Let's Talk About Deviated Septum! Why Do You Need To Fix It?

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Dr. Philip Miller is double board-certified in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery as well as otolaryngology/head and neck surgery. Combining his expertise and skill with an artistic eye, Dr. Miller achieves incredible results for his patients.

#deviatedseptum #rhinoplasty
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My guy is like yo bro lemme just hold your septum for my tik tok 😂😂😂😂


Before I had this surgery I thought that I had a cold all of the time. The surgery did wonders for my breathing! Now, even years later, I'm athletic, I breathe easily, and my overall quality of life is 100% better! My ENT also diagnosed me with sinus allergies so an allergist MD desensitized those allergies. Before my nasal surgery, I couldn't exercise because I had too much trouble breathing and I was always congested. I had that surgery when I was 26. I'm now 67. I go 17 cycling miles every day and I seldom have a cold or congestion. If you need this surgery, I strongly recommend this life changing surgery!


I just found out today this a actual problem, i thought for the longest that it was just how my nose airways were and that i just couldn’t breathe out of one side of my nose, ill have to look into getting this procedure done to better my overall breathing and see what else ive been missing out on with the deviated septum


just a few hours of my post op surgery right now. The first four hours, I was regretting doing this, because you couldn’t drink, felt dizzy, etc.

5th hour later, a lot more livable, I hope I can breath better through my nose in the future


I don't know if it was from birth but when I was a kid someone pushed me so hard and my nose smashed on the leg of bench it caused a lot of pain and bleeding nd I can feel my septum is kinda shifted to one side shoud I get the surgery some time I feel so tired nd when I inhale hard I fell better..


Incredibly simple and the valuable information I was looking for thanks doc


Thank you for this video, it was so helpful for me. I think you have another one as well, also very helpful, thanks for the great info.

Just had septoplasty w/turbinate reduction done 8 days ago (Wednesday, August 09, 2023), and I’ll add that I also had 2 bones removed from upper/lower part of my nose. This was because of an enlarged bone spur in my nose. Here’s my experience, and hopefully it “might” be able to assist on your road to recovery, and what you might expect, I realize everyone’s experience is different due to your pain level, so this might give you a rough idea(s) or what to expect at least.

1st night I couldn’t sleep at all, I was up up all night, I hope and pray this doesn’t happen with you. It was strange but I was miserable due to my nose filling up with mucus when I tilted my head upright to sleep. Mucus started to increase around the packing in my nose every time I put my head in a slanted to upright position. Had to sit-up and let it drain all night. I’m assuming it had to do with the “minimal amount” of packing in my nose, thank God I was able to remove the packing 24hrs after surgery. It would’ve been torture for me to continue getting little to no sleep at all, I couldn’t have done another night or at least thank God I didn’t have to do another night.

Expect for an entire week to feel weak, tired, annoyed with just the whole process of it all, and with the pain of not being able to really blow your nose, and having a stint jammed in and up your nose for an entire week, and a majority of the time plan on being absolutely miserable, no joke. I’m not trying to be negative but it’s the honest to God truth, but the results after a week are most definitely worth it all. As if I need to really say this here, duuuh, be sure to take the pain meds prescribed to you or extra strength Tylenol, of course, you will need something for pain, which means you will get a prescription for pain. I had also received an antibiotic to take 3 times a day, 30 capsules. I decided to stop taking my prescribed pain med which was Hydrocodone - Acetamin 5-325mg (5% Hydrocodone and 325% Tylenol - Take 1 tablet every 4 hours). I had to end up stopping the prescription since it had Hydrocodone in it, and at night time I use melatonin to get to sleep, not good to mix the 2 together I was told. So instead I just started taking over the counter extra strength Tylenol. I was taking 2 - 500mg tabs every six hours (Your only allowed to take 6 tablets within a 24hr time frame, so I of course was popping 2 at a time at a 1, 000mg, it definitely helped a lot with the pain, and it’s annoyance.) Thankfully I didn’t experience any type of pounding kind of pain either in or outside my nose. When I say pounding I mean the physical kind of pain if you accidentally hit your finger with a hammer, not that you would ever accidentally hit your nose with a hammer. Maybe if you were hitting something too close, I know, shut up, right? The pain just came from all the cutting that had to be done, it was like a burning feeling, it wasn’t comfortable at all, and after 6 days just the annoyance and pain of a stint jammed in my nose as well.

