Tell the Truth, or at Least Don’t Lie (12 Rules for Life)

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Whoever's reading this, i pray that whatever you're going through gets better and whatever you're struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen


Everything that leaves Jordan Peterson’s Brain and is verbalized is pure Poetry.
He speaks the truth


I remember writing a paper in my 2nd year, well knowing it will be against the personal believes and values of the professor. The argument was not logical but presented both sides pro and against and concluded why the pro argument was the best. I was very surprised to get a 9/10, and I do agree it was not a 10/10 paper (yes we do use 1-10 marks), and not only I instantly gain respect for that teacher, but it also stuck with me as beacon of morality, so not lying or not being dishonest is not only not changing you for the worse but it also shifts other people perspective.


1:35 the key part. A lie is knowing something is not the truth and you say it anyway.


For what it's worth, I will say from experience that there's nothing that should be prioritised more than the truth ( or not lying). I had a mental health crisis
lasting over a year during which I felt extremely unsafe and anxious. I was suffering so badly that I was just desperate to make it stop, whatever it took. In elevating it to the top of my hierarchy of values, I said things I knew to be not true. I then went to therapy wherein I was just going through all the knots that were tied in my psyche. Although some of these were consequences of mistreatment from others, the most significant knots were resultant from my own wrongdoings. Therefore, I would say to try and not put so much value on what you want or even what you think you need. No matter the circumstance, don't lie and see what happens next; in my opinion, it'll be the best outcome possible.


I have so many light bulb moments after listening to Dr. Jordan Peterson. Which is why I listen to him regularly. He helps me so much I cannot even express in words. We need more people like him in the world. Best wishes to you and your family.


This has been the most important rule for me since JP entered my life in 2017. It has made so much difference in my day to day life. Clarity and trust in myself and my words.


May God guide you, protect you and bless you Dr. Peterson. These are the type of messages everyone should be listening to and living by. Thank you for your faith, honesty, depth and eloquence. Thank God for you!

I still support your core teachings although the DW and Ben Shapiro are starting to influence your ideas in some specific domains. Not in this video, but in other ones.


Writing is powerful
Learning and changing your brain love this man


I remember when I first started college, I'd discovered this on my own in writing papers. At first, I was writing what I thought others wanted to hear; my professors, whoever. I had begun writing my final essay for the year when I realized that what I was doing... sucked. It was uninpsired, plain-as-tofu, and was like beating my soul into submission. So I started to let loose on the paper, writing exactly what I thought about the school's policy (both the upsides and the downsides). This was the greatest joy I ever felt in academia up to that point. It was the moment I realized; "What I have to say is not only singular, but it's real". There's no greater revelation in the world.


I choose to live like this. Telling The truth, be transparant even If it shows something bad about me or weakness or embarrasing. Because I consider it for The greater good and to be as good, up right, virtue, honarable, right forward morally convinced man. And pay The price. The price of not Hiding. It may cost but what is the price of lying, hiding, dont speak what you want and need and no will to sacrifice?


Do not deny yourself, which is equivalent to a lie because it's not how you really truly feel inside. I love that Dr Peterson says when you tell the truth, that's when the real adventure begins And it has to be Real because you are now walking in the truth as far as you know it.
That has been the greatest motivator to tell the truth for me personally. I have tested it out and it is truly a more fruitful life and I am excited and curious where sometimes the truth will take me because I have some rather embarrassing truths about myself. With life has been rendered so beautiful because of it. I love my Father in Heaven and all the things He has done, and had me do, in order to be so so much closer to Him like he craves all of us could be like.


There is a huge cost for telling the plain truth, especially for professors. I am currently being persecuted for the truth, but I must continue to be me or who will I be? Socrates was right - there is nothing more hated than a man who tells the truth 😢


Its an honour listening to TRUTH.
Its an honour SPEAKING and READING it.🕊️🥁😀


Building a metaphorical net to catch the lies before they leave your lips is a decent start.

The only decent long term strategy though, is to craft and shape your thoughts. In each moment, take ownership of the direction of your thoughts, which turns into minutes then hours then days then months then years of essentially good honest thoughts.
Which in turn, crafts and shapes your words and actions into ones of truth.
In my opinion, your life can't really go in the right direction without doing so.
Not speaking lies feels good, not thinking lies at all feels like bliss


I am the rare human, that questions whether we know anything about what we think we


... Be very brave. Risk it All for Love.... Go listen to Harry Nilsson performing the song, Jump Into the Fire.


I've never considered this but there are levels if lying. 1. To repeat an known untruth. 2. To make it up concerning your own actions. 3. To lie about others. The last one is by far to me the worse.


I can't stand a liar. A person that lies is fake. And very untrustworthy. It's no better than a thief. Than when you lie it always ends up showing your true character.


exactly lying represents fiction, imagination it never happened, telling the truth is beneficial its real you can work with it and make real progress, ofcourse you dont have to reveal things you want to keep to yourself you just say nothing, thou shalt not lie.
