Test Firestore Rules | Using Emulator Suite for Firebase | Firebase Suite @aseemwangoo #firebase

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This video demonstrates how to test firestore rules using the firebase emulator suite, announced in the Firebase Event in Madrid 2019...

* Test Firestore Rules | Using Emulator Suite *
This year, Firebase introduced changes into their Emulator Suite, which allows testing at ease….
Firebase Local Emulator Suite consists of individual Firebase service emulators built to mimic the behavior of Firebase services. This means you can connect your app directly to these emulators to perform integration testing or QA without touching production data.

For example, you could connect your app to the Firestore emulator to safely read and write documents in testing. These writes may trigger functions in the Cloud Functions emulator. However, your app will still continue to communicate with production Firebase services when emulators are not available or configured.

What’s supported…? As per the official Google Documentation,

Firebase Emulator Suite allows you to test your code with our core BaaS products in an interoperable way. The Cloud Functions emulator supports HTTP functions, callable functions, and background functions triggered by Firestore and Realtime Database; the Cloud Functions emulator does not support background functions triggered by Author Cloud Storage for Firebase. For Firestore and Realtime Database emulators, Security Rule's emulation is built-in.

Source Code :

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#firebase #testing #firestore
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I believe we need not deploy all time before you run test


Try to explain in detail please, whatever you did actually not helping me at all
