How to Blend Datasources Together in Tableau
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How do you blend data sources in tableau I have two data sources in Tableau that I'd like to use together I have population data so I have regions with their population and I have sales data I have regions with their sales in Tableau you don't want to join many too many data here's how you know if your data is considered many to many in my sales data region has multiple records for South so that's many population also has many records for East many records for north and many records were South so in this case three records were South so more than one before we go to Tableau let's look at a reason why you wouldn't use blending if you have a data source with one record for each of the key then you'd want to use a join instead of a blend in my leaders data I have South only once and I have West only once in that case you can use a joint
In Tableau when we're blending data together we're going to want to create two data sources click on data new data source I'm going to connect to excel and click on joins and open bring in the first part of your data is going to be sales in my case
And navigate back to the sheet now I have sales from the joins table in tableau I'm going to add a second data source Microsoft Excel again joins again I'm going to bring in our population data
Navigate back to the sheet and I have both data sources let's start by dragging in region from sales onto rows
And sales onto text
You can see that South sales is 1900 and West sales is 3 700. If I try to bring in my population data we'll click on the population data source clear out my search and i'll bring in population onto text as well you can see I get an orange check mark let's clear out my search and see what Tableau did by default Tableau Blended on region there's a paper clip that is orange at least one field must be Blended on in this case region was exactly spelled the same in each data source so Tableau picked it up if I don't have this paper clip clipped I'm going to get the full population not split by region also notice the blue and orange dots on top blue is on the sales data source we have a blue check mark that tells you that it's the primary data source population is colored orange that tells you it's the Blended data source blending back on by clicking the paper clip next to region if I wanted to blend on a different field I would click on data edit blend relationships and let's set the relationship between sales joins and population joins in this case Tableau picked up region by itself but I could have manually set the blend based on a different field
And that's blending in Tableau hope this helps