How to Get your HAM Radio License: a Beginner's Guide

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*Step 1*

*Step 2*

*Step 3*

*Step 4*
- Go to the test location of your choosing

*Step 5*
- Pay FCC after passing your test.

*Step 6*
- Use your HAM radio

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*Step 1*

*Step 2*

*Step 3*

*Step 4*
- Go to the test location of your choosing

*Step 5*
- Pay FCC after passing your test.

*Step 6*
- Use your HAM radio


I signed up for ham radio prep 7 days ago, when this video was released. I am now a certified ham technician


Ive been following a Ham Facebook group and those guys act like being licensed is the greatest and most difficult achievement of their life and they should be worshipped.


Regarding Step 2, another reason to take the test in person. There are A LOT of helpful people that you can meet in your area if you take the test in person. Our county ham radio club administers the test before each monthly club meeting. So whether you pass the test or not, most test takers come to the meeting and meet the 40-50 people who are at the monthly meeting. Good luck!


Excellent information. I’ve been a Ham for almost 30 years. Your explanation was so simple and understandable.


I literally just got my technician license this morning.


It's a great hobby. Once you get your "ticket" (your call sign) get involved with a local club and community. There are many other fun activities such as Parks on the Air and Summits on the Air. It's a great way to enjoy the hobby.


I'm an Amateur Extra class and happy to see your video. An often overlooked "gateway" to ham radio is GMRS. My wife and family would never study for a test but with GMRS, are allowed to transmit (including repeaters) with common, inexpensive radios. The fee for a no-test license is $35 for 10 years and can be obtained the next day! FRN is necessary, just like with ham.


Similar to you, I have attempted to get my license over and over again. Your approach makes a lot of sense.


Holy cow. I JUST _today_ decided to get my license for my new Baofeng UV5R. This is AMAZING timing.


I've been a ham since April of 1992! Pretty much the coolest hobby ever!
Everytime I talk to someone who is interested, I always tell them not to just settle for a tech ticket. When circumstances and finances allow, it's always best to shoot for a general ticket and jump onto the HF bands.


Started this process a year ago, but never set aside regular time to study. I need to go ahead and get the process done. Thank you for the motivation!


Thank you for this Information about the importance of having a ham radio and the license to operate it. I have my late husband’s ham radio and plan to get my ham license in the near future. Be blessed and stay safe and healthy.


Common steps; CB, GMRS, Amateur radio. It's a fun hobby, if you're looking to do less dangerous stuff, due to geyting older and having a family etc. The experimentation with antennas and propagation is fun, but perk I've found is meeting like-minded people (astronomy, firearms, camping, motorcycles, etc. )


Getting my HAM license is on my "to do" prep list of 2022. Relocating from CA to NC in 2 weeks. I plan on taking the test in mid-December. Great video Kris! Great info to complete my quest!


Signed up with Ham Radio Prep quite a while ago. The program is excellent, but life got in the way. Thanks for reinspiring me to get it done.


Excellent how-to video, Kris! 👍🏾

Another reason as to why it’s important to get licensed is something that I hadn’t previously considered until recently.

The FCC is charged with managing the various frequencies being accessed among American citizens, agencies, and corporate entities within its jurisdiction. There’s always a push by certain elements to grab specific frequencies that are both valuable and not heavily accessed by the designated end users.

Often the ONLY way the FCC is made aware of the traffic that are on the ham frequencies is through the number of licensees being applied for and renewed.

It’s super important to remind the FCC that ham radio operators are committed to retaining their privileges and being responsible users on the airwaves. Be licensed is the most effective way to do so.

73 from Southwest Oklahoma! 😉


Ham license is waiving your 4th amendment!!
So.. I studied to obtain the General license class. A few days before my test something in the FCC rules caught my attention!! Section 303-
When you agree to get these Ham tests you agree to pretty much waiving your 4th amendment. At anytime when you have a ham radio the fcc can “search”. When you get a license you are agreeing to opening your doors to the govnt. If the fcc comes to your house you let them in or you lose your license, simply put.
Several law groups are fighting this with “meh” results.
The chances of the FCC coming and “checking” your radio equipment and home is slim if your following the rules. But still a chance.
I cherish my liberties that many of us faught for and decided not to proceed with the license.
I still have the knowledge and radios in case of emergencies (because then idk what the fcc says).
Thank you Chris for all your awesome videos


Congradulations! Welcome to the hobby! You'll find virtually all the Hams you'll meet will be glad to help you out (even with such things as putting up a home antenna, etc.) and answer questions as they come up. People who do this for you are often called "Elmers". I would be proud to be that for you, if I wasn't in Denver! Let us know when you're ready to go for a full-on base station, we'd be glad to advise you. Just as with the Baofeng walkie talkies, there are pretty good world radios for cheap! Like only a few hundred dollars cheap! Like with not skimping on the speakers with home stereos, just don't skimp of the HAM radio antenna!


I grew up with my Dad having a ham radio loved hearing from people all over the world. If the weather was just right he would be talking to people in South America or the Virgin Islands. It was so much fun! CQ CQ!
