Our Consciousness Does Not Exist According to Science

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Hey folks, Welcome to “Conspiracy Theorists", Your go-to channel for all the strange, mysterious conspiracy theories! In today’s video, we’ll see “how our consciousness does not exist according to science and the passivity of consciousness”. So let's begin!

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There is no physical body.. atoms are reducible to subatomic electromagnetic energy waves.
These three remain
1: FAITH in memories of a past that does not exist anymore
2: HOPE for a future that does not exist yet and
3: LOVE that we can only express NOW after now after now
- energy/consciousness/ cannot be created or destroyed we exist since time began (the moment we as self aware consciousness realized

I can tell you exactly what the universe is and how where when and why we are creating it.


It's not a question about consciousness, it's about identity.
An organism trying to manage sensory input, memory and reaction will identify a "self" as a matter of convenience. It works.
This is just a temporary conclusion subject to change.
It sounds like you're saying that science is saying what it isn't saying.
"You should never regret a decision" is not what any scientist has ever said.
It's good hype though. Congrats on that.


So just because of the supposition of this idea as being a possible fact + our ability to understand the details of the concept, doesn't make it a fact, and if we were to make a determination as to whether the proposition were true or false, by what criteria would we base this formulation of such supposed logic upon ? And why? And when applying this means we should also provide a logical explanation as to why it is justified or truly the correct means to use (or more methods and means ect..) by which to base our determination on. Then again perhaps we should always remain in a state of Flux or uncertainty due to the endless possibilities that MAY exist or our lack of knowledge pertaining to anything we may not currently be aware of? Not necessarily, but definitely an option to always consider in our day to day routine, furthermore IF the subconsciousness "rules" so to speak, could this be considered to our advantage or disadvantage? And visa versa with the idea of the consciousness "as king" or playing the dominant role as that of decision maker, be to our detriment or advantage ? And so on?...and of course WHY?


Yeahhh I checked out when yall said Multiple Personality Disorder.... it's DID. It's hard to believe thus stuff when yall don't get the small details right.


As an introspective neuro-divergent person, there are two levels of thoughts. The thoughts that automatically happen, and the ones that happen because I'm thinking about them. I'm constantly questioning my own thoughts. That's called metacognition. Thinking about your thinking. My current basal thoughts I cannot control, but I can influence in the future. For example. Something may make me mad, but I might decide that I don't want to be mad. While I can't stop being mad in the present, if I can structure my current thoughts in the correct way, in the future such a situation may not bother me anymore.

Similar thing with actions. Most of the time my actions and thoughts are aligned, but not always. An example of misalignment is when I was working on a toaster. I thought I unplugged the toaster. I went to place a knife in it to get out my stuck bread when just before I placed it in my arm suddenly pulled back on its own without my conscious thought. It happened hard and fast as if a reflex. For a brief moment I thought I got injured somehow. It was only AFTER the reflexive action that suddenly a thought zipped through my brain that I was planning on unplugging it, but I didn't make an explicit mental note that I DID unplug it. Turns out I didn't unplug it. I was only planning on unplugging it.

I've trained my brain that I NEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY SURE that the toaster is unplugged. Even if I didn't consciously think "I should make sure", my subconscious is doing that for me. Metacognition allows you to train your thoughts. I may not have direct control over my thoughts, but I can heavily influence them to the point of telling them what they should be doing next time.


What is science without consciousness?😅


Now I've got a good legal defense for any future crimes. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I couldn't have consciously committed those crimes because, according to science, consciousness does not exist." 😊


Scientific fact not a conspiracy theory.


I don't believe it! Because I can predict a movement and I made it happen.
