Why your Atv Motorcycle Scooter runs for a short distance then shuts off or dies but restarts !

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Man ive been trying everything to figure out my sons atv. Air vent must have clogged or melted. Thank you so much!! Sub'd and liked


Hmmmm, another good informative video thanks from Connecticut ....


Thanks that worked!
We had a clogged hose.


LT185 quad runner. Runs for a while. Maybe 20mins maybe 4hrs. It’ll just up and die. Will restart again after about a day if u leave it alone. OEM everything. Was thinking a mouse chewed the air filter but nothing. Was thinking maybe someone hit the decompression button while riding it. And it’s toast. What u think?


Great tip. Does that go for fuel injection as well on pressure build up. I bought a 2021 yamaha kodiak 450 in August 2020 for my daughter. We put about 35 miles on it then went on a 40 mile trail ride. It began to stahl about 15 miles through our ride. I had to tow my daughter back about 90 percent of the way back. The machine would just turn off and the fan was working dont think it was overheating with the radiator but it would take about 10 to 15 minutes for the machine to cool down then it would start back up. The machine would die on the trail then the Radiator fan would stay on. Dealer said that the fuel pump had a recall for the 2020 year model so we thought maybe i got the bad fuel pump from the 2020 because i had a newer year kodiak. That was not the issue. They ran the piss out of the machine and could not duplicate it to stahl on them. They did replace the spark plug but they said that was probobly not the issue. They still dont know the problem. I had high octane gas and it was new gas Elevation was 9500 feet and the machine is fuel injected. Dont know if anyone else has experienced this. If so please share thank you.


You can see the hole where the air line goes off the gas cap beside the key to the left


I have a Kawasaki brute force 300 that run for a while then refuses to accelerate and eventually dies. After a few minutes it starts again, it seems to run better if I full up the gas thank tho


This what I did, i removed the cap, turn the fuel off and try to start it so it can get that air out the carburetor, then after i hear its tryna start, I turn the fuel up and start it and let it run with the top off. Until the Air all gone out carburetor.


Mine runs great for 5 min, then a can hammer on throttle and just bogs about mid to wot but dont die


1999 Honda fourtrax 300 it runs perfect but sometimes cuts out on bumpy terrain. I let off for a few seconds and it runs perfect again. Any ideas? It’s got a new carb on it with a vent tube attached to gas cap.


This happens to my quad but i dont hear pressure when opening cap but if i blow in the gass tank its starts back up but runs ruff any idea what it could be thanks


I have a 2001 Honda recon 250 and it will start then stall shortly after..I just begun try to fix the issue with little to no knowledge on it..any ideas what it could be?


This happened to my 07 rancher and it turn off and the ride for a while and dies tried the spark plug and the same thing still happens


Hi ever since i changed my filter my atv keeps stuttering and when i stop the atv shuts down, i was wondering is it because the filter is too small and cannot take enough air or is it something else


Great tip I have a kawasaki prairie 400 that runs perfectly but when I brake it dies any tips of what to do?


My sons raptor 700 doesnt have speed then shuts off but starts back up what would be the problem?


Check the air vent hose I got one that was on the gas tank that got melted together


I’m having a king quad 500 FI do the same thing. Run for a hour or 2 and then shut off and not fire back up for a day or 2 then will fire back up and run fine for another hour or 2. Do you think this could be the cause? Thanks


Mine does this but has a normal cap with the hole


What if it’s doing the same thing but it’s fuel injected? I have a 2007 that’s runs for like 30 min then shuts off
