The Light Gate welcomes Terry Tibando - UFO Contactee - Researcher, September 4th, 2023
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Tonight, Monday night live, The Light Gate welcomes researcher, presenter, author and experiencer, Terence “Terry” Tibando.
About TheGuest:
Terry’s background and understanding of the UFO phenomenon expands over 70 years of personal UFO sightings and ET contact which began when he was five years old, followed by a lifetime of many other-worldly sightings and encounters. Thus, began a journey into the mysterious universe of Unidentified Flying Objects, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the paranormal. As an experiencer, researcher, and investigator in Ufology he is more than qualified to talk and write with some expertise on this topic. Like many contactees, Terry learned that other members of his family had their own UFO sightings. Even his father who served in the Royal Canadian Air Force as a Nuclear Civil Defense instructor at the high-security underground facility of the NORAD SAGE site in North Bay, Ontario, had his own amazing UFO sighting. In 1951 he saw a saucer shaped craft emerge from an air force hangar in Moulton AFB that flew into the air, hover briefly and then descended back into the hangar. In the late sixties, Terry began attending UFO lectures while in high school, meeting such people as Dr. Edward Edwards, a linguist from the University of Victoria and Daniel Fry from New Mexico, USA, a well-known contactee and UFO author. Terry attended the University of Victoria majoring in astronomy, physics, math and other sciences, yet, everything he was studying was always leading him in his search for answers that would bring him closer to understanding the nature and reality of extraterrestrial life in the universe. During those university years other alien craft were sighted near his family's home in Victoria leading Terry to theorize that a possible ET undersea base exists off the coast of Vancouver Island which would account for the numerous UFO sightings seen over the Island. He was a former member of APRO (Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization) and its Canadian sister organization CAPRO during the sixties. His investigative research culminated back in the summer of 1996 when he met with Dr. Steven M. Greer during a one week "Ambassadors to the Universe" training seminar. They soon discovered that they shared similar UFO/ETI experiences during their early life as well as being "spiritual brothers" as fellow members of the Baha'i Faith. Terry was a standing-in speaker for Dorothy Izzat of Vancouver at the Bellingham UFO Group (BUFOG) UFO seminar in 1996, and as a panel speaker along with Peter Davenport from NUFORC and Sharon Filip, alien abduction researcher. He has talked on the Grimerica blog talk radio and been interviewed on the Discovery Channel during their "Alien Week" series in 1997 which had two ET spacecraft show up during the TV interview. He has been interviewed on BCTV News, and appeared briefly in Dr. Greer's successful documentary movie "Sirius" and was a major financial contributor to the current documentary "Unacknowledged!" He was instrumental in coordinating, hosting, and emceeing the first Disclosure Project event on UFOs and ETS in Canada as a part of Dr. Greer's Disclosure Witness Tour held at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver on September 9, 2001, which included guest speakers Dr. Steven Greer, Dr. Carol Rosin and Dr, Alfred Webre. For the last 30 years, Terry has lead teams of people on field expeditions as the CSETI Vancouver Coordinator successfully establishing contact and communications with extraterrestrial intelligences visiting the Earth. He is the author of the massive six-volume books titled, “A Citizens Disclosure on UFOs and ETI.”
Each volume, 1 through 6 covers different aspects of the UFO phenomenon. He has appeared on many of the major UFO podcasts such as Fade to Black with Jimmy Church, Everything Imaginable with Gary Cocciello, the UnX podcast with Margie Kay, UFO Paranormal with Jim Harold and many others, including tonight on The Light Gate!
About TheGuest:
Terry’s background and understanding of the UFO phenomenon expands over 70 years of personal UFO sightings and ET contact which began when he was five years old, followed by a lifetime of many other-worldly sightings and encounters. Thus, began a journey into the mysterious universe of Unidentified Flying Objects, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the paranormal. As an experiencer, researcher, and investigator in Ufology he is more than qualified to talk and write with some expertise on this topic. Like many contactees, Terry learned that other members of his family had their own UFO sightings. Even his father who served in the Royal Canadian Air Force as a Nuclear Civil Defense instructor at the high-security underground facility of the NORAD SAGE site in North Bay, Ontario, had his own amazing UFO sighting. In 1951 he saw a saucer shaped craft emerge from an air force hangar in Moulton AFB that flew into the air, hover briefly and then descended back into the hangar. In the late sixties, Terry began attending UFO lectures while in high school, meeting such people as Dr. Edward Edwards, a linguist from the University of Victoria and Daniel Fry from New Mexico, USA, a well-known contactee and UFO author. Terry attended the University of Victoria majoring in astronomy, physics, math and other sciences, yet, everything he was studying was always leading him in his search for answers that would bring him closer to understanding the nature and reality of extraterrestrial life in the universe. During those university years other alien craft were sighted near his family's home in Victoria leading Terry to theorize that a possible ET undersea base exists off the coast of Vancouver Island which would account for the numerous UFO sightings seen over the Island. He was a former member of APRO (Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization) and its Canadian sister organization CAPRO during the sixties. His investigative research culminated back in the summer of 1996 when he met with Dr. Steven M. Greer during a one week "Ambassadors to the Universe" training seminar. They soon discovered that they shared similar UFO/ETI experiences during their early life as well as being "spiritual brothers" as fellow members of the Baha'i Faith. Terry was a standing-in speaker for Dorothy Izzat of Vancouver at the Bellingham UFO Group (BUFOG) UFO seminar in 1996, and as a panel speaker along with Peter Davenport from NUFORC and Sharon Filip, alien abduction researcher. He has talked on the Grimerica blog talk radio and been interviewed on the Discovery Channel during their "Alien Week" series in 1997 which had two ET spacecraft show up during the TV interview. He has been interviewed on BCTV News, and appeared briefly in Dr. Greer's successful documentary movie "Sirius" and was a major financial contributor to the current documentary "Unacknowledged!" He was instrumental in coordinating, hosting, and emceeing the first Disclosure Project event on UFOs and ETS in Canada as a part of Dr. Greer's Disclosure Witness Tour held at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver on September 9, 2001, which included guest speakers Dr. Steven Greer, Dr. Carol Rosin and Dr, Alfred Webre. For the last 30 years, Terry has lead teams of people on field expeditions as the CSETI Vancouver Coordinator successfully establishing contact and communications with extraterrestrial intelligences visiting the Earth. He is the author of the massive six-volume books titled, “A Citizens Disclosure on UFOs and ETI.”
Each volume, 1 through 6 covers different aspects of the UFO phenomenon. He has appeared on many of the major UFO podcasts such as Fade to Black with Jimmy Church, Everything Imaginable with Gary Cocciello, the UnX podcast with Margie Kay, UFO Paranormal with Jim Harold and many others, including tonight on The Light Gate!