Top 10 good personality traits.Some good personality characteristics for a good a life #personality

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There are times when you’d feel like a bad person.

Perhaps you often get into arguments, or people say you’re too snobby.

Well, I’m here to tell you that these things do not say anything about how “good” or “bad” a person is.
. You know how to keep your word
You might not have a smile on your face all the time or throw money at all the charities you could afford to support… but when you make a promise, you keep your word.

When you say that you’re going somewhere at 10, you WILL be there at 10 sharp.

You might find your nephew annoying, but you will show up to babysit him if you promised to.

You hate to disappoint people, and breaking people’s trust is the last thing you want to do.

Ultimately, this just shows you respect and care about other people a lot… even if you don’t put any effort into looking like a nice person.

2. You don’t want to be a burden to others
You try to carry your own weight.

If you’re over the age of 18, you know you are your own responsibility and no-one else’s.

Instead, I will list down the definitive traits of a truly good person. I’m sure you can see most—if not all—of these traits in yourself.
3. You’re tolerant of differences
You are not immune to getting into debates and even raising your voice from time to time.

That’s understandable. It can be incredibly frustrating sometimes talking to someone with a fundamentally different background from you.

But at the end of the day, you know we all deserve respect. Besides, it’s quite possible that you might be wrong or, at least, they might be partially correct.

So instead of ending friendships over differences, you instead decide to tolerate them and even try to understand their point of view.

4. You try to be the bigger person
It’s not easy always being the more mature person in the room. There are times when even YOU would find yourself tempted to stoop to their level and fight fire with fire.

There would be that part deep inside of you that would go “why do I have to always be the understanding one?”

And your response to that would be that an eye for an eye makes the world go blind.

So instead of stooping to their level, you either keep on holding the high ground or leave if you see that continuing to engage with them will accomplish nothing.

5. It’s easy for you to forgive
You’re not perfect, and you don’t expect others to be either.

In fact, you expect them to be loaded with flaws so anything “bad” that they do doesn’t surprise you.

Because of this, it’s so easy for you to forgive. And of course, you don’t hold grudges.

You’re not a doormat—to forgive is not necessarily to forget. But you do know that forgiveness is one of the best gifts you can offer another person to put their heart at ease.
6. You don’t think twice about helping someone in need
You see an old man struggling with his groceries, and the first thing to come to your mind is to help him out. So you go to him and ask him if he would like some help.
#traits #goodhabits #personaldevelopment
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