5 Uncommon POETRY TIPS to Instantly Write BETTER POEMS

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So you want to write better poems, huh? Well, good; these 5 uncommon poetry tips will help you improve your poems instantly. Get comfy and learn how to write good poetry by using some less known poetry techniques from masters like Matsuo Basho, William Carlos Williams, and T.S. Eliot.

Small Infinities, a literary collection of poetry and prose


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In my opinion, the best way to write poetry, don’t think at first, just start writing, an emotion or feeling will uncover itself and then you can hone in on that feeling or emotion. Never say the emotion you’re thinking about, you can say something like “the birds sing their sorrowful tune”, but never ever state what feeling you have while writing the poem, it constricts it and most of the time it will cause people to not think for themselves and develop their own emotions about the poem. I always write on paper with a trusted fountain pen because that feels the best, but that’s a personal preference. You can write however you like, but I always prefer to have a physical copy in my hand before I put it into an online document. Another thing, it’s a personal preference; however, I prefer not to rhyme and keep it without any given classical format, keep it without rhymes and free form, in my opinion, rhyming every end of every line is rather childish, but to each his own.


My process and suggestions:
1. Write, write, write and write. Eventually will be instinctive and you will feel the need to write.
2. Don't overthink, just write
3. Don't bother with rules and rhymes, just improve de text later
4. Don't judge your quality. Sure you will write bad or boring stuff, but the gems will appear. Poetry it's mining, metal smithing, wood carving, sculpturing, painting.
5. Don't expect to be inspired. Deep inspiration it's rare, but great things can come from the ordinary. Specially inspiration itself.


As the sun sets
And as flowers bloom
As the winds blow
Set a time for doom
Things may be bright
Yet again who knows
The brightest angels
Have bitter flaws
As fire spreads
And as volcanoes erupt
As the ravens scream
This love may not corrupt
Not a single wicked scheme
Has ever been seen
In the hearts of most wicked
Love has been

I don't even know about this poem i wrote


As soon as you said illuminati I know you're watching I subscribed


A little acrostic poem (raindrop):

Resting on a leaf
And going on its final water-slide ride
Into the abyss of air.
Never saved, never interjected;
Doomed, oblivious to doom.
Rescued by a thought:
Over there will stretch a twig
Pulling me up again.


I wouldn't mind having him as my English teacher.


To add to your first point, poems that have many images and ideas can synthesise it all together to have one cohesive main idea. For example, roads, cars, spaceships and stars to illustrate the idea of aimlessness: travel without a destination. Although there are many images, they're not in isolation.


Raindrops on a window seal
A library at night
I yearn for what once was
And fear what might
I stumble and stutter
Trance-like down the hall
Led by the candle's light
And the voices?
They squall.
With a feeling inside me,
I can't help but wonder
Who else might be with me
Feeling this thunder?
It comes like a wave
It roars and it wanes
It's no ordinary feeling
It's a most desperate pain.
It yearns and it hungers
For even a piece of that day
A day that is perfect
In every way.
I know that this day can't happen again,
But I yearn for it anew
Like a chick for it's hen.
If ever there was a joy,
So terrible, so far
It's the joy of hiraeth,
As you remember what's gone


I'm 16 and I write poetry started at age 9 till now I'm still going Imma publish a book one day
My advice is just take a pen and paper no need to think nature will do the rest


Incredibly watchable video... Easy on the eyes, easy on the ears, but HARD ON KNOWLEDGE. I like it. One thing however is that good poetry can exist without tension. In those cases the iceberg ratios are flipped, but the words need to be so on point that they can support the poem on their own, either through humour or sexiness.
I would've liked to see the Volta talked about, or "the turn" as some call it... The point in a poem that indicates a dramatic shift in theme E.G happy to sad or perhaps a stark revelation. This adds dimension to the poem, and goes hand in hand with tension.
Great work <3


I almost never comment on videos but I want to say that you did a great job and I can't wait to see new stuff!


Been writting poems since I was a kid and learned these things from reading published poets. Well I've been published but nothing major. This is great information.


You may not see my lips move
Yet I almost scream my heart out
Yelling & longing to be heard
Yet yielding no audience at all
Not that my voice wasn't Loud enough;
Just that it was all an act in my mind.
Yours truly, Me!


A million
A million reactions
A million thoughts
A million aches
A million questions
A million emotions
A million sensations
A million pains
A minute in my head has a million thoughts



Maybe I was born to be alone.
To be in a corner in which I call home.
Dark as it may seem, it feels so comforting.
The remedy of my illness is unknown, I'm still searching.
I feel no sadness, no emotions inside.
My heart seems to be void with feelings aside.

I stay.
I sit on my bed while my mind is astray.
My notions are on a sick twist, you don't need to know.
The things I have in mind is more vigorous than horror shows.
Its eating me up, it can never be full.
Not until it gnaws my being as a whole.
Demons? They ain't real.
Just a bunch of delusions.
Though I believe the real demon is inside me, causing illusions.

Yes, that's what I feel.
That's what I am, that's how I had lived.
Soon I won't be, ain't gonna be lonely.
For in the grave, thousands of bones are beside me.
Happy, yes you will be soon.
If I rest for eternity, I'd escape all the gloom.
Crestfallen being, that's how I was known.
Might as well also accept if I die in forlorn.


I've been writing love and sad poems since like the 8th grade. I'm 23 years now and I still have the tendency to go off topic and make it suuuuper long. I should've taken a creative writing class 😔


I only started writing poetry seriously last august when I started my first college poetry course and immediately switched my major (from just fiction to poetry so not a huge jump) when I found how much I loved it. I would sometimes write poems to vent, but the class I took allowed me to see how I could make those into something actually worth a read (by someone other than myself). Bc enrollment is down, they’ve cut the class I would be taking in the fall (so I have to do it in the spring) so I’ve been trying to find ways to continue to grow my skill. I think this was really helpful! It reminded me of some tactics I know but still need to practice and gave me new ones! Thanks so much!


Where has this channel been in my life


My God. The amount of effort and thought put into this video for a concise explaination is ASTOUNDING. Thank you so much! How does this have so few liikes?


Hi there! I am a Filipino Poet by Heart and starting my career in making Spoken Word Poetries. This video is very helpful to me and I learned a lot from this even in a short period of time. Imitation, Adaptation to Transformation but we should still be the Original. Thank you so much for this video. :)
