8 Unexplained And Mysterious Places That Scientists Can't Explain

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8 unexplained and mysterious places that scientists can't explain. We take a look at 8 unexplained and mysterious places that scientists can't explain.

Over the years people have come forward with stories about mysterious location. These stories have baffled both the public and scientists. Recently there have been many strange discoveries in Antarctica. For example some people believe they have found objects such as stairs and pyramids. However researchers and scientists say there is nothing strange going on there...

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Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!
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I always loved Antarctica.. my favorite continent. I feel that it holds more than just snow and penguins.


To the guy who does the voice over. Your voice is so soothing, I just love listing to you . Please would you read a book to me. I listen to you just before I sleep. Great nights sleep so cheers.:)


“It was late at night and decided to go for a walk in the woods” 😂😂😂


Love these longer videos! Who’s with me?


When my son was 3yrs old he started talking about a long time ago when he was a grown up. He would tell detailed stories and talk about how much he missed his old parent's and family. He even told me one story where he was a doctor....a surgeon actually, and died in a car crash. He talked about the sports car he had, and he had been driving it too fast. So yes I do believe that reincarnation is possible. But it doesn't mix well with my religion (Catholic), so I keep those beliefs to myself.


One possible location that you missed for the possibility of Atlantis' location... "The Eye of the Sahara" look at the images of it and the surrounding place, and read Plato's description.


Man, these longer and more detailed videos are awesome. Thanks again! You rock!


I love it late at night i decided to go for a walk in the woods, why would you do that late at night i know i wouldn't do that. It is dark and creepy and you don't have a clue of what is out there.


It's taken me nearly an hour to watch this. im gonna get a sign made to stick outside my front door to say DND when im watching these videos 😂😂


I can't even remember what I did 2 days ago.


This has just got home to me, it's struck a chord inside me. I had recurring dreams about the temple built into the wall. I could describe it more in-depth as I grew into adulthood. However I found out it was the same place, " Jordan". I've never been to anywhere in that continent. Never studied it in anyway whatsoever. So I find it gob smacking that this gentleman had exactly the same memories, for the same place. I really do believe their is a web in time and space where we can tap into this information and know things that we could never know or understand in our present lives. I'm glad it's not only me is familiar with Jordan, without having no connections whatsoever.
Love and Light
Janice xx


I wouldn't say atlantis was on Antarctica but a definite sign of an ancient race or tribe of some civilisation was there but if so where are the bodies if any and which civilisation colonized Antarctica?


I have spent the night inside the waverly hills Santorum. and approximately an hour of which i was alone in room 502. Unmentioned but equally interesting, i walked the full length of the underground tunnel used to remove the deceased from the premisis. A 500 foot long tunnel at 45° angle went fron the sanitorium to the bottom of the hill. Originally intended to bring supplies up it was later used primarily for lowering gurnys to meet the local hearse instead of using the main entrance. That way the residents would not be aware of the frequency of deaths occuring on the premises. :)


I love seeing this on the weekend thank you!


Love the video! Keep up the good work friend👍🏻


And how do little girls peer out of windows if they have No Eyes ? Tell me that, first !


Atlantis was in Mauritania. Look up the Richat structure/eye of the Sahara. There are very compelling reasons as to why it's most likely where Atlantis was located. Most notably the amount of rings and their distance from each other are precisely what Plato described.


Every time I see a video wondering where Atlantis was, I can't help but imagine people hundreds of years from now trying to find the true location of Hogwarts.


Love your video sir please keep them coming you


and its a long 1 😍 and featuring our country wa hayyy 💚💙💚💙💚💙 thank you! Much love and appreciation xx
