read: none] but just do your best”. None of us knew the answers to the questions in the exam, we just had to guess. Why the school let him teach there is beyond me. I don’t think I had to do the state exam the second time around though.

Also, in fourth grade, I would act out or whatever and the teacher would interrupt class (sometimes me not even knowing what I did) to bring me out into the hall and berate me until I cried. This one time we were in the computer lab and I told her about a mistake that someone she brought in to teach the class made and she grabbed me by my wrists and held them for a bit. She gave a half-hearted apology when she realised I was correct, because apparently me falsely pointing out a mistake is grounds for her to put her hands on me.


I had two teachers who I actively disliked because they were extremely strict and demanding. They would put up with no nonsense and demanded the same high standards for everyone in their class. It was only years later I realized they were my best teachers and I learned a great deal from them.

Thank you, Mrs. Armstrong and Miss Simpson, wherever you are.
