Beyond LDL-Cholesterol: These Culprits Drive Artery Plaque Build Up

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The mainstream medical community doubles down on LDL lowering as the main driver of heart disease. Lets explore more..

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-----------------------------------------Show Notes--------------------------------------

0:00 Intro
0:45 LDL's link with atherosclerosis is nuanced.
2:30 Initial damage to the arterial wall makes LDL levels problematic.
3:45 Increases risk of arterial wall damage: elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance/diabetes, smoking/vaping, obesity, elevated blood viscosity, consuming oxidizableoils.
8:40 High LDL and high triglycerides suggest insulin resistance and increased cardiovascular risk.
9:50 Start with diet and exercise together.
11:20 Statins have concerning side effects.
13:15 Plaque formation begins early in life.
13:50 High LDL is found in centenarians.
14:44 Centenarians are metabolically healthy.
15:40 Your liver makes LDL cholesterol.
16:10 Every cell in your body requires cholesterol.
18:00 Diets high in seed oils make your LDL more likely to be oxidized.
20:55 30-50% of people who have heart attacks have optimal serum cholesterol.
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There is so much useless reasearches and so many lies, If I didnt read The 21 Former Doctor Secrets by Rachel Morgan, I would be still believing in tons of nonsense from modern health industry


Over sixty years of research and all they have is still only hypotheses. The best they can say is that high LDL "associates with, " "is linked with" or "correlates with" based on questionable evidence. They cannot definitively say "causes." These hypotheses should have been discarded long ago.


What I have come to realise having dealt with many metabolically unhealthy people is this. Attempting to explain and educate on the underlying reasons for their predicament has limited value and tends to lead to selective understanding if not thorough misunderstanding. It’s sad seeing my 75 year old mother and father taken on a ride with the latest weight loss advice after decades of believing in every changing public health advice.

Best spend our energy encouraging the simplest health routine of clean water, whole foods, fresh produce, oily fish and lean cuts of meat. A daily prescription of waking up with the sun, walking outdoors for at least 30 minutes, deep breath work for stress and winding down with the moon.

When people have mastered that simple lifestyle they have done the best they can and deserve to focus on enjoying connections and experiences that this human experience offers. It’s amazing what falls into place when we stop worrying and start living with a little faith that everything will work out if we stay consistently grounded in basic healthy living

I do enjoy the nuts and bolts of our amazing human body. When things go wrong and we end up in hospital it’s surely a good time to catch up on the why of it all but otherwise no need to hyperfixate


Atherosclerosis is only found in the bends and bifurcations of the arteries, what these areas have in common is high pressure and turbulence.


There is no difference between the cholesterol in LDL, VLDL, and/or HDL. Cholesterol is not the problem. The difference is in the packaging (proteins). The medical community doesn't have a drug to directly address/treat the APOB, so they promote the fallacy that cholesterol is the problem. Every cell in our body needs cholesterol.


I'd like to tell you a bit about my own health and a rather surprising bit of it. I have always been overweight, right now, at 78 and 5'8" tall, I weigh about 235 pounds. I smoked from about 14 to 28, then I quit. I have high blood pressure and am type 2 diabetic. I walk a lot, but never as part of a health plan.
On the other hand, after had my tonsils out at five, I went 70 years without spending a night in a hospital. That ended when I had to have my gall bladder out at 75. (The doctor said it was "narley.")
Last year, I had a heart valve replaced. In preparation for that, , I had to have my heart imaged with a dye that was released in a coronary artery. There might have been six people in the room where this happened. After that was done, it seemed like all of them commented on the condition of my arteries. The first one asked me, "Who are you, the expert on clean living?" Another said my heart looked better than anyone over 45 they had seen. One person showed me a replay of the images, saying, "Look at this - there isn't any plaque." Finally, the doctor asked me, "How do you keep your heart so clean?"
It took me a week to figure that out. Finally, I realized that 15 years ago, I decided that since I would be eating alone and cooking for myself, I would be cooking a lot on the stovetop. That being the case, I decided to search the web to find out what the best oil is for sauteing. The result is that I have been using sesame oil for everything except salads, for which I use olive oil. Going back to the web, I found much of the same material I had seen before, which says that sesame oil can reduce plaque. I had used it almost exclusively for 15 years.


