At What Age Should You Start Training Your Puppy?

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Even shelter dogs can still learn something if you want, it's never too late for training


Yes! Crate training is the best thing to do immediately. Saves you, the dog and your home!


I’ll never take an advice from you lightly, I have mad respect for you and your training program, I’ll might get myself an bully breed and I can literally use your videos and your advics to educate him, thanks so much bro


Don't forget that your house rules and someone else's don't have to be the same. An example is my dogs are trained to eat in their crates, they run to their crates to wait for dinner. I have gotten crap for this by other people because they think dogs should be sitting next to each other to eat or something like that. I foster so having my dogs trained this way allows me to also have the foster eat in it's crate as well. Helps keep all of the dog's stress levels down as their is no concern about someone taking their food. As a bonus it helps with crate training since it makes the crate a place that good things happen in.


Mine stay literally attached to me for the first 3-6 months, depending on the dog, unless im going somewhere they cant. This is to teach them everything excpeted of them in the house and when in public. I dont typically do training sessions with my dogs during this time. I do on the go training, when they do something i like or dislike i praise/correct as needed. This has the added benifit of teaching them that when i get up and move they do. Makes teaching recall easy as well since they are already conditioned to go where i go. After this time then i start focused training to teach more in depth skills and/work on problem areas for that specific dog. Seems to work well as every dog ive done this with has turned out very well behaved.


First time dog owner here. I’ve only used you YouTube videos to train my puppy. We get complaints on how we’ll behaved and a great listener he is. Our puppy is only 5 months old and my neighbors are trying to hire me to train their dogs hahaha. I think I need to pick up your corse to take the training to the next level. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us!


You nailed it! Stop procrastinating and get on it from day one.. unless it’s newborn then wait until day 3 before starting ENS, but that’s the only exception.


❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ our shelter would not have an urgent list otherwise known as the e-list. If more people thought about the work effort and training these living breathing sentient beings require before they think about getting them. Thank you for everything you do. I love your videos. Can't wait to see more. I learned something new every time and I've been handling dogs for over 40 years. It's the best!


Totally agree. We got a Rough Collie/Keeshond pup at 8 weeks and he learned “sit”. the first day we had him. Got him in the winter so when he came in he had to stay on the rug by the door to wipe his paws off before going into the rest of the house so we taught him to “stay on the rug”. He was a smart boy. Knew sit, stay, down, stay in your yard, go around (run around the outside of the house) come, wait, drop it, leave it along with hand signals that went with the commands. He even knew sit and stay in Spanish. Good dog. Had him 13 1/2 yrs.


My mom always said "you start training as soon as you decide to get a puppy/dog"
You have to learn first so you can be at your best bringing home puppy. I love training the dog the instant I picked them up because you're able to eliminate some of the bad behaviors that they established in their old house a lot easier than getting to know the dog and letting them continued their bad behaviors in your house which make it harder on the dog in the long run.


I’ve just adopted an English Pointer x an import from Spain, adopted by a couple who found her to much.
Oh boy! I did wonder if I’d bitten off more than I could chew (I’m in my 70s) but, laying tight boundaries, following through every time and being consistent, I now have a wonderful little dog that is fun to have around, obedient and a great companion.


Something to also note is that a reputable breeder will start training before the puppies can be weaned and sold so keep this in mind when finding a breeder


I used to breed Labs. Their training started with a welping box. . Potty training was very easy because of this. Retrieve training was 1 hour twice a day for each pup. Never scolded a puppy


Would love to see a vid on expectations for senior dogs when people bring them home


Just got My puppy, thanks for all the amazing info even before I got her, she’s a Clumber spaniel!


Everybody need a Jim Hodges starter kit


I gave my dog the first 3 days because she just had surgery but after that, it was full blast


My late lamented blue heeler got a rocky start because I got sandbagged with a dog I had no idea was coming. So the first night, I put her in the bathroom of the studio apartment I was in (again, TERRIBLE circumstances).

She did her business on the linoleum. Fine. I flushed it, and started moving forward.

Fast forward about a month, and I, genius great dog owner that I was, got INCREDIBLY hammered. So of course, I'm insanely hungover when I feel this little cold nose pushing at my neck.

I crack my eyes open, and decide that I'm just going to clean up some dog crap because that sounds better than getting up.

She did it the same spot she did that first night without getting into trouble.

I still miss that dog. She was a better dog than I deserved, especially at that time in my life.

But it proves the point- put on the spot, she reverted to where she'd been tolerated doing her business on her first night with me.


Get that dog experiencing EVERYTHING they will encounter in their lifetime before 6 months old!! Teach them how to handle any situation. I didn’t do everything perfect with my dogs. But I’ve learned so much and think I can do much better next time.


I accidentally trained my corgi on wee wee pads... i always had a spot with the pads bc she peed there day 1 so i cleaned it than covered with the pad... every time she used the pad i was so happy i praised her. Than i moved the pads the a more convient spot kinda in a corner she immediately understood to use the pad she was like 10 wks old
