Elon Musk on Human Consciousness

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When did we become conscious and aware of our surroundings in the history of the world?
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My lung had collapsed some weeks ago and they told me they would put me under conscious sedation with ketamine. Never have experience ketamine before this moment. Without pain I felt myself split into millions of pieces. Every piece went to a separate dimension. One of those dimension was a machine that was fusing life and time together while destroying it simultaneously. It scared and amazed me at the same time. I truly feel I seen something I wasn't meant too. The feeling of millions of pieces of me slamming back into each other as I heard the doctors say "what's your name and date of birth" after my vision was violently shaking till it was clear and I was fully back. The doctor said when I was coming too all I kept saying was " holy shit" "holy shit" "what did i do" i truly thought i died accepted my death just to be right back in reality like it never happened. My fear of death is gone. Whatever happens after this life i accept it just glad i could be apart of something bigger than myself


We are looking at it all wrong, consciousness did not arise, consciousness has always been. Our bodies are the medium where consciousness thrives. Think of it as a massive singular mollusk type entity that’s constantly searching out a host in order to experience a carbon based reality. Our brains are partly receivers in a sense, receiving consciousness and living in a symbiotic relationship until your carbon based form fails to operate anymore. Then it leaves the body, the memories, and everything associated with this reality behind in search of a new host. Or so that’s what I felt like everything was while on more than the recommended dosage of Psilocybin…


Consciousness is the creator of everything we see, smell, and touch.


I feel like consciousness gives birth to our bodies instead of us giving birth to our bodies and then our consciousness. So we are meant to be here, the place you’re at now, everything’s supposed to be happened in this way.


I somewhere heard the quate that (and I'm paraphrasing) "Consciousness might simply be the universe becoming aware of itself" which I just find beautiful.


Leaving out Consciousness from science is what will always hold us back as human beings


You can't prove anyone else is concious you can only prove you are. The rest of this reality could literally just be your imagination lol like a dream trying to explain itself through projecting these stories


"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."


This is what consciousness literally is and will always be. ♾️🙏🏽


*Consciousness evolved from thin air as with everything that evolved*


Our heart works with neurons but without consciousness because operating a heart is simple; however, walking is conscious because it's more complex & consciousness MOTIVATES us to walk so as to remain alive, which is obviously the most economical process to gauge choices. A computer program can walk without consciousness, but it doesn't care whether it lives or dies.


I love how "life started" keeps changing


Consciousness is like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute.

So the bad news is that you don't have parachute, but the good news is that you discover there is no ground. And then you're just endlessly falling and you never reach the ground.

So in a sense, what i'm asking you to do is to jump. And you don't want to jump. You're saying, I'm scared. I'm too scared to jump. And I'm saying, jump. God is telling you, jump, jump into infinite love and it's going to be great. But you're like, what if I kill myself and what if something else happens? I don't know. You just jump into infinite love. Take the leap of faith and you'll discover infinite love. And you're too scared to do it. But then eventually when you do it, then you're just going to discover that there's no ground. You're endlessly falling forever and it's great. But yeah, taking that leap is really difficult. It requires you to face your death. So of course, everybody is too afraid to do it. People are just to scared.


Consciousness is becoming aware, no time, space, beginning or end. Don't believe we can do the opposite and be unbecoming. Once the universe is awake, cannot go back? Dang this riddle wrapped in a quagmire of existential angst is turning into eternity. Not sure if the human mind at least in this form is supposed to totally comprehend. Interesting to ponder and have faith will understand when we all go home and the veil of separation is finally lifted.


I think that consciousness has always been before the helium, atoms etc. My theory is consciousness created the physical so it could be able to experience its art/world through different avatars. Humans, animals etc. I think the more species we could create, the more I (as one consciousness) could expand on our experiences through different types of avatars. This human body system/ technology is one of the most impressive system we have ever put together as one continuousness.


Consciousness was always there. We are the universe looking at itself.


I think consciousness is not as unique as humans like to believe it is. I personally think mostly everything is conscious and we just can’t communicate with it effectively enough to know what it’s thinking. I mean, there were huge portions of history where people assumed other humans weren’t conscious so, it’s not like humanity is the best at deciphering that.


Elon, Consciousness has come from God, prove to us, That creations didn't come from God..We are Spiritual beings, Having human experience. ❤😮😮


I find it fascinating that life can quickly become sentient; embryos and young fetuses are not sentient but after a certain # of weeks, a fetus is.


Elon is thought provoking, I enjoy listening to his ideas.
