The Biggest Vatican Secret Revealed!

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Did the Roman Catholic Church Really Give Us the Bible?

For our Catholic brothers & sisters...


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Jesus and the apostles were humble. They did not parade around in costumes exalting themselves and collecting riches and worldly power. They were the complete opposite of the pope. They did not change the word of God either.


I'm Roman Catholic...everything in here I understood as truth, but the way it was presented makes me really think. I need to pray for understanding. The only thing I know that is true in my heart is that I love Jesus and trust most in his mercy. Pray for me...


By far the very BEST presentation of this information I have come across in my study of end-times prophecy and scripture! In some strange way, I have known this since I was a little girl raised as a Catholic and going to church would make me tremble in fear.


Your channel is amazing I'm addicted to it and you're voice is just classic!! fantastic stuff!


This video is WELL DONE! If this doesn't wake you up, NOTHING will! This is one of the most eye opening 21 minutes you could invest in "seeing and hearing", historical and Biblical PROOF, WAKE UP!!! Are you Saved yet?! Time is running out!~Heads UP!


"Amazing the power of the Catholic Church. My father went bald very early, and he was so incensed by it that he went to church and prayed for it to come back. I'm certain he went to a priest and confessed, "Dear Father forgive me, I have gone bald." "Go away, my son, buy three wigs and say one Hail Mary." (Spike Milligan)


This is a super vid, love it! Plenty of historical facts and reveals the agenda of the RCC!


You are destroying the word of God through your traditions that you have handed down. -Mark 7:13 In other words the Bible says traditional religions destroy the truth of God. The Bible is central to the Christian religion but they don't see what it says. The time has come to see the truth in the Bible, Google *_Truth Contest_* and read the top entry called "The Present-with Religion" Nothing could be more important or more worthwhile than checking the truth for yourself. This is truth the evidence suggests. If you want to be a true Christian you have to do what Jesus says to do and Seek the truth. Literally everything depends on the real truth or the living Jesus.


Im a former Catholic and I am genuinely devastated to know truth is not in Catholic. I am a Christian now, truly serving the Lord Jesus Christ.


I am a Catholic convert, and even though the church has it's faults, we take our rules and laws from God. The Pope is a vessel from which God and Jesus use to teach. However the only one true teacher of the word, is the Bible itself.

"For god so loved the world! he gave his only begotten son".


I'm Catholic. God bless you.
'' thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven''


What do I need to do to be saved? I cant fight this loosing battle anymore! I cant lie to myself anymore that there's no God! Yeshua please come into my


I'd figured out the relationship with Rome as soon as I saw '7 mountains'- a third of the way through. Changing the calendar- Gregorian to Julian as we still use is well documented. Single man- first Caesar then the Pope. This isn't rocket science- just because all this mumbo-jumbo is veiled in mysticism and allegory doesn't make it supernatural. Always made me laugh that the very people who supposedly crucified Jesus hijacked the religion based around him. Once their military power had gone, they replaced it with a religious one to still enslave people too stupid and superstitious to resist it. I think religion is the root of all evil.


For those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe, no explanation is possible!


This Exceptional Video showed exactly what the Scriptures laid out for the TRUE SAINTS concerning the BEAST and what the signs would be. This is the most profound evidence that I have ever witnessed. THANKS TO THE MOST HIGH GOD ALMIGHTY for having his diligent workers on the case to Show those who seek truth the real deal


Thank you for this very well done presentation.  


Everyone listen closely... come along friends sit by the campfire with me and i'll say a motivational speach! All that matters is that you stick by God. No matter what religion you are in stick by Jesus. Stick by Heavenly Father God Almighty, be lead by the Holy Spirit. Study God's word. Who gives 2 flying ducks what everyone else says? Does the fact that you are a Roman Catholic change your beliefs? It's like saying a blonde can't be smart because she's blonde... it's assumption. This video says a lot about the past.. but here I see everyone hating on each other. Doesn't the Bible say things about loving each other? Is anyone here truly studying God's word, and following it? If you are... then that's all you need. I'm becoming a Catholic. Does that make my belief wrong? NOOOO. Does that make me follow all the popes and vatican out there? NOOOO. No no no no no.  I follow God... not a pope. That is how it should be. Trust in God.. show love to everyone. Speak with love. Because that is who we are to be as Christians. God bless you all! Mwah and Hugsss! :) I love ya!


I am so adored with how you "CLEARLY ELABORATED" the bible and I do agree with your words...Its true and in the name of Holy God Almighty in Heaven..AMEN AND GOD BLESS US ALL!!!


Christianity is neither an organization nor a traditional religion that reaches out to God, but a personal relationship between people of faith and the messiah Jesus Christ.

There are cultural Christians in all sects or faiths that have the traditions, but no relationship with the creator or his son, but there are true Christians in and out of the Catholic, Copts, Protestant, Orthodox, and even the churches in India set up by Thomas the Apostle.  The Pope is a guy in an organization, as are the cardinals, bishops, and the priests, but salvation comes from Jesus.


Jesus Christ was not crucified in Rome but in Jerusalem, which sits on seven hills. Vatican City does not sit on seven hills. The Pope is not the beast. He is the visible leader of the visible Church; the shepherd to the Good Shepherd, Who is Jesus Christ. The office of Pope was established by Jesus (Isaiah 22, Matthew 16, John 21).

Jerusalem is Babylon.

Read your Bibles - isn't that what so many Protestants tell Catholics? Well, I do. And every Catholic I know does. I know one Catholic who is on her fourth reading from cover to cover. As I have learned Sacred Scriptures, the inerrant and inspired word of God, my faith in the Catholic Church has grown even stronger.
