Where Are the Cyborgs in Helldivers 2? | Gaming Lore

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Where Are the Cyborgs in Helldivers 2? | Gaming Lore

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My theory is that a cyborg splinter group realized they were losing and left. Then made the autamatons and now lead them from a planet we do not see, keeping the few cyborgs they have safe while grinding super earth down in disposable forces.


One of the crew in game states that they are in 'the mines' for rehabilitation


There’s dialogue from one of the npc’s on your ship that says they’re in the mines for 100 years of rehabilitation


Player of Helldivers 1 here.
According to the cyborg lore, their goal was to become machines and they mechanised their body's piece by piece as much as they could.
Since Helldivers 2 plays 100 years after the galactic wars of Helldivers 1, they have surely evolved their technology to the point that they had turned their minds into machines too, removing the need for human parts.

Another supporting factor for this is that all the enemy unit concepts for the Automatons have exact Cyborg counterparts.


Do not let The Clankers reach Cyberstan. Nothing good will come of it.


The girl by the arcade says they are sent to the mines of Cyberstan, an actual planet close to the top of the north part of the map! Sent to work 100 years after their defeat in the great galactic war, or something


It's already established in game that the Cyborgs are imprisoned in the mines on Cyberstan. The Automaton push seems to be heading toward Cyberstan to liberate them.


Honestly im surprised no one seems to be considering the "Propoganda" alternative;

The Automatons *are* the Cyborgs, just renamed by the ruling powers of Super Earth so they could claim Victory over the Cyborgs all while having this "totally new and different threat" that they started calling "Automatons"


My theory is the Automatons were a more extreme subfaction of the Cyborgs. After the Cyborgs lost the first war the Automatons became the leading faction and replaced the Cyborgs by socially pressuring Cyborgs into forsaking their humanity entirely. Instead they have fully mechanical bodies.


There’s a line from one of the crew saying that the cyborgs are in the rehabilitation mines on cyberstan which is a planet you can find on the northern outskirts of the galaxy map and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the automatons are heading that way


My theory is that Cyborgs, amidst the chaos with helldivers facing the bugs, created Automatons in secret and had them spread far enough away to get under the radar and raise an army big enough to reach and save their creators from the mines at Ciberstan


Or cyborg military tech advanced to the point where they no longer have to risk there own lives on the battlefeild


If you talk to your crew member on your ship, she has a chance to mention
"The automatons will end up like the cyborgs. 100 years of rehabilitation in the mines of Cyberstan." So thats where they probably are lol
Kind of exciting too because Cyberstan is a planet on the galactic map, a few sectors above the Xzar sector where we're currently fighting the automatons.


I think that the Automatons are simply the cannon fodder while the cyborg population is in the core systems.


“From the moment understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me”


As someone who didn't get the pleasure of enlisting in the Helldivers in the original, I have caught up on multiple briefings about the history of this fine military. I have always thought the two factions fought before were in hiding after losing the previous Galactic War. The Cyborgs, in this case, made the Automatons to fight us while they plan their return.


I thought there was some code that was solved that showed that the automatons were made by what was left by the cyborgs to fight in their stead


Cyborgs are in the mines of their home world and have been for a hundred years being 'rehabilitated'. The binary message released and translated from the helldivers 2 twitter before the game launch has the cyborgs saying their children, the automatons will not be oppressed. So my guess is that the cyborgs knew they weren't strong enough nearing the end of the war to beat Super Earth and began creating their 'children' with the tools they believed they'd need to maintain the freedom they themselves were about to lose.


From what I heard from other players and the Helldivers official twitter, the automatons are the predecessor/children of the cyborgs who are still enslaved in the mines of Cyberstan. Not sure how they did it, but there are hints to suggest this


The cyborgs in HD1 were confined to their homeworld cyberstan, superearth won the 3-way war & essentially made their enemies resources