Because US foods are packed with added-sugar, we are building up Type B LDL from our childhood years. Even if you lower meat intake, your Type B LDL does not go down if you intake excessive sugar. Minimize added-sugar intake. Avoid Starbucks Frappuccino, drink black coffee, instead, for example.


Most people are low on potassium and low potassium radically increases blood pressure and blood viscosity. Mike, this is really important for people over age 40 regarding boosting potassium levels, as long as you have healthy kidneys


My LDL is 8 mmol/L, and 10.6 total. My great grandparents lived to 103 and 104. I wish I knew what their LDL was.


Low LDL is correlated with worse outcomes. Im carnivore and dont give af about my "higher" LDL when my HDL is high and my triglycerides are 0.x


Seems like LDL is more of a firefighter than an arsonist.


That is one of the best summaries about LDL I have ever heard. Keep up the great content. Important work. My cardiologist, bless his little cotton socks, knows nothing about any of the data you ran through and need a smack in the back of the head to wake up. I am a heart attack survivor twice over and cleaned up my act and got off Statins after a severe reaction with my muscles, ligaments and brain fog. I know you said older subject could have memory loss, and my pharmacist said the same. But I am only 53, so that blood/brain barrier did not stop Statins negatively affecting my brain function. Now that my synapsis is working, I think most on Statins would not know how much they were being affected till they got off it.


My total cholesterol is around 250 and my triglycerides are exactly at 50, and my doctor told me I needed to go on a statin.... I walk over 10, 000 steps a day, weight train, I am 80% carnivore 20% keto... There's literally nothing else I can do


Triglycerides HDL ratio is the most important thing. Once I got this under control, all my health issues improved dramatically...


Arthur Agaston now Supports the newer use of CCTA over the CAC - both show arteriosclerosis but CCTA shows how much plaque you're building, how much is fibrous, and how much has already calcified (which he agrees is less harmful). Recommend watching one of the Cleerly webinars in which Agaston discusses different patient cases - he doesn't just look at LDL and he doesn't just throw statins at them.


Great job, you are my favorite and more reliable source of information and inspiration! Thanks and greetings from France 🇫🇷


So, how do we get this into the corrupt doctors office?


Here's a ChatGPT summary:

- The LDL cumulative exposure hypothesis suggests that minimizing lifetime exposure to LDL cholesterol can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and related conditions.
- LDL cholesterol oxidation and infiltration into vascular endothelial tissue can lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque, which can cause strokes, heart attacks, and sudden cardiac death.
- Clinical conditions that exacerbate LDL's harmful effects include increased blood pressure, insulin resistance and diabetes, smoking and vaping, obesity, increased blood viscosity, and sedentary lifestyle.
- High levels of triglycerides and insulin resistance are indicators of metabolic syndrome, which can worsen the effects of high LDL cholesterol.
- Lifestyle changes such as a low-carb diet, regular exercise, and avoiding highly oxidizable polyunsaturated fatty acids can help manage LDL levels and improve overall health.
- Statins can reduce LDL cholesterol but may have side effects like insulin resistance, reduced coenzyme Q10 levels, and muscle issues.
- There is conflicting evidence about the role of LDL cholesterol in heart disease, with some studies suggesting that higher LDL levels may be associated with increased longevity.
- The relationship between LDL cholesterol and heart disease is complex and influenced by various factors, including diet, metabolic health, and genetic predispositions.
- Main message: The role of LDL cholesterol in heart disease is nuanced and influenced by multiple factors, including lifestyle and metabolic health, suggesting that a one-size-fits-all approach may not be effective.


Missing the essential ingredient of the issue. Which of the two types of LDL cause this problem. Large buoyant LDL are neutral to Cardio vascular. It is the small dense LDL which cause the atherosclerosis. Avoid all sugar and sources of sugar (carbs) and high LDL is not a problem. More important to watch triglycerides/hdl ratio.


25 years of 25 mg of simvastatin damaged by liver and drove my liver enzymes up. Now with low carb diet my LDL-C is at 112 after taking 5 mg of Rosuvastatin and i200 mg Berberine for 2 months, down from 177. Micro dosing and a supplement has worked for me. I hear that red yeast rice is good too. Too many doctors over prescribe statins.
