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CODE: MULLIGAN24 for £10 off or $15 off your first order only available for 36 HOURS!

Speaker - Jordan Peterson

Music - Borrtex

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PATREON SUPPORTERS! "Thank you So Much!"
John Ernstein, Matthew Lloyd, Eaton Asher, Gulraj S Bains, R Gill, Ivan Mashkov, Marcos Welker, Johnathan Castaneda, ServaniX, MorgueTV, Loren Robinson, Shilpa Reddy, Martin Schmid, Petra Otten, Louis Hodges, Tempest_101, Adil Karrak, Matt Alexander, Andrew W, Mindgate17, Dan Ozanick, Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi, Raphael Bauer, Alex Malitsky, Scott Timpanelli, Laila Organics, Ashley Munsamy, Tawanda Kanyangarara, Motivational Movement, Martin Stevens, Elaina, Derek Ragan
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CODE: MULLIGAN24 for £10 off or $15 off your first order only available for 36 HOURS!


This man cares more about me than anyone in my actual life ever has, and he's never even met me. What an incredible human.


My husband died this past Monday unexpectadly on December 5th at only 39 years old. Before his passing he sent me a link to this speech. He didnt realize I actually did listen to it and when I mentioned a part of his speech. He smiled. Little did I know that it went beyond that 1 video. My husband has a 2 hr commute and all I found on his internet history was Peterson. I find comfort in knowing he found GOD and reached out.. He left me a widow at 33 years old with 2 boys 8 and 9. I will love you forever more Adam Joseph Toomes! Please pray for my boys and I as we lay him to eternal rest on Tuesday.


Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. Instead of trying to predict and prognosticate the stability of the market and precisely when the change is going to happen, a better strategy is simply having a portfolio that’s well prepared for any eventually, that’s how some folks' been averaging 150K every 7week these past 4months according to Bloomberg.


Am listening in from Africa, am sixty years and beginning from scratch, I was bitter but listening to him has given me courage to face my fears.


"People need so little encouragement."
What a wonderful thing it would be if instead of being so incredibly quick to criticise we used our words to encourage.


Listening to this man for the last year is the only reason I’m still alive to type this comment. I hope one day I can have a moment to thank him in person.


You can see the truth in his speech through the tears in his eyes. I love this guy!


27th February I had to give up my job, my work, my social life and move a long way to collect my son and bring him up as a single dad. This man, with his advise, kept my mindset straight and allowed me to focus on what needed to be done - I just did it. Made lists, took action, woke up early and I am smashing through each barrier and challenge and I will continue to do so. Thank you Jordan.


Points that resonated with me:
1. Be happy for people when they share good news with you.
2. Treat yourself like you matter
3. Treat other people like they matter
4. You're nowhere near what you could be
5. So you're a mess, You can do something about it
6. Do not cast pearls before swine - When people are not listening to you, stop talking to them
7. If you're a monster and you don't act monstrously, you're virtuous
8. Make your bed - Act in a manner that produces order - Compounding effect of positive things you can do
9. If you don't have enough meaning in your life, you're more prone to addiction
10. Make a schedule - Setup as best possible day
11. Figure out what you want / what would be good for you
12. Reorient your life in every possible way to make the probability that would occur as certain as possible - Sacrificial idea
13. What remarkably stupid things am I doing on a regular basis to absolutely screw up my life?
14. Setup goals that you value - Situational evaluation - More valuable the goal, the more motivation
15. Have a vision - Family, Friends, Career, Educational Goals, Plans for time outside work, attention to mental & physical health, etc
16. Expose yourself to things you are avoiding or afraid of
17. Your a node in a network - The things you do is like dropping a stone in a pond, the ripples move outward, the things you do and don't do are far more important than you think


I'm a 38 year old woman who found Jordan Peterson a few years ago. Since then my life has changed substantially for the better. So very grateful to him.


How anyone hates this man is beyond me, even if you disagree with his values or opinions the first clip is evidence that he cares about humanity like no other.


He's the guy the fatherless children never had around them. That's why he's loved so much.


I pray Jesus Christ blesses Jordan Peterson.


He is an astonishing man! I'm convinced that he is here on Earth at this time because the people need him specifically!


Talking through your tears is one of the strongest and most courageous acts a person can do... a sign of true authenticity.


Can we all agree that Dr. Jordan Peterson is our internet dad? Personally that is how I see him. He has taught me more about life and about myself than anyone else has and probably ever will.
Poor parenting and absent minded adults around us ASSUMING just because their kids don't ask them directly they are not wondering about the world and hungry for love and thirsty for answers. School should teach us how to be able minded adults. Real life is not taught but parents expect their kids to know everything and be respectful things? How? If no one is teaching kids about life and love and concerns and answering the tough questions, how are parents surprised they end up with monsters for offspring? Or suicidal lonely and abused? Dr. Peterson gives us the courtesy to share his wisdom, and expertise to help ourselves. So people, please help yourselves to finding the answers to your own "demons" and soon FEEL AND BE better. 😊😊😊


I honestly weep tears of joy that we exist at the same time as this soul warming human


I am from Sudan, English is not my 1st language and I am still learning it, but I feel a great connection with this man, because I understand every word with its true depth related to life, we need more people like him to restore our normal life as human beings. i really do appreciate this video a lot
Thank you Mr. Jordan Peterson.


Dr Peterson didn't just change my life, He saved my life.
