Should You Weigh Yourself EVERY DAY??

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Hey, Folks!

Let's talk about the pros and cons of weighing yourself every day! Also included are 5 tips to weighing and losing weight! I hope you enjoy, and stay safe!
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I weigh everyday, it’s just a way to not ignore and creep up if your one inclined to do that.


I weigh myself everyday, some days it goes up a pound or two but I stay on the program and the weight comes back down. I'm down 29 lbs since December and as long as the overall curve is lowering I'm good with it. Never give up!


I like to weigh myself everyday bc it holds me accountable for the day


I get to discouraged when I weigh every day.


I do weigh everyday. For me it’s a way of holding myself accountable for my behavior the day before. keeps me rooted right in reality. I know so many people say that the scale doesn’t represent the truth but for me it 100% does. When I am not weighing in every day then I am off plan :-(.


I thought i was crazy, obsessed for weighing everyday, thanks for agreeing


So happy to see a bonus video. I agree with you, Ally. I weigh every day. I think it’s a must for maintenance. I have a rule: If I go up more than 4 pounds from my lowest weight, I have cut back until back at my low weight. I do this even when I know I’ve overeaten.


Good advice, besides tracking macros, weighing myself was critical to losing 120 pounds. Part of having a food addiction is rationalizing what you eat. There's no way to rationalize the number on that scale. It is what it is. Thanks for all your videos! You are a treasure!


Girl with all this insanity going on, I went from weighing myself everyday to not wanting to know at all!


I weigh almost every day. I can always tell when I get up if I’m a bit bloated, so on those days I don’t bother. I joined a few Keto groups since start of the year & there are so many opposed to this is a personal journey & ya’ gotsta roll on your own 😉. I do so appreciate you posting this tho’. Nice to know I’m not alone. It gives me in my head permission to be me & not feel bad about it. One of the problems I have been working on....permission or choice/choosing....because a lifetime of poor food choices or giving myself permission to eat things I shouldn’t have, led to my huge weight gain. So I need to start trusting my choices. Well, eventually 😊


Guys remember like Ally says, this is what works for HER. She has an addictive personality so the way she was addicted to food, is the same effort she has to put to stay thin. Water weight, pms, eating late the night before, can make weight fluctuate daily. That's why weighing once a week might be better for most people, as you won't get discouraged on the daily just because you have undigested food in your belly.


I first found you two years ago when I was researching keto. Thanks for all your uploads! Hope your move is going well. Stay healthy and keto Ally


I totally agree with u! I find it so helpful to weigh myself everyday. Thank u for all the videos u make. Your video where u share how u eat to slim down has helped me to get to a weight that I never thought I would reach. Thank u so so much!


As someone alos who has lost half my body weight; I will always have a food issue so yes I weigh everyday. Sometimes it is smooth sailing others not so much so by weighing everyday I can be accountable to what I have put in my mouth.


Just discovered you, am on a journey of about 90 lbs. I work out and exercise every day. Now since they SHUT DOWN MY GYM. Not that it bothers me or anything, but I believe exercise is secondary to what you eat. And, if you add muscle, it will help you to actually burn more calories even when sleeping. Thanks for what you are doing Miss McWowie, Lyal


I was 325lb today. I am recovering from an eating disorder. I had lost 170lbs with very unhealthy ways...
I'm stick in between wanting to go back to those habit and wanting to be healthy. I'm now in therapy and going to FINALLY talk to a nutritionist on Thursday.
I think all overweight people have an eating disorder. We all need psychological help, because the human body does everything to maintain homeostasis and being overweight is going against that... my back is killing me and although I got there in an unhealthy way... I miss being small.

Day 1 of keto was a success. Thanks for the videos.


I go through phases of weighing myself everyday to every so often. I find when my clothes feel uncomfortable I start weighing everyday and when they feel fine I don’t. 🍷


You are may inspiration why I started keto at first I am hesitant but I did it. Keep inspiring. Thanks Ally!


I wish I had found your channel before I started keto. I only needed to loose 5 lbs because I am 5’4” and weigh 125. 120lbs is my ideal weight. Soooo. I decided to go full keto and was really good at keeping the carbs down but I was going crazy with the cheese, butter, nuts and even keto desserts! And I am not a sweet eater normally. My carbs of choice are breads. Potatoes, chips and savory foods. I believed the keto folks when they preached that calories don’t count. Wrong!!! At least for me. So now I need to loose 8lbs rather than 5! I gained 3 lbs on keto. No more bulletproof coffee and mct oil for me. If I had been weighing daily I would have seen it happening. I was eating way too many calories !! So I’m glad I found your point of view. I’m going to keep doing keto but definitely tracking my calories and weight more carefully.


Yes, we weigh every day and record once a week on Thursday morning.
