How to Use Black Seed Oil for Acne Scars, Eczema, and Wrinkles

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Black seed oil for skin. How to Use Black Seed Oil. Benefits of black Seed Oil. Is black seed oil good for you? What does black seed oil do?

The search to find the best black seed oil continues. So far I can rule it down to these two.

Zhou Organic Black Seed Oil

Prime Natural Black Seed Oil

✅ Biotin 8 mg Thorne

✅ Collagen Peptides 13 g Thorne

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Timestamps | Chapters

00:00 - Intro
0:54 - What is Black Seed Oil?
1:40 - 1st Skin Benefit
2:18 - 2nd Skin Benefit
2:57 - 3rd Skin Benefit
3:38 - How to Use Black Seed Oil?
4:22 - Best Blackseed Oil???
4:53 - Is it Safe?!

Black seed oil, otherwise known as black cumin seed, or nigella sativa, is regarded as a skin savior, being a gem in the skincare world. But its therapeutic benefits date back thousands of years ago.

What is black seed oil? Maju black seed oil.

Black seed oil is also called black caraway or fennel flower, it contains a diverse chemical composition and is rich in proteins, minerals, amino acids, and nigellone, which is a compound that has antihistaminic properties that may help with symptoms of allergies. More interestingly though, black seed oil contains thymoquinone, which is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that may also have tumor-reducing properties. And thymoquinone seems to be the main active ingredient in black seed oil.

Black seed oil for skin benefits. What is black seed oil good for?

Black seed oil for acne scars.
This is because it is packed with Vitamin A and amino acids. Black Seed oil helps to reduce acne scars since the anti-inflammatory properties of the oil reduces the appearance of spots, reducing the redness and scarring caused by skin inflammations around the scars. But also, the thymoquinone has been studied to increase not only antioxidant effects of the skin but also stimulate tissue growth which can help with the appearance of the scar sites.

Black seed oil for eczema. Is black seed oil good for you?

Black seed oil can help soothe eczema, which is characterized by dry and itchy skin. In a randomized controlled double blinded study in 2012, they took 60 patients, giving them an ointment with black seed oil, which turned out to be more effective in soothing eczema symptoms compared to a Eucerin ointment to as far as suggesting that the black seed oil ointment's effects may even be on par with Betamethasone cream, which is a type of corticosteroid that is meant to reduce the severity of hand eczema when applied topically twice a day for four weeks.

Black seed oil for wrinkles. Black seed oil uses.

And lastly, it may help with filling in those fine lines and wrinkles. This is because of the vitamins A, B, and C, which help the skin retain moisture, maintain elasticity, and fight the damaging free radicals that age you faster and make those fine lines even worse. And really black seed oil works great for all skin types. You even have The Calcium that's present in the oil to work with the epidermis to produce sebum - which is the natural skin coating substance to help with moisture. It is also rich in vitamin B9 or (Folic Acid) which is known to boost moisture and alleviate skin dryness by strengthening the skin-barrier function.

How to use black seed oil?

Make sure your face is properly cleansed first. If you have dry skin, massage only a few drops into your skin twice daily, morning and evening, let it get absorbed for about 15 minutes before applying other skincare products on top. But if you are more on the oily side, try using it once a day and build your way up as needed. If youre doing it at, as your nightime routine, go ahead and use it as the last step of your routine and leave it on overnight.

Is black seed oil safe?

Currently the FDA labels black seed oil as Generally Recognized as Safe. And as more and more research comes out about black seed oil, like for cancer, blood pressure, diabetes, weight loss and so much more. It becomes exciting to get to know more about it.

Black seed oil for memory

In the 2018 Human and Experimental Toxicology study, how black seed oil showed it 's ability to improve cognitive decline and how it could potentially ward off the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Dr. Arsalan Aspires has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

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Get: Zhou Organic Black Seed Oil ⬇

Get: Prime Natural Black Seed Oil ⬇

✅ Biotin 8 mg Thorne

✅ Collagen Peptides 13 g Thorne

📌 My Supplement Store⬇


My mom lost half her hair when she had Covid. After using the black seed oil orally for 4 months, she has a full head of hair and she is 78


I had unhealing sores on my arms. I rubb black seed oil on it & within 24 hours, the sore rash is beginning to finally heal. This stuff works fast


I have been using it from 4 years.. It's amazing.. Anti aging, glow, what nottt


I literally coat my face in the oil- let it soak in- DON'T USE ANYTHING OTHER! I also don't use facial cleanser at all anymore- I use a clean paper towel with organic black seed oil or castor oil and wipe face then rinse warm water. After I apply black seed oil liberally over wet face and let dry and sink in- AMAZING! LIFE CHANGING! AMAZING CLEAR CLEAN SKIN! YOU DO NOT NEED PRODUCTS WITH CHEMICALS AT ALL-


Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Use this Black Seed regularly, because it is a cure for every disease, except death.” [narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]


Not only do you provide useful information, but you also talk in a very relaxing way. Thankyou so much :)


I started taking a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil every morning..and I noticed that I had a toe fungus for years has disappeared..I’m on my third if it can do that imagine what else it has done.


I have oily acne-prone skin I suffered a lot of years I didn't find a solution for my problem I finally tried black seed oil and I see much improvement on my skin thank god acne has gone oily face has gone alhamdulilah


Prophet Muhammad said, "use black seed because it is a cure for every ailment except death."


