Sheep Freed From A Savage Shell of Matting

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This is the third of eight sheep in this condition. The breed is Navajo Churro and their ideal shearing schedule is every 6 month. Because of life’s chaos, this herd was sitting at about 14 months of growth. Now that they have found our services, these sheep will be shorn on a proper schedule. This was a very emotional experience for all those involved. The owners were very helpful and concerned over the wellbeing of their flock. They attempted to shear a few before we arrived, but as you can see, that is a mountain of a task.🤘🏻

This is likely one of this most difficult shears of my career. The inflexibility of the mats was exhausting and the heat is absolutely brutal at this point. I was extremely thankful for the experience I gained with the prior two.🤘🏻

0:00 Intro

0:55 Shearing Begins

9:21 Finished Product

9:27 Weight
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Do i have sheep? No. Did i watch the whole thing avidly? Yes!


I respect your empathy for the owners as well as the sheep.


The Girl With the Dogs once described the feeling of matted fur as a too-tight ponytail that just keeps getting tighter and tighter. Really gives me a lot of sympathy for these matted up guys!


Oh bless him, I'm so glad his people called you out, you were so compassionate AND effective, thank you! <3


15 years of experience? You look like you just got out of high school! You are the GOAT at what you do.


It's times like this when I feel such long-awaited relief for our Wonder Woman Katie, as well as the poor no-longer suffering sheep. God Bless you for all you are & all you do Katie. As always, you're still The Best❣️🙏🐏👍


that's like being in a body 100 degree heat. Cant imagine how these sheep are still alive. Great earn your views!


Thank you for caring for not only the sheep. But, also the owners. We all have times in our lives when we have struggles. Great job.


Katie, I worry about YOU getting heat stress! My "mom mode" kicks in watching how hard you work in extreme temps.


I only watch your shearing. But everyone knows how analogues work. Another shear that was many years old popped up on my feed. The guy chased the sheep down, cornered him, and with two other men forced him into the barn where one of the men did a close shave. He left the sheep with so many nicks (deep wounds), the sheep looked like it had been in a knife fight. There was no apology, and no talk of lanolin. They all acted like, hey good job mate. 😮 It made me really admire your work even more.


I respect you 2 ladies so much for your compassionate and excellent work. Thank you for educating us and for sharing your expertise. Well done!


Yikes, this is only #3 with many more to go. Your face when weighing the mats was already so tired from the heat and work. I really commend you for your patience, perseverance, and endurance - what an epic job this was!


Thank you for explaining how these sheep got in this condition. It's too easy to judge when we don't have the full story. I'm so glad you can tackle these "hard cases". Seriously, no pun intended.


You know how it means the world to these animals and their caretakers to take on these cases, and it shows in your willingness to shear even in these difficult conditions. Thank you for your compassion, patience and superb work ethic 🐏🐑


I so very much enjoy watching you shear these sheep, but your creative use of words is a winner every time. AA+ as usual!! Thank you for educating us and being an advocate for the herd ❤️


Good job staying patient and thanks for not blasting the owners.


This one definitely reminds me when traveling to see my brother's friend who was a vet and was helping a sheep farm one of the guys asked me and my brother if we'd like to try it i politely said no even though I know how to wrestle but the sheep were almost as big as I was. Then the thought of cutting the wool and not nick the sheep because it would move on me is the thing that I wouldn't want. You did it great and i like watching you do it


I appreciate the humor and respect for these guys! Penile protection is in the DNA for guys. I respect your mission to “rescue” of these animals. The relief must be fantastic. Heat for you and the animals is a huge issue. I never knew how much I was interested in shearing. You ladies have got me hooked! Well done.


Nicks are sadly an unavoidable aspect of shearing over-woolled sheep. No-one can predict the skin pulls. Sheep being prey animals are blessed to have a much lower response to injury than us humans and remarkable powers of recovery . You do a great job. Regards from a former Scottish shearer.


He must’ve sensed it was for the best. Enormous respect for your work!
