Using the Comfort Zone to Achieve a Continuous Learning Mindset | Eugenio Elizondo Perales | TF' 22

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Talk Takeaways:
- How to use the Comfort Zone in a proper way (“Comfort Zone” Initiative)
-Difference between the Comfort Zone, Procrastination, and Burn-Out
- How to do self-assessment to know where you are
- The attendee will leave the session whit the first draft of their road map to where to star
- Bonus some tips and tricks on how to avoid or get out of a Burn-Out State.
- Regarding points 3 & 4
- During the talk, the attendees are asked questions that they must answer personally. This does not take much time, which is perfect for not affecting the pace of the talk, and in the end, the attendees end up with their first road map in a very natural way. Later they will adjust by applying the concepts seen during the talk.
#TestFlix #SoftwareTesting #ComfortZone #ContinousLearning
About The Talk:
Our craft, has the wonder that we can NEVER run off thinks to learn, something new will always come out that we can learn to improve and evolve as testers we can continue improving our skills until the end of time.
Liked the Talks at TestFlix?
Check out our upcoming event Worqference, a workshop only testing conference, for more such learnings.
This video is of one of the Atomic Talks presented at #TestFlix- Global
Software #Testing Binge, 2022.
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TestFlix 2022 Proud Sponsors:
- How to use the Comfort Zone in a proper way (“Comfort Zone” Initiative)
-Difference between the Comfort Zone, Procrastination, and Burn-Out
- How to do self-assessment to know where you are
- The attendee will leave the session whit the first draft of their road map to where to star
- Bonus some tips and tricks on how to avoid or get out of a Burn-Out State.
- Regarding points 3 & 4
- During the talk, the attendees are asked questions that they must answer personally. This does not take much time, which is perfect for not affecting the pace of the talk, and in the end, the attendees end up with their first road map in a very natural way. Later they will adjust by applying the concepts seen during the talk.
#TestFlix #SoftwareTesting #ComfortZone #ContinousLearning
About The Talk:
Our craft, has the wonder that we can NEVER run off thinks to learn, something new will always come out that we can learn to improve and evolve as testers we can continue improving our skills until the end of time.
Liked the Talks at TestFlix?
Check out our upcoming event Worqference, a workshop only testing conference, for more such learnings.
This video is of one of the Atomic Talks presented at #TestFlix- Global
Software #Testing Binge, 2022.
TestFlix 2022 had:
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- 60 Atomic Talks
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- 6000+ Messages shared on Event chat
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