Why Does Unexplained Infertility Occur? #fertilitytreatment #infertility #ttc

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Have you ever been told what the root cause of your fertility issues are?

Have you tried multiple rounds of IUI and IVF and are wondering why with all this treatment AND with normal lab reports, you have not been able to get pregnant?

Any couple on their fertility journey goes through these questions repeatedly…. with no answers. This can be frustrating!

This is exactly what we do on our Fertility Foundations Program at Sepalika!

👉🏼 We look at all your reports and tell you what’s at the bottom of why several years or several rounds of treatment have not worked!

❤️ And tell you what you can do.

If you would like to improve your chances of conception naturally, talk to us!

To speak with our co-founder, Sharda Agarwal, fill out a form and know how we can help you.
Comment below to get the form link!

Please note that this opportunity is only available to the first 15 couples who fill out the form.
Last date to fill out the form: Tomorrow 28th July'24

#infertility #unexplainedinfertility #maleinfertility #ttc #sepalikafertility #fertilityexpert #functionalfertility
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