🔴The Truth about Cholesterol and Heart Disease - Dr Anthony Chaffee MD

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In my recent debate on Cholesterol with ACNEM, I made the case that we have completely gotten it wrong about cholesterol causing heart disease, as did my two colleagues, both cardiologists, Dr Aseem Malhotra and Dr Ross Walker. We won by 86% of the vote. In this talk I go through my arguments against cholesterol causing heart disease, and show the hard evidence to support my case. References are provided below to many of the studies mentioned, the others can be looked up by name and author given in the talk. Enjoy!


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Sugar industry cover up NPR

Sugar industry cover up, JAMA

How Ancel Keys brainwashed the world against meat and fat

Harvard Carnivore study, survey 2000+ people

Meta-analysis showing saturated fat is not a cardiovascular risk, but instead protective against stroke.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Volume 76, Issue 7, 18 August 2020, Pages 844-857

STATINS and atherosclerosis

Saturated fat does not cause heart disease, it is an inflammatory process. There is an inverse relationship between saturated fat consumption and heart disease.

LDL is good for you (Inverse association between LDL cholesterol and all cause and cardiovascular mortality in elderly) (1)

Excellent lecture on fat and cholesterol

Israeli study: humans were carnivorous apex predators for 2 million years

Are We Carnivores? (Dissertation)

Dr Michael Eades LCDU
Paleopathology and the ancient Egyptians

Ketogenic (Carnivore) diet for treatment of neurological disorders (eg Alzheimer's) and cancer

Ketogenic diets and cancer treatment

Cancer Treatment With the Ketogenic Diet: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Animal Studies

Dr Thomas Seyfried Cancer, mitochondria, and ketogenic diet and fasting in cancer treatment

#shorts #carnivore #keto #autoimmune #crohns #UC #rheumatoidarthritis #gout #heartdisease #cholesterol #diabetes #ulcerativecolitis
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🎯 Key points for quick navigation:

00:01:02 *🔄 The debate question: Dr. Anthony Chaffee explains that the debate was about whether our approach to cholesterol and heart disease needs to be rethought.*
00:01:46 *📜 Historical context: The 1977 USDA recommendations to eat less fat and cholesterol were based on studies funded by the sugar industry, not on sound science.*
00:02:01 *🚫 False premise: The belief that cholesterol is a marker or cause of heart disease is based on fraudulent research, making the entire premise incorrect.*
00:03:12 *🧾 Lack of evidence: Dr. Chaffee asserts that there is no high-level evidence showing a correlation between cholesterol and heart disease.*
00:03:41 *💸 Industry manipulation: The sugar industry paid Harvard professors to falsify data, making it seem like cholesterol was the cause of heart disease.*
00:05:16 *📊 Diet changes backfired: After the 1977 recommendations, heart disease rates tripled in the U.S., contradicting the idea that reducing cholesterol and fat improves heart health.*
00:07:07 *🧪 Framingham study misrepresentation: The American Heart Association misrepresented the results of a major study, falsely claiming that lower cholesterol reduces heart disease risk.*
00:09:00 *❌ Contradictory findings: Studies show that half of people with heart attacks had low LDL cholesterol, challenging the idea that lowering cholesterol reduces heart disease risk.*
00:10:06 *🛡️ Cholesterol as protective: Evidence suggests that higher cholesterol may actually be protective, reducing rates of infection and cancer.*
00:13:19 *⚖️ Impact of sugar and carbs: High blood sugar and fructose, rather than cholesterol, are the main drivers of heart disease due to their role in inflammation.*
00:15:10 *🧬 Polyunsaturated fats problem: Replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats may reduce cholesterol but increases heart disease risk.*
00:18:11 *📉 Study findings: Large studies post-2015 have shown no correlation or an inverse correlation between LDL cholesterol and heart disease.*
00:21:24 *🧪 Statin limitations: Long-term use of statins, intended to reduce cholesterol, only extends life expectancy by a few days, questioning their overall benefit.*
00:23:24 *💔 Omega-3s and heart health: Higher Omega-3 levels significantly reduce the risk of cardiac events and death, showing the importance of maintaining the right balance of fatty acids.*
00:24:06 *⚠️ Risks of replacing saturated fats: Replacing saturated fats with linoleic acid may reduce cholesterol but increases the risk of cardiac death.*
00:24:33 *🧠 Saturated fats protective: A 2020 meta-analysis found that saturated fats are not a cardiovascular risk and may even protect against stroke.*
00:25:42 *🚫 Statin inefficacy in the elderly: A study of 60, 000 people over 65 found that statins provided little to no benefit and might even be harmful.*
00:26:09 *🩹 Statin side effects: Statins can cause muscle aches and potentially harm heart muscles due to the depletion of CoQ10, a vital nutrient for energy metabolism.*
00:27:07 *🔍 No LDL-heart disease link: A large literature review showed no or inverse association between LDL cholesterol and all-cause or cardiovascular mortality.*
00:28:29 *❌ Cholesterol hypothesis failure: The cholesterol hypothesis fails to meet the Bradford Hill criteria for causation, relying on misleading statistics and cherry-picked data.*
00:29:11 *🔄 Reconsidering cholesterol: Dr. Chaffee argues that cholesterol was never the real issue and that the focus should shift to reducing sugar and carbohydrates.*
00:30:55 *📈 Sugar's role in heart disease: The significant increase in heart disease over the past 40 years is linked to increased sugar and carbohydrate consumption.*
00:31:49 *🍽️ Species-appropriate diet: Dr. Chaffee emphasizes that a diet free of carbohydrates, sugar, and alcohol naturally leads to healthy cholesterol levels.*

