Age of Accountability Refuted With ONE VERSE

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#reformedtheology #bible #debate

A response to the arminian / provisionist / open theist idea of an age of accountability

it's a doctrine they come up with to help them deny Original Sin of Romans 5

@Soteriology101 @IdolKiller @AKRichardson

this is an emotionally driven doctrine with no biblical support whatsoever. Why are Calvinists the only ones who let the Bible speak for itself?

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Five Solas

Saved by Grace through Faith in Christ according to the scriptures for the glory of God Alone

Doctrines of Grace:

Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints

Proposing a new 7-Point acronym for the Doctrines of Grace that explains itself better and more easily leads into scripture

B.O.N.D.A.G.E. - Because we are born in bondage to sin and must be born again, set free by Christ

Balanced Holiness of God
(Romans 9, Proverbs 6, Romans 12 - God is not only love, grace and mercy. Holiness also includes wrath and divine judgment)

Omnipotent Sovereignty
(Isaiah 46, Ephesians 1, Genesis 50, Acts 4 - God declared the end from the beginning, and works all things according to the counsel of his will for the praise of his glorious grace)

Nontemporal Election
(2 Timothy 1, Ephesians 1, Romans 8 - Salvation was given to us in Christ before time began, election is outside of time and unmerited.)

Dead in Sin
(Romans 5, Ephesians 2, John 8 - Spiritually dead in sins, resulting in moral bondage of the will through Adam)

Actual Atonement
(Matthew 1, Hebrews 7, Isaiah 7:14, John 6 - Christ actually atones for the sins of his people, those who the Father has given him and will by no means lose even one.)

Gracious Reconciliation
(Ephesians 2, Romans 3, 2 Cor 5, 2 Tim 2 - Reconciliation is a gift from God that includes the reception of faith and repentance. Christ's blood purchases this gift on our behalf)

Emancipation by Regeneration
(John 8, Romans 6, John 3, Titus 3, Ezekiel 36, Ephesians 2 - We are set free from bondage to sin by Christ, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who makes us into a new creation and we become slaves of righteousness.
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Plot twist, everyone is liars and evil from the womb.


This does open the obvious question for the Flowersites if they are really Openness Theologians hiding as evangelicals if their God doesn't know the thoughts & intents of the heart.


Flowers always mocks and scoffs at scripture he doesn’t like!!

Psalm 1…😮


Babies will make you think they are dying when they feel the first inkling of hunger or when they want you to pick them up, when they want something, they want it now.They enter this world with boss wrote all over them 😅


Sadly, they wave their hand at this verse like they do many others. Watch my debate with JP. He just said "Do you really think babies lie?" He didn't even address the fact that it says they are estranged from the womb. Then they have the audacity of calling King David's mother a whore when dealing with Psalm 51:5. It is sad man. It really is.


Bro. He lets the chess speak for itself. 💯


I love how it ended! Couldn’t help chuckling. Gonna watch it again. 🕊️🙏🏻 keep up the good work - there’s always room for growth, but whatever we give to God becomes glorious because of its purpose. The editing’s so smooth I only notice the text fly in versus appear when I pay intentional attention. That, I think, is a sign that it’s really effective at doing its job, as a tool and not a spectacle.


Psalms 22:10
I have been dependent on you since birth;
from the time I came out of my mother’s womb you have been my God.

Deuteronomy 1:39
39 Also, your infants, who you thought would die on the way, and your children, who as yet do not know good from bad, will go there; I will give them the land and they will possess it.


By nature we are sinful creatures at birth. The question is whether we should delineate self-awareness/accountability with sinful choices. In Romans 1:20 Gods nature has been shown to everyone and those are reject it are without “excuse” for accountability


This is such a grasp because the verse says babies speak lies but we don’t see or hear of talking babies out the’s hyperbole..


But are their lies counted against them at that age?


That doesn't really address the "age of accountability" argument though (a more accurate term is LEVEL of accountability).
What you did was prove that humans are sinful the second they are born. Level of accountability argument just says that although babies and small children are sinful, God doesn't hold them ACCOUNTABLE for their sins. For scriptural and theological proof of this, I recommend the video "Great news: babies who die go to Heaven!", by the channel Wretched.


