How menopause may be affecting your mental health. Serious mental health changes in menopause.

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This video focuses on how menopause may be affecting your mental health. Are you suffering new or worsening mental or emotional changes in midlife for no obvious reason? Is it becoming harder to cope day to day and you can't figure out why? Menopause may be the cause. The shifting hormones in perimenopause and post menopause can be profound and drastically alter emotional and mental health leaving many middle aged women feeling overwhelmed, unstable, worried and even scared. I detail the true impact of menopause on mental health and how it affects middle aged women as they navigate their way through the often difficult transition from perimenopause into post menopause. Thanks for watching! If you want to see more videos like this subscribe. I make content on all things midlife and menopause.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. The information in my videos is based on my research and personal experiences and is presented from my perspective. Please contact your physician for medical advice.

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This is my journey. I don't even know myself. I feel someone has stepped into my body and causing a disturbance in me.


God bless you.Two years I had a mental shutdown, did not even know, went to one doctor to another, had several test done, nothing.God delivered me and came through for me.


Sleep issues, aches, brain fog (when I need to think quickly at work), CHOKING ON MY OWN SPIT. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I used to be a fully functional, get it done kind of girl. Now I just feel broken. Everything terrifies me. Everything makes me anxious. I don't sleep well anymore and I get anxious about being able to sleep. It's ridiculous. I do feel like I'm losing my mind. I feel like I'm not me anymore. It's awful. Thank you for this post. The irony is that a few years ago I would have made videos encouraging women to talk about this stuff, but now I'm going through it and I just feel so incapable of almost everything. Basically, this sucks and it makes me sad. Menopause has taken my muchness and I'm not happy about it.


Menopause is by far the most painful experience I’ve ever experienced and I’m on HRT. I pray 🙏 my motivation/energy comes back…. Stamina strength joy ….. one 1️⃣ day 😒


💞 Thank you Kari for another helpful topic. I lost my Mom last August and I can't even grieve properly for her because I am now so consumed with grieving the loss of myself. I am 51 and since last December, it's like a switch went off in my body and I have never been the same. I have had horrible aches & pains and severe debilitating health anxiety every single day. I witnessed my sweet Mom battle cancer for 8 years and she never complained. She handled herself with such grace & dignity until the end. Here I am, I can't even manage to get through this phase of my life without crying for hours on end every single day. I never knew that it was possible to cry so much. Thank you again Kari 🙏 A huge supportive hug to you and to all that are suffering through this difficult time 💞


Right now I don't know what to think about the way am feeling, anxiety and menopause has taken over my entire day I can be okay and another day I can be so out of touch it's as if am not me😢


I’m going thru this hell AKA “perimenopause now & it literally feels like someone else in my body. I hate perimenopause more than I can say. I’m glad I found this video


I was in the middle of the grocery store when I mis placed my purse and started ugly crying. Later, someone found it in the bathroom. I thought I was going crazy.


You are so right! The mental side effects of all the crazy hormonal changes are the absolute worst, ever! I’d rather have hot flashes all day than anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, depression, and anger. Things were not as much of an issue prior to perimenopause.


Getting through each day is a challenge


My perimenopause symptoms seemingly hit me all at once and overnight. I went from being my cheerful normal self to debilitating depression, with some very bad thoughts. At that point I knew I needed to see a Dr for medication and that it was something that couldn't wait very long. I figured she would put me on anti depressants, tbh that's what I'd blatantly asked for but she instead put me on progesterone and I'm so thankful because at least for now, it's put most of my symptoms at bay, especially the depression. These sudden hormone fluctuations are no joke😢


At the age of 49 I experienced a hypomanic episode. My male physicians told me it couldn't have possibly been related to my menopause. When I told of also experiencing headaches that felt like fire or electric shocks in my forehead. I was referred to a psychiatrist. I really did think I was loosing my mind. I was given medicine for bipolar even though I had no other signs or symptoms of bipolar, nor had I ever in my life. They didn't help. Then luckily was switched to a different psychiatrist who took menopause as a cause seriously and helped me off the meds. I'm now 57 years old and thankfully only endured the one hypomanic episode. And found that staying away from processed and deli meats containing nitrates worked well at keeping night sweats and electric headaches away. Thank you so much for your informative and exceptionally accurate posts so that the next generation menopausers don't have to feel crazy like I did. ❤


Im in a bad place mentally. Very overwhelmed. Depressed.


Yes, probably the mental health impact is probably the worst
There are those who suffer from Psychoses
Very sad
Thank you for addressing this issue


You're a Godsend!💕 Struggling through this alone the best I can. Nice to get validation that I am not crazy.


I am 52 years old and going through perimenopause, I can deal with the physical issues but the mental issues are the absolute worse, the depression and intrusive thoughts have destroyed me, I was put in the pysch ward a few months ago and still had no relief. I just started HRT 3 weeks ago and I pray I find some relief 😢 I am barely hanging on.


Omg 😳 I thought I was going crazy I have never felt this kind of overwhelming anxiety like I do now I had to quit my job because I couldn’t function at work I became more and more scared and nervous literally shaking inside which then turned into a complete anxiety melt down.
I felt like I didn’t know who this person is with all these issues and fears I just wanted to be invisible and not have to talk to anyone about anything I didn’t want anything or anyone to want or need anything from me because it would overwhelm me. I became the very opposite of who I was.
I felt so very confused and sad and very alone because if I couldn’t understand what all these feelings and changes were how in the world could I expect anyone else to understand, how was I to explain all these crazy emotions and feelings and changes going on inside of me without someone thinking 🤔 wow this woman has truly lost her crap.
P.S I forgot to mention the amazing hot 🥵 flashes and being wide awake and in an anxiety meltdown pacing my house and side walk until 4:30am oh yes the joy of peri menopause.


Came here a second time to watch a day later. Thank HEAVENS FOR HELPING US WITH THIS CHANNEL.❤️❤️❤️It helps to know we are not alone.


I feel like suddenly I'm loosing my mind. But your videos validate that I am not, and give me a chuckle along the way. Thank you!