This was clear and answered ALL my questions!!! Definitely subscribing! Thank you 🙏🏽


We love this video! It is important to remain consistent when taking black seed oil in order to really see the benefits. The taste can sometimes be difficult, though. Take the seed, organic oil, or try the vegan black seed oil gummies.


I love your zen delivery and your extensive research 🙏




Let’s talk thymoquinone for those new to BSO… and for the BSO connoisseur our TQ % and the subsequent breakdown of that. Our oil is tested to exceed 1% in its natural state. We do not add thymoquinone or adulterate our oil (which is unfortunately a practice of some suppliers in the industry, just like they do with the honey scam).
As I strolled the isles of a favorite health market recently I noticed the explosion of so many things “BSO”… and shaking my head, as the majority are crap… so here’s the skinny on the fat…
Helpful tips as you enter our world of BSO…
First, if it comes in a capsule, I’m personally tossing it in the trash. Next, if the Nigella Sativa seeds are not from one of the counties listed below, also in the trash. Lastly, aside from using our BSO, Roby would add actual Nigella Sativa seeds, ground them in a coffee bean grounder to fine powder and steep like tea and drink. (I’m not yet willing to ruin my tea or coffee with it, LOL…). It’s nasty tasting but the health benefits, well, are described in many NIH articles.
In the world of supplements, you want to ensure the products you are investing in are non-adulterated and have no added solvents or in the case of BSO added TQ.
Here’s what to look for, what to stay away from, and how to start using black seed oil. Note that I will not be talking about BSO in capsule form. I do not recommend these as it’s quite easy to hide an inferior product inside a capsule and the quantity of capsules one would have to consume would just be ridiculous when the oil is so readily available.
Be wary of cheap brands. And not all cheap brands are cheap in cost. So know what to look for before you buy.
Seed origin: High quality natural black seeds come from where they grow best...Middle East, Turkey, Sudan, Egypt, and India.
Oil extraction method: It should be Slow Cold Pressed. No heat should ever be used in the extraction, as it will evaporate the more volatile compounds that are crucial to the healing property of BSO. Even a cold press with a fast process can generate enough heat to volitize those compounds we are looking to preserve in a quality BSO. Any BSO that has a red color or bitter taste should be suspected to have been exposed to heat during the processing. Likewise, do not purchase any product that has undergone a chemical extraction process. Benzene and other chemicals can be added to the processing to improve the oil yield, but in the process contaminate the BSO product.
Purity: This speaks for itself. When you pay for black seed oil you expect to get black seed oil. Pure means 100% pressed oil of the Nigella sativia seeds, completely free from any additive. Walk away from any BSO that is not 100% BSO (Read labels carefully).
Quality: To gain the benefit of those healing compounds in the skin of the black seed, choose an unrefined/unfiltered BSO. Sometimes you can even see tiny solids in the oil.
Color/Viscosity: BSO color should always range from light to medium-darkish amber/olive color. It should never be red. It should never be black or as dark as molasses as an example. BSO may be a tad bit thicker than olive oil at normal room temps. It will tend to thicken in colder temperatures and even form solids in cold temps.
Storage: BSO should always be stored in a cool dark place. At our’s purchased as a 32oz bottle and I have several smaller glass amber bottles that I allotquot to so the I’m not opening the big bottle multiple times each day. It goes without saying, amber glass should be the best way to store BSO. But it can be hard to find a good BSO in a larger quantity in glass.
Cost: Purchasing BSO in larger quantities is certainly the most cost-effective way to go. I’ve seen prices go as high as $12/oz for 8oz. but if you use these guidelines as you shop and buy in the 32 oz will easily find a good quality BSO for around $2+ an ounce. We have three options; 8oz for $24, 16oz for $40 and 32 oz for $68
Dosing: Start slow....start with 1tsp twice a day and work up from there. Do not exceed 2TBSP unless you’ve consulted with someone who knows how to dose BSO. See helpful tips on how to get it down in the BALi Meal Planning and More Group…
For those looking for information on measurement conversion, generally speaking there is roughly 10g (10, 000mg) of nigella sativa in 2 teaspoons 1(tsp=5ml) of BSO. Again, roughly speaking. There are roughly 6 teaspoons in 30 ml. You will find sources made in the US that note 4, 600mg/5ml, etc. or 5, 000/10 ml, (be mindful of TQ% and processing method). Again, all measures of all oils are “general” and not exact thus it is vital to ensure you are using a quality product, made in a reliable process from appropriate seeds grown in a region listed above.
I’ll include the link to one of my favorite NIH articles on the phytochemistry of BSO.


I'm going to try it for my son's supportiva scars he's 19 on the Autism spectrum his scar tissue is in the groin area 😭😭😭 thank you NYC


Does black seed oil have any implications for gut health?
Great video❤ thanks


really appreciate your excellent delivery, simplification, and research! Your good helpful- attitude is well projected and appreciated!


Great for arthritis and lowering cholesterol…one teaspoon in morning on empty stomach should notice great results in few weeks.


ethiopian black seed (teffaul blackseed oil)oil is the best one i ever now like i have been using it for along time if any one wanted to buy i am happy to share this amazing product 🥰🥰😍😍🥰🥰