As gross as it sounds, oh well, but get acquainted with your mucus, no boogers really, just lovely ole mucus. 😂 It sounds gross but I couldn’t tell you how many times I was trying to manually drain and get out as much mucus out of my nose with tissues or toilet paper. I’ve never picked my nose so much in my entire life, it didn’t matter, I could care less, any way just as long as I could get as much of it out of my nose as I could, but then again it will drain on its own a lot too, but for me not nearly as much as I was hoping it would. At times I was “gently” blowing, “gently” I’ll say it once more, “gently” blowing it out as well too, not that often if I could help it. My stints were stitched in, I’m not sure if they all are, there’s a few different types of stints. There will still be a lot of mucus left in your nose no matter how much you try and get it out. You just can’t blow your nose like you normally would though, no, NO. Oh yeah, get used to a dried up and crusty nose too, lovely, yep, absolutely miserable and annoying, oh how much fun, NOT! So this was mainly my miserable and annoying time spent was with having a plastic stint in my nose, so much mucus, dryness, and crusty, and not being able to blow my nose at all, oh so so much fun, yeah right, sure. Believe me after the 3rd day around my nose it looked as if I got punched several times in the nose because of all the dried up blood. Your probably going to laugh or chuckle at this one. I’ve seen on YouTube where people are given an elastic like band to put under your nose, it looked a lot more better, and probably felt a lot better than what I got 😂. I got a folded face mask to put under my nose, I know, right, don’t be so jealous😆. I couldn’t deal with it, not because of how it looked, I didn’t care about that, but only because it put way too much pressure beneath my nose causing the bottom of my nose to rub the stint in my nose, not good. So instead at night, at bedtime, I wouldn’t of course worn this out in public, but I wrapped a long length of gauze around my head with some more gauze under my nose. I’m sure some of you, probably a lot, are laughing at this point. It was actually a whole lot more comfortable than wrapping things around the ears, and also it gave me the freedom of how tight I wanted it to be, tied it in the back. Not something you would wear out in public unless you were just craving the attention and wanting everyone to know you had nose surgery. They would be thinking, “Yeah, brain surgery too with wearing that crazy thing out in public.” I told my wife I was going to come visit her at work with it on, she said, “No your not.” I then immediately thought, “Yep, your right.”

Thankfully I didn’t have any bleeding at all, just a whole lot of excess (from surgery) mixed in blood in most of the mucus, never a flow of blood though. I had no bruising at all, and with the natural eye you can’t tell whatsoever there’s any swelling. Now of course there is, and I nose my nose, I could tell a little bit by looking at it closely, but like I said nothing noticeable at all to another person. The wife and parents were quite surprised to not be able to notice anything.

The first 4 days (From after surgery, 3 days after) it was tough, but on the third day I did go out to breakfast and that evening dinner as well. Clean nose of course, and of course without the Dr. Doodle Wink gauze wrap around the head, but definitely brought a plastic bag of tissues as well. For at least 6 or 7 days you will be tired and weak, I’m assuming this might be from not being able to breathe out of your nose too much, less oxygen to the brain. I was a bit absent minded at times, not often, just at times, for some it might be more often than usual, don’t be alarmed. Other symptoms might include: Dry mouth, chaff lips, teeth (gums) sore at times (not bad, noticeable), and during the process of your nose healing it will tickle a lot inside your nose. That’s all I can remember for now, if I think of anything else I’ll be sure to add it as well, don’t fret, things will gradually come back to normal, other than your going to feel like you’ve got a “NEW” inner nose, which will be new and interesting for you, something I’m having to get used to.

Last but not least, this was very very helpful. Here’s how to sneeze/cough out of your mouth instead of your nose: To sneeze put both your middle finger and pointing finger together between your teeth, fingers not flat, but upright = like an equals sign, but together, both fingers pointing to the back of your mouth. This will prevent you from sneezing from out of your nose, only your mouth.

Hope some of this will help, if you have any questions feel free to ask, after the seventh question I will have to start charging you a consultation fee, joking. It’s worth it, especially if you had as much pain as I used to have, so worth it. Breathing now is like 👍 having literally a brand new nose, it’s very strange feeling, but great 😊, and it’s only been 8 days even, and with no more surf board (stint) in my nose either, NICE! 👍


Mine is just like this. Still undecided if I'll ever have it fixed


I like how he’s explaining deviations and then randomly pulls out an actual septum 😂


I had a deviated septum with enlarged turbinates. I had surgery to correct it and it’s made a world of difference. I can breathe so much better now and I no longer get frequent sinus infections.


I got a deviated septum from a nose break, and now I can just pop my nose to fix it if I ever get a stuffy nose


Waiting on my surgery - severely deviated septum that developed a septal spur blocking my nasal passage


I have a deviated septum and I may look into surgery because my breathing is horrible


I'll be going through this soon and being under is my biggest fear, I've heard horror stories about anesthesiologists screwing up somebody up bad...


I have never been able to breathe through my nose enough to not suffocate in gonna look into this thanks


A box landed on my nose and I have a deviated septum…that moment made me realize jobs ain’t worth selling my soul to..what did i get out of working well? Nothing at all..just this medical issue.


I think I might have something like this. Feels like I'm breathing through a straw no matter how clear of mucus my sinuses feel. I'm wondering if insurances like medicare cover this kind of thing.


My surgery happened Dec 7, and it’s now Dec 29th and my nose isn’t any better, my sinus on my upper forehead has a bulge in it and it hurts every day. My eyes hurt and I have tinnitus in my ears and their ringing really loud, and I feel oxygen deprived as my heart can’t keep up. I can’t focus at all. My inner nose hurts all the time. The best time for me is when I’m dead asleep cause I can’t feel anything on how fucked up I feel. I wish I never had this surgery done!
Bad choice, never do this surgery it’s gets only worse not better and your nose feels fucked up as well as your face! Your face never feels the same way again after the surgery. This surgery I did is going to fuck my life up for good and it to late now for me!
Don’t do this surgery it could save your life!
I’m about to think suicide is my best bet out of this fucking hell I ignorantly choose!


i have broken my nose and didnt get it reset on time so now my nasal bones are crooked, can this cause breathing difficulties too doctor? i do have a deviated septum now too and also my right nostril feel obstructed


If a deviated septum is NOT affecting your ability to breathe, how can it block your sinus drainage?