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My daughter is a RN and thinks I and my wife have lost our minds. Yet we've both lost over 60lbs each. We've been low carb since Sept 2019. We can't get anyone in our family to even watch any video we share. It's so sad to see how brainwashed people are to believe the lies doctors have been telling for years. Most doctors don't even know the truth about low carb and saturated fats. We have been migrating to carnivore more and more and feeling the positive effects. Thank you Dr. Chaffee. Keep up the great work you are doing!


I'm a physician who treats diabetic and amputates limbs. I was an exercise addict and ate low fat fruits vegies all life. I became diabetic 15 years ago and I was an individual that should not have any illness. I decided to try keto. My labs all normalized and any trace of diabetes gone. I've been recommending this to patients for at least 10 years. Ive always checked labs and they always normalize. I'm 61 with normal labs. That statement out weighs any lab or research study on the planet.


Been carnivore for a year. Recent lipid panel showed total cholesterol of 288, HDL 62, triglycerides 52. Dr said I was a candidate for a statin, I told her I’m a candidate for a new dr. 😂


My doctor is very annoyed with me for going carnivore and refusing to try statins ever again! I tried 3 brands at his behest before I found the keto/ketovore/now nearly zero carb way 18 months ago. And since then I've gotten off my diabetic meds, halved my blood pressure meds, am fixing the fatty liver and the insulin resistance, and working to reverse damage to muscles, joints, and connective tissues. I'm 71 now, and perhaps I will make it to 120 after all! Love your videos, Dr. Chaffee!


"The problem is they did listen to doctors and stopped eating meat and fat." 😆😆 While I'm listening to a doctor!🤣 I gave up on doctors and the medical system a long time ago. Doctors like you, Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Shawn Baker have restored my faith, atleast in y'all. 😉


Those "people" that lied and paid the professors to release that fake information should be tried for crimes against humanity. They ruined so many lives.


I'm a disabled type2 diabetic in my 60's with a weight problem. I had given up the 'white stuff' (pizza, pasta, rice, bread, potatoes) years ago. Yet my diabetes and weight got progressively worse. Beginning of 2022 I started ketogenic diet. Didn't lose much weight so I went ketovore & stopped most vegetables and fruit. Have lost over 70lbs & no longer take insulin. I did not take statins because of the terrible muscle pain they caused. Most recent labs were all improved. My dr said 'you are healing yourself'
PS I did not ask my dr's permission to start my ketovore way of eating, I just did it.


This kind of information makes me so angry! My life could’ve been better if I had known this long ago! My father was a doctor and my mother was a nurse. Have 6 brothers and four sisters and most are in the medical profession. Surgeons and nurses! I have been sick for so long! Thank you Dr. Chaffee! I am on a proper human diet now and trying to fix myself, it’s working slowly, but it’s working!


