Australian Reacts To '5 Reasons Why Canada Is Better Than The USA!'

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Welcome to Australian Reacts, where an Australian reacts to "5 Reasons Why Canada Is Better Than The USA!". Australian reacts is a series of checking out a whole range of international videos, based around history, peoples findings or even just random little facts. Some videos teach us more about a countries history and others open the door to something we never knew. Meanwhile any videos on Australia get measure up against real knowledge from a local of "the land down-under". Overall we get to see a glimpse of what this incredible world has to offer and have some laughs along the way!



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I’m Canadian, stupid ly went to US without travel insurance, spent one evening in hospital, basically just got fluids....cost me $17000USD, plus 1000 for the ambulance (3 minute drive!). A few years later back in Ottawa, was just feeling rough, saw like 4 specialists every blood test under the sun, mri, catscans, even injected with some radioactive thing and had to had this big iron plate pressed 3cm from My face 6am-9am....finally diagnosed with kidney cancer (so early stage) in January, had it out by mid OF THIS COST ME NOTHING AT ALL! (except parking!). This took over 2 years....imagine what that would have cost me in the US!!!??? Ps I paid when I was discharged from the US hospital (after declining further service) so I got 40 % off, still over 10G! ANd they charged me 2500..00 before admitting me ! Jeez


The point of job-issued private healtrh insurance in Canada is for items not covered under the public system.
- Semi Private rooms during hospital stays
- Prescription Drugs
- Short Term Disability Salary Coverage (which switches over to long-term government coverage after a set number of weeks). After heart surgery and a major blood infection, I was off work with full-pay for 3 months. My employer health insurance covered all of it.
- Dental Care (discussions are taking place to cover this under the public plan)
- Chiropractic care
- Post-op rehabilitation services.

There are several other ways that having private insurance provides supplementary care, but until I turned 65, prescription drugs were the most important. When I turned 65, the government had me covered for drugs with a $100 annual deductable.

Sure do wish I would have taken better advantage of Dental coverage when I had it though. I'm now an old man with bad teeth, and can't afford a dentist because my combined pensions are over the government-set maximums (but still not enough to pay the $1000's of dollars needed for oral care)


For reference, I had a triple bypass in Canada. The only money I was directly out of pocket was for parking - under $10.and because it was critical care I had no wait at all.


$28, 000 USD tuition isn't double the cost of a $14, 000 CDN because of the exchange rate. It's about 2.5 times more and that was his personal experience. Alot of Americans pay WAY more than $28, 000 USD. And Canadians don't pay significantly more than Americans in taxes. Canada allocates the biggest share of tax revenues to the public health care system while Americans divert those taxes to their military instead. The US health care system is based on ability to pay and absurdly expensive. Canada wins this one by a mile.


Tom Brokaw Explains Canada To Americans


Most Americans have health insurance that will cover most of your medical bills. Hospitals cannot refuse to treat anyone who doesn´t have medical insurance. If a doctor orders some sort of medical treatment the insurance must cover it. The only exceptions are elective surgeries like breast enhancement surgeries and face lifts. For example if I am in a major car accident and I damage my face, the surgery will be covered by the insurance. If I choose to get some a face lift because I am looking older, then it will not be covered.

There are no wait times to see specialists in the US. Many Canadian politicians and other famous people have traveled to the US for major surgeries and to see specialists because Canada is known for waiting months for appointments. When Canadian singer Michael Buble found out his child had cancer, he moved to Los Angeles in order to see the specialists his child needed. Within 24 hours of arriving in the US, his child was receiving treatment. Months later the child was cured and is still alive today


Multiculturalism :

USA - Melting pot - leave the patina of your mother culture but integrate enough so you don't offend the sensibilities of the people who've been here for 4-5 generations.

Canada - a mosaic - each culture remains largely intact while being able to take on a Canadian identity. Groups respect each other and freely share their experiences with on another.


