Are Cyborgs Really Monsters?

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Advances in technology are always met with some degree of technophobia—and villainization. And cyborgs represent a special kind of fear inherent in losing ourselves in the technologies we create.
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Written and Hosted by: Dr. Emily Zarka
Director: David Schulte
Executive Producer: Amanda Fox
Producer: Thomas Fernandes
Editor/Animator: Steven Simone
Editor/Animator: Jordyn Buckland
Illustrator: Samuel Allan
Executive in Charge (PBS): Maribel Lopez
Director of Programming (PBS): Gabrielle Ewing
Additional Footage: Shutterstock
Music: APM Music
Descriptive Audio & Captions provided by The Described and Captioned Media Program
Produced by Spotzen for PBS Digital Studios.
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Coeckelbergh, Mark. New Romantic Cyborgs: Romanticism, Information Technology, and the End of the Machine. The MIT Press, 2017.
Hanafi, Zakiya. The Monster in the Machine: Magic, Medicine, and the Marvelous in the Time of the Scientific Revolution, Duke University Press, 2000.
Jancovich, Mark. “Modernity and Subjectivity in The Terminator: The Machine as Monster in Contemporary American Culture.” The Velvet Light Trap, vol. 30, no. 30, 1992, pp. 3–17.
Haney, William S. Cyberculture, Cyborgs and Science Fiction: Consciousness and the Posthuman, BRILL, 2006.
Haraway, Donna. Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. United Kingdom, Taylor & Francis, 2013.
Li, Qiang. Silk Road: The Study Of Drama Culture. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2019.
“Spaceman is seen as man-machine.” The New York Times. May 22, 1960.
Willis, Martin. Mesmerists, Monsters, and Machines: Science Fiction and the Cultures of Science in the Nineteenth Century, The Kent State University Press, 2013.