15 Symptoms of Cptsd | Is Your Brain STILL Traumatized and 'Stuck?' FIND OUT

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John Bradshaw stated 'The best way to come out of hiding is to find a nonshaming intimate social network. We have to get on a core, gut level because shame is core, gut level stuff. The only way we can find out we were wrong about ourselves is to risk exposing ourselves to someone elses scrutiny. When we trust someone else and experience their love and acceptance, we begin to change our beliefs about ourselves.' THAT IS WHAT YOU WILL FIND IN THIS SCHOOL!!
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I went from the party thrower everyone wanted to hang out with to the isolated human hater. I am amazed at how many ppl are controlled affected and destroyed by narcissism. Climbing out of the abyss is difficult. I've conquered about half of these symptoms.


Why couldn’t I have had this video 20 yrs ago ... for those of us now middle-age who grew up in covert narc homes, we feel like we lost most of our lives without even knowing WHY .. so devastating. I hope the younger survivors don’t take their knowledge of narc. abuse for granted!


I think the biggest factor of c-ptsd is feeling like you are being coerced to be, feel or think in a way that you know is not in alignment with the real you! Its like trying to please or argue with somebody who's not even there! Inside of your own mind! I agree it is totally possible to rewire our brains back into unity with our true selves! A healthy, happy brain is not overwhelmed and wired into a place of fear and self-doubt!!!!


This is going to sound crazy, but in 2006 I had a near-death experience during which I saw a bright white light. The light informed me the truth about my family and how abusive they were to me. Apparently I blocked a lot of the abuse out, but once the light informed me of what happened I could literally feel my brain being healed and rewired so I could see and perceive things with intense clarity. I then realized how my brain was literally turned inside out by my narcissistic family.


This explains why I couldn’t focus on college while I was going through it. This actually explains so much. Thank you


Social anxiety for sure. I can only hold a conversation for so long before I start feeling drained. Being a hermit is comforting .


I love when you call us thrivers! Literally eating french fries with ice cream, but at least I’m thriving haha


Time does not heal all wounds. Narcissists say that because they want you to stay stuck in the mire of their abuse. I’m really glad you emphasize that in your videos. So often, you’ll hear the narcissist saying: “Oh, you’ll get over it. Time heals ALL wounds.” No it doesn’t. It just delays the healing process and keeps you IN the fog.


I have been isolating myself, any negativity I feel I push away. I feel guilty, alone, and confused. Social anxiety comes and goes. But I have all these symptoms.


- Emotional Triggers
- Hyperfocus
- Stuck in head
- Social Anxiety (always have been, just worse)
- Focus on details
- Dissociation
- Inner Critic
- Comparing myself with others
- Can't trust gut instinct (sometimes feel it's all good when it's not)
- Procrastination
- Shame
- Self-Abandonment

- Maximising Other's perspectives
- Self-Sabotage


I have just managed to escape a covert naracist. My alarm system has been on due to receiving text messages and letters from flying monkeys. I am relearning by memory piano pieces. I let events take their course and am content with myself as I am worthy and good enough. You set high barriers and find good friends who respect who you are. Keep your barriers high and leave the toxic people and past in the past.


I am definitely different now. I used to be more of a free spirit. Now, I will not even go over to a friend's house unless it is to help them work on something. If there is "fun" involved, I don't want any part of it. The anxiety goes through the roof.

I have to be in control now. So, even if a family member wants to drive me somewhere that we both agree on going, I cannot handle it. I drive separately. Just so I have an escape route.

I am not going to concern myself with changing. This is who I am now and it is much better than being with the ex. So, with all that, I am happy where I am now.


Yes, and the neck- and shoulder pain are signs as well! When you are alarmed all the time you keep your shoulders up, ready to take the hit, ready to protect yourself.


1~ I’m easily triggered and often
2` yes I’m hyper focused, it wares me out
3~ yes I’m remunerate
4~ social anxiety, hyper vigilant, I’ve stopped going out
5~ I learn something which is in my benefit for growth and like you say the next day it’s forgotten.
6~ yes I can’t sit with the feeling, I distract
7~ I dissociate most of the time
8~ oh yes I hear my inner critic, in fact we have arguments lol
9~ I constantly doubt my instincts
10~ procrastination is my second name
I was born into a war zone of domestic violence, I had 2 failed marriages, about 6 or so relationships, all with narcissistic men, my brain was re-wired from birth, I have had countless therapies and varies types, with no improvements. I’m 59 now and just about to give up hope. I like your videos, you know what your talking about, you get it! I have heard many people but you really understand what is actually going on within, thank you


I've been down this road twice; first as a child, then as a husband. I recovered from the childhood trauma with much effort. Then I got married and fell right into the same trap.

This is like a loss of self. Your brain clouds up and you become a robot, a slave. I always thought I was the odd one but now I see I was normal. I thought it was normal for people to try to dominate and control you. I always thought I was inferior.

The part about always being on edge is what piqued my interest. That is exactly how I feel. Chronic exposure to this abuse diminishes you as a person. It damages your personality. I pretty much avoid everything and crave only solitude and inner peace.

Both my father, and then my wife, would try to get me to lie to other people about who I was. There would always be extensive briefing before family or social events; say this, don't say that, etc. It was obvious they had both built complex webs of lies about, well, everything. It made me extremely uncomfortable. Besides, the real me wasn't so bad; but if I stepped out of character, the rebuke was absolutely terrible.

I love my cat and only my cat. She accepts me as is. Screw everybody else.


I can’t even put into words how amazing and relevant this is to my present situation. I’m trying to get my sister to understand she’s dealing with a malignant narcissist and her life will always be full of chaos if she stays with him. She’s with me right now and away from his clutches, so it’s a start, but this list describes her in every way. I will be sharing it with her! Thank you sooo so much!!!! 🙏🏼♥️. Ps. I divorced my narc in 2016, put a restraining order, then a permanent no contact and never spoke to him again. I never knew what he was. From 2007-2014 the gaslighting/crazy-making was horrendous. I was finally introduced to narcissism in 2014, realized it was NEVER going to change and got free and I’m one very happy gal!!! Stay strong survivors, there’s light on the other side!!! ✌🏼♥️


I recently figured out that my "friends & family" are almost all covert narcissist and I've healed a lot of my CPTSD and I also created a different way to diaspora NPD.


You're literally saving lives. I've had many narcissists in my life and a few psychopaths as well. Your videos are very insightful and helpful thank you.


Number 10. I used to be like this. I always needed validation before making decisions. Then I met a friend who brought this to my attention and we started working on me making my own decisions and feeling confident with my decisions.


After listenting to this, I draw the conclusion I have actually grown up in a narcissistic household! When I was in my 20ties I had all these symptoms.