After listening to this I strictly started the carnivore diet. Currently, I am one week into it today. I have already noticed that I am no longer bloating, and I have leaned up. I have lost 8 lbs already. I have become more energetic, I have way less pain (inflammation), and I am just not as hungry, I tend to stay more satisfied longer. I will throw out there something that I am assuming everyone who starts this diet should be aware of...withdrawals! The worst I have ever experienced. I already knew sugar was bad but dang! For about 5 days I had the worst withdrawals from sugars! I made it through however, it was no picnic. You can't believe how addictive that stuff is until you stop ingesting it. Stunning really. Thanks for all of your time, knowledge, efforts, and facts! Keep up the great work Doc!


My son got a vaccine injury and can’t walk. I’ve started the carnivore diet in him and I already see a slight change in his behavior. Thank you. I think he’ll recover. God first !


Cholesterol is not the enemy, sugar is the true enemy. Thanks for this eyeopening video, Dr.!


I’ve been doing Carnivore for two months after stalling out on keto. I was finding I was still having blood sugar issues on keto. After two months the change is noticeable! I’m not doing this for weight, but I have noticed I’m developing a six pack, and as a mom of two, I’m loving it! They just tell you that’s not possible because you’re a woman! Well, I don’t have a gym membership and I’m still seeing it. I’m sure that’s all the protein. My bones feel stronger, my colon is fine (even better than I anticipated), I’ve gained muscle but lost weight, I sleep better, my moods are more stable...
I am working on a naturopathic doctoral degree and now I want my focus to be the Carnivore Diet. I think everyone should try it for 30 days. I will not go back!


Spent the last 8 years researching heart disease and cholesterol as clinical lead for a chronic disease company (RediCare Control) and this is - by far - the best 30 minute summary of cholesterols role (lack thereof) in heart disease. Superb job man. Love to have you on our podcast some time. Keep up the great work Anthony.


I am from Australia and my GP told me I had dangerously high cholesterol scores and it was crucial for me to be on statins. Being aware of the side effects, I told her I would think about it. As far as she is concerned 3 years later I am still thinking as I have not been back to her and have no intention of doing so.


I needed to hear this! My mother died at the age of 53- 28 years ago. My whole family blamed her cholesterol & is convinced she had a heart attack. I know her triglycerides were thru the roof as she ate crap & was a huge yo-yo dieter. I have 3 sisters that are all over weight & are on some medication. I'm the only one that is not on a medication, stays active & tries to eat healthy. I stared Carnivore in October & at Thanksgiving they all threw a fit as I was only eating turkey & ham. I have always had plenty of energy & I lift weights 4 times a week but they want to see my bloodwork when it's been 6 months as they all wonder if I will die before then. UGH!!!! This video just re-enforces me on this journey but if I die before one of them- even via car accident- I'm going to be pissed!!! LOL LOL ❤ your videos!!!!


My dad lived until he was 93 he ate full fat foods all his life and swore by cooking using only beef dripping. He ate red meat almost every day. My mother is still alive and she too is 93 and has always eaten meat butter and high fats, both of them always kept their weight normal. I remember my dad telling me years ago to ditch all the so called healthy low fat foods and that’s what I did.


After watching your videos I've started the zero carb, full carnivore diet. I've had some ongoing problems with health but my main reason is that my gran grandmother and her daughter and her daughter (which was my mother) all had and died from breast cancer and whole my life I'm trying to exercise and eat healthy. So the problem with my health started with the job that I currently work (which is highly physically heavy and demanding) where my colleges constantly was trying to convince me that eating a lot of meat is bad for me, even though i was raised eating a lot of meat and was always very lean and strong as child, but now living with my husband and being long hours with my colleagues stared to eat less and less protein thinking that "maybe" is not that good and I gained 33 pounds in few years and a lot of health issues. Now only one month in carnivore I drop down 17.6 pounds and feeling almost back to my old self.
Thank you for sharing the knowledge! 🙏🏻


I am a pathologist and agree with you 100%


These mini-lectures that you do are among the most educational and valuable things on YouTube. Thank you and please keep doing them!
