5 Reasons the Bible is the Only True Holy Book

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There are many religions in the world, and many holy books. Even a cursory examination shows that they do not agree with each other. Clearly, they can’t _all_ be right. So, are they all wrong? Are _any_ of them right? How would we be able to tell?

Christians claim that the Bible is the one true, written revelation from God. That’s a big claim! Can the claim be tested? What’s the evidence?

Dr Mark Harwood says the Bible can, indeed, be both tested and trusted. Join the conversation as he provides evidence from five different areas:
• Perfectly fulfilled prophecies
• Observations of the world around us are consistent with the Bible
• The Bible has a unified message, though written by 40 authors over 1500+ years
• The Bible is inerrant
• The impact of the Bible on people’s lives

And if the Bible is true, how should we respond?

00:00 Teaser
00:22 Introduction: Five reasons the Bible is the only true holy book
02:25 What’s so different about Christianity?
03:26 *Reason 1:* Perfectly fulfilled prophecies
08:19 *Reason 2:* Observations of the world around us are consistent with the Bible
08:30 → The physics of Earth
11:16 → The geology of Earth
12:56 → Evidence for young age
17:25 → Evidence for design in nature
19:02 → Conclusion: The claims in the Bible that _can_ be tested are shown to be true
20:48 *Reason 3:* The Bible has a unified message, though written by 40 authors over 1500+ years
25:49 *Reason 4:* The Bible is inerrant
31:08 *Reason 5:* The impact of the Bible on people’s lives
36:51 How can we be sure that the Bible we read today is the same as what was originally written?
37:20 → The New Testament
40:49 → The Old Testament
43:44 Is this ancient book still relevant today?
45:18 If the Bible is true, how should we respond?




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Рекомендации по теме

I am one of those whom the word of God drastically changed. I met the Lord in a jail cell, facing 30 years. I should have went to prison, but the judge could so clearly see the change the change that came into my life, that I was shown great mercy, and never went to prison. It's truly remarkable. There are many, many other amazing things that have happened since then, that I have absolutely no doubt by whom these gifts have come. By the way, when I went into the jail, I was a life long militant atheist. God is good and slow to anger. Christ is Lord.


The point he made that the writers of the Bible had many untrue beliefs about the world, but none of them were written in the scriptures, is really remarkable. I have never thought of that point.


Thank you so much for these interviews! I could watch them all day long!😊🙏🏼


Amazing interview, thanks from Brasil. Peace and Grace be with you.


The perfect book written by the perfect God to the imperfect mankind so that mankind may become perfect like Him to face Him.❤


Really enjoyed this! Interesting, informative and well done!!!


2 Timothy 3:16-17
New King James Version
“16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for [a]instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.“


What a remarkable God we love and serve!


People will believe anything as long as it's not from the Bible.


The young lady is an excellent interviewer.


I wish you'd bring Dr Anita Phillips on this channel to also talk about the creation and design of man in consistency with the holy Bible. Thank you for the great work you do on this channel, it's a blessing.


I don't know if only the subtitles is incorrect or also the pronunciation, but the correct name is John Milton, not John Newton. God bless you people for the amazing job.


What if throughout church history only those documents have been selected and curated to fit the narrative and ensure integrity and consistency of the Bible we know today ? Like the various councils that shifted the goalposts on the fly?


Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
-Romans 10:17 (keep reading after that verse too.

But without faith it is impossible to [walk with God and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him.
-Hebrews 11:6

Reading your Bible, getting his word in you (both his word, the Bible, and The Word, Jesus) are foundational.


On the 5th reason, I would say many people have read the Bible and still don’t believe, the only reason that anyone comes to faith of the living God isn’t because they read the Bible it’s because God opened there eyes to the truth.


I absolutely love to listen to this man. He is brilliant!


Amen Yes the Holy Bible is True 🙏 unfortunately we have a cult that believes the book of Mormon is the truest book on earth and the Bible is full of errors without evidence.


It is well documented that the Bible has been changed countless times. Even today, there are some Christians who have versions of the Bible with additional books.


Lots of good information, and you are a very skilled interviewer. Thanks. When discussing the reliability of the New Testament, it's helpful to also include the vast number of quotations from the NT in the writings of the Church Fathers. That adds to the already impressive manuscript evidence. The great Bruce Metzger, a universally respected linguist and textual critic, calculated that the NT was copied with at least 99.5% accuracy. We are uncertain about the correct reading of less than one half of one percent of the NT, and no doctrine depends on an uncertain verse. Most of the existing textual variants are simply alternate spellings of proper nouns! God not only inspired the text; He also supernaturally preserved it!


Awesome Stuff, Love from Muscat, Oman