Hey Rogue Calvinist. I’ve been exposed to some of your content, and strongly appreciate your stance on reformed theology. I would love to interview you concerning hyper-charismaticism, false teachers, and false theology. If that’s something you would be interested in, just message back. And if not, God bless. 🤟


According to Jesus, EVERY child born has an angel in heaven in the Presence of the Father (Matt 18:10), so not one child has been chosen to be eternally lost.
And Jesus said there WILL BE (future) angels rejoicing in Heaven EVERY TIME (continual individual events over time) that a sinner is CONVERTED (by the Gospel) and BECOMES (future) like a little child – meaning a sinner is REBORN, like an innocent sinless child, and brought to life at the time of conversion (BELIEF in Christ), and not before.
(I heard the pandemonium of praise for three days and three nights, beginning the moment I was saved)?

Matthew 18:10 LSB
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that *_their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father_* who is in heaven.

Matthew 18:2-3, 6 LSB
And He called a child to Himself and set him before them,
[3] and said, “Truly I say to you, *_unless you are CONVERTED and BECOME like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven._*
[6] but whoever causes one of *_these little ones WHO BELIEVE IN ME_* to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea.

Luke 15:7 NASB95
I tell you that in the same way, *_there WILL BE more joy in heaven over one SINNER WHO REPENTS_* than over ninety-nine righteous persons WHO need no repentance.


This is a prayer for the punishment of the wicked.


Are you really making doctrinal statements from poetic passages like the Psalms? This is terrible hermeneutics.


I tune in every now and then, to hear pop-Calvinists like RC make interpretive claims that makes atheism more attractive. This is the sort of interpretive wooden-literalism that makes the bible sound wildly absurd. What continues to plague RCs alleged defenses of Reformed theology is to make wild assertions void of any epistemic justification. Take for instance the claim that when babies coo, although RC, as he prefaces, cannot understand what they are saying, he defaults to divine omniscience alleging that God *knows* what babies are saying, i.e., “lies.” Does RC provide any biological or neonatology evidence that a baby’s coo has meaningful propositional content? Of course he does not! It’s wildly ad hoc in order to desperately support a reading that panders to his autonomous tradition.

Simply put, as Adam Hardwood, and so many have compellingly argued, David in Ps 51 is speaking to the *pervasiveness* of sin. David’s autobiographical statement is a poetic way of describing how pervasive sin is, that is, there was never a time he was without sin. RC simply either ignore or is ignorant of the genre of the psalter—using hyperbolic reframes to illustrate a point.

Revelation 7:1 talks about “the four corners of the earth.”

If we take RCs infantile-like reading of scripture, his take of PS 51 is no more compelling, any more than reading Rev 7:1 and simply regurgitating - a la wooden literally - ‘FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH’ - and concluding the earth is flat.

RC continues to provide good reasons that TULIP is indefensible.


So babies go to hell? Babies have no concept of right or wrong and don’t have the ability to repent or understand the gospel message at that age. If babies are born “speaking lies” then what about when they’re still in the womb? A baby that was just conceived 2 weeks ago and is no bigger than the size of a pinhead is going to hell if the mother has an abortion?
I just don’t understand how you can believe something like that.
No where in scripture does it say that babies go to hell. Please find a passage in scripture outside of psalms that proves that babies go to hell, preferably something from the New Testament.


Calvinists seem to pick and choose what verses they take literally, in psalms 51:4 David speaking to God said 'against you and you alone have I sinned' so I guess calvinists must believe that David only sinned against God and not against his fellow man, right? its a psalm, its not doctrine, it also says 'their venom is like the venom of a snake' so I guess liars have venom like a snake now? if you think babies somehow know good from evil then explain why in Deuteronomy 1:39 the little ones, not babies, didn't know good from evil? 'And the little ones you said would become captives, your children who on that day did not know good from evil, will enter the land that I will give them, and they will possess it'