Canada has a good health care system, but it could be better. I would like dental and optometry included in our system.


Canada is not at all like the US when it comes to social issues.


Fun fact, while Canadians overall pay more in taxes, Americans pay more in taxes for their Healthcare system than Canadians do. In 2019 it cost $5, 418 per capita to run the Canadian healthcare system. In the same year, the USA spent $11, 072 per capita. So Americans spend almost TWICE the amount to run their healthcare system than Canada does in TAXES, then they have to PAY AGAIN when they want to use it!


I recently moved back to my home province. I called a local clinic and had a new doctor and my first appointment 2 days later. Our system in Canada has saved my life in the past and I am forever grateful.


Health care - big topic

USA - recently has a governor public/private plan that is still pretty expensive and people are required to pay into, unless they have private insurance. Private insurance is pretty hefty too, and if via work often gets garnished off you pay cheque. Prices are expensive, networks exist, such that if you get treatment outside your network insurance may not cover as much or any compared to what it would cover in network. Insurance can deny you for anything they deem unnecessary.

Drug prices are negotiated at the company level, often substituting generic or off label usage of other drugs that tangentially have the we affect of more effective ones. Tend to be much higher than Canada.

Canada - public coverage is for main course of medical treatments. Private packages tend to cover, eye care, dental, paramedical services (accupuncture, chiropractic, etc), drug prices. Private insurance has a limited ability to create networks. It mostly ends up being about the same price just a question of whether the doctor's office gets to submit your paperwork, or you have to claim it for a reimbursement.

Drug prices are negotiated by the government, generally lower prices. Private insurance steers people toward generics as in the US by making out of pocket lower on them that on label

Having been hospitalised in the US and Canada (and family too). Wait times in the US are much longer than in Canada, except for elective procedures. Although, ER times have been starting to creep up toowards US wait times.

Re: taxes, I pay more upfront in taxes but I get so much back that my US taxes were always more. This doesn't even account out of pocket for insurance.

Simply put, Canada keeps health costs low by creating an incentive for people to proactively interact with their health network and thereby have early intervention for medical issues when they are still inexpensive and before they affect quality of life.

US is designed to be more reactive, and necessarily more expensive interventions when conditions are often consider chronic or serious.


private is not allowed for services that are offered in the public system, but there are services that are not covered by the public system for which there is a private insurance coverage market. It is called "extended health coverage". It covers things like dental and pharmacy drugs


The education is 3 times as expensive because of the exchange rate. The 14k was in canadian dollars and the 28k was American dollars.


While his numbers were questionable, you have to remember that the CAD (just like the AUD) is worth less than the USD.


I'm Canadian but from all the people I've known in the US, the private health insurance you can have in the US is not universal per se, since hospitals are private-run it's a bit like a business, if your insurance doesn't deal with a particular hospital you can't go there. Or they can deem that whatever it is you need was due to a pre-existing condition that is excluded from the coverage you're paying for. It's a bit complicated to understand but the basic point to get is that it's not because you have insurance that they'll automatically pay for everything. In Canada, private insurance covers most things that out of the scope of hospitals and medication. Dentalcare is not covered by the government except for children and people on social security. Vision is something else that isn't covered by the government and even the private insurance don't offer much in that. But all the paramedical is mostly what insurance is for in Canada, say psychologists, physiotherapy or chiropractic treatments and such. Plus the insurance covers treatments as long as the practitioner is part of a recognized professional association, there's no weird loopholes like in the US.


I wholeheartedly agree with that statement of the USA being a business in general


You should check out the Terry Fox story....cheers


so the Canadian university student pays 14, 000 in Canadian dollars which varies across then the USA students pay USA dollars of 28, 000 in the USA . in Canada International undergraduate students will pay 429.0% more than Canadian students, while international graduate students will pay 184.0% more. 2 different countries 2 different currencies, 2 different economies ...


The word you were looking for is 'mozaic. :)
