What is the true meaning of JIHAD?
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What is JIHAD? Is it really holy war?
Watch what it truly means to us Muslims. What does the Prophet (PBUH) taught us about JIHAD? Is it not an inner struggle to avoid all worldly pleasures and strive in the name of Allah (SWT)?
The Prophet has said that out of all those who carry out jihad, the most exalted is the one who strives against his own passions (Ibne Maja, Kitabul Fitn)
Watch what it truly means to us Muslims. What does the Prophet (PBUH) taught us about JIHAD? Is it not an inner struggle to avoid all worldly pleasures and strive in the name of Allah (SWT)?
The Prophet has said that out of all those who carry out jihad, the most exalted is the one who strives against his own passions (Ibne Maja, Kitabul Fitn)