Ham Radio Technicians! Get On Ten Meter Parks On The Air! (Radioddity QT60)

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All amateur radio technicians should get on ten meter #POTA as soon as they can, it's an absolute blast!

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I'm a general. I'm also retired and disabled on a extremely limited income. I'm saving $10 per month for the eventual purchase of a QT60 or similar. Why? Cost is a huge factor. But living in an assisted living center, space is at a premium... Particularly when it comes to antenna options. Mounting a mobile antenna to my mobility scooter for outdoor use is not out of the question. Given my health, this may be my last opportunity to work HF other than at a club station. A 10-meter only rig fits my use case and limitations to a tee. You're 100% on point, Josh. Not every option is the best option for every ham. Thank you for pointing that out. 73 de W9FLV


22:06 Yay I made it! 😆 Thanks for sticking with me. Happy to go coast to coast on 10m


Been licensed for 31 years and silent for past 20ish. Just getting back into the hobby and found out several coworkers got into ham recently. Been watching and catching up on some of the new stuff out there. Great videos and streams.


Outstanding video. Josh, you're a fantastic ambassador for amateur radio. Thanks for all you do.


8:06 hey that’s me! Great video as always and a good reminder that I need to work on toning down this southern accent 😂


I believe N9NUQ may have been my first HF contact ever. Very cool to hear him on 10m still 😁


Back in the late 70s early 80s during the CB craze my dad would convert CBs with SSB to 10 meter rigs
In my car I had a converted CB. I was a geek before school I would be talking to Spain and all over the world.
I still have one of those radios


I love the addition on the contact pictures from QRZ - what a great idea! :)


My most memorable contacts have been on 10m, and 11m before that. Most of them with less than 30 watts of power. Don't let the equipment snobs deter you if that's your budget.


Extraordinary video to help those Technicians wanting to explore the world of HF and enjoy POTA at the same time! 👍🏼


Perfect timing, I tried my first camping setup this weekend with the IC-705 and an EFHW into a tree. I used paracord tied to a corn-hole bean bag; it worked but it was messy. Clicking buy now on this Weaver Throw Line!


Thanks! Now you make me want to brush the dust off my old HTX-100 and get back on the air. The 1989 solar cycle was fabulous, I was stationed in Okinawa, worked all around the Pacific mostly on 15 meters. But now this lazy old guy needs some motivation to get the radios out of their boxes and string some antenna wires, you might have just done it!


Great video Josh! Way to go proving the naysayers wrong about the 10m band and its effectiveness for POTA. 73!


10m can be very effective but does have some limitations based on band openings. During the higher solar cycle, it's open more often, but is still mostly a daytime band. When the f layer MUF isn't high enough, sporadic E can still give some good openings in the summer and winter seasons. And for both of those, it's mostly a daytime band.

All of that said, it is open more often than folks give it credit for, and what better way to test the propagation than setting up at a park and posting up a spot? It won't always work, and it helps to understand the limitations, but a lot of times you really can be successful just operating on 10m.


Great video, Josh. Thank you! No joke about 10m. I upgraded to General tonight via HRCC/HamStudy/GLAARG, but last week made my first POTA from Central California coast on an old IC-718. So fun! Australia, Samoa, Chile, Argentina, and all over eastern and midwestern US. Now is the time. Making memories.


The Radioddity QT60 is an AnyTone AT-5555N II that has been rebranded. The same can be said about the CRT SS 7900V. All three radios are identical but with different names stamped on their face plates. Like the AnyTone AT-6666, they're all good regardless of what the naysayers would have to say.


Great timing! As a Technician, I just activated my first Park on September 13th - K-3186, on 10m! The band was hopping!! I worked my first pileup - 94 contacts in 78 minutes. What a rush! 73 de KJ7LLX


Josh that's a brilliant setup that Mass you have is awesome buddy😊


Oh man, I just passed my Technician exam and I'm waiting for my callsign to pop up on the ULS database, and this is making me more impatient.


You're a great Ambassador for the hobby, and while I plan to buy an FT-891 as I finally get into the hobby (after getting my General 8 years still motivating me as much as you're motivating the Technician folks! I want to incorporate this hobby, with my other hobby of riding motorcycles, and use POTA and SOTA as a means to do both. So, videos like this are just what I need to keep learning how things work. Thanks!!
